4 injured after Cowboys' practice bubble collapses | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

4 injured after Cowboys' practice bubble collapses

This was an unfortunate incident. Aside from the one comment, I would like to thank everyone here for not making jokes at the expense of those who were injured. 12 men were injured, the worst of which being Rich Behm, one of our scouts who is now paralyzed from the waist down at the age of 33. Joe DeCamillis has a fracture in his spine. I am willing to put what the team does on the field to the side to wish them and everyone the best of luck. In times like this, it takes people to realize that football is not the most important thing in the world. These are real people with families too. I would also like to thank fans of other teams who have come to our board to wish us luck, including Washington, Philadephia, and New York fans. I am very happy to see that football rivalries can be put aside to see what matters. Also, thank you to anyone here who has in one form or another extended their best wishes to those people. Thats what they need right now. Not best wishes extended to the Dallas Cowboys, but best wishes extended to the victim and the family. Good luck fin fans and hope you do well next season.
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