5 out of 7 "Experts" agree | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

5 out of 7 "Experts" agree

I had a better feeling about the bills game than the Giants as well. I was just sure they'd be 2-2 Before the BIlls game.
I agree with the sentiments above. We have to win at the LOS. I have no doubt that we can slow Barber. Heck, if we can stop Priest Holmes (and the league's top OL), we can stop anybody. But we have to get to Collins. IMO, the coverage against Shockey is also crucial. If we're getting to Collins, he's going to be looking for Shockey to dump it off.
Originally posted by dolfan87
Mark my words right now, if people are saying that the Giants secondary is weak, look for Fiedler to be completely frustrated by them during this game.

Last season it was the Vikings pass defense that was crap, and Jay couldn't complete anything.

Anytime a team is supposed to be weak in one area, it shows up that week, and proves they can play.

This game scares me, and they had better plan on just pounding Ricky at them in order to keepthe ball out of Kerry's hands. Our D is going back to mainly zone for this game, so look for a lot of big plays against our secondary.


I absolutly agree. Also I think if Miami Does win this game against a strong NFCE team in there own stadium it will be a huge step in the right direction. And I agree this game reminds me of the Vikings game. I think this game says it all about our team.
Hey Muck, that picture of Moulds on his a$$ is absolutely priceless!

The fact that the "experts" pick the Giants over Miami is a very good sign that we actually will win, since they are usually wrong. If the Cowgirls can beat the Jets and the Giants, then I sure hope we can. (My wife is a Cowgirls fan and I will never hear the end of it if we lose this Sunday.) :shakeno:
Originally posted by DOLPHAN1
that will make a difference. have they been up against a running back like ricky? i think the short pass in the flat and over the middle is gonna kill them. konrad, mcmichael and ricky should have big games.

Look at it this way, if part time backs like Betts and canidate can do a number on em. im sure ricky can as well. that means in teh run and pass game cus ricky is one person who they will key on all day. that is why jay was saying one on one coverage they will get there doors blown in, cus they dont have the kind of cb's we do. The only thing i could see happening that will be pro giants on defense is the refs let them bang em down the field alot. which i dont have a problem with unless they dont let us do the same thing.

If you see Ricky going wide and in motion a lot mroe than ussual. smile. that is a good thing.
Turnovers, turnovers, I want to see the Fins pick off Collins and create fumbles for them to recover. Also, the Fins need to make sure they tackle the ball-carriers properly or this game could get out of hand quick. There are alot of playmakers for the Giants, so blowing them up is one of the keys to winning. This will be all defense, especially after the Giants heard what Fiedler had said about their pass defense.
Originally posted by dolfan87

Last season it was the Vikings pass defense that was crap, and Jay couldn't complete anything.

The Vikings last year couldn't stop our offence. They just didn't get the ball in the second half because our D didn't stop them either.
The Giants Hve not seen a running back as good as Ricky this year. Marshal Faulk Is'nt the same Faulk as the past. He was not a threat, especially with Warner's fumbling the ball. Ricky is the factor in this game as in most, and if they do slow him down, notice I'm saying "slow" they cant stop him. I feel confident our passing game can beat their secondary......:fire:
I think we can burn that secondary.............if we run Ricky down their throats first. We can't just line up and start chucking the ball downfield and expect success against those corners. This offense thrives on the play-action. If abandon Ricky for the sake of proving to others that we can throw the ball effectively, we will lose......
You should see some of the predictions on the Big Blue Wrecking Crew message board...27-6 Giants, 35-10 Giants. Hoo boy...:rolleyes:
Konrad is doing ok in my opinion Barb. Ricky did break seom runs off late in the game, he had close to a 20 yard scamper on the final drive I think. I think Konrad's is doing a fine job. Defense are loading 8 or 9 people in the box with us and anticipating the run. Everyone knows who Ricky is and what he is capable of. They are intent on stopping him. So far, they haven't done a good job. Sure his YPC are way down, but he is getting tons of opportunies which means, he is getting enough to control the game. A part of that has got to be credited to Konrad.
5 of 7 expert only have marginal wnning percentages for the season also, put us on the picks plan and we'll do just as good. The Giants should have the advantage, we're playing them at their house. Our D will have to show up. How do you keep 4 playmakers down. This game will tell us a lot about our D. Offensively, I don't know if we there yet, by the Vikes game last year, Our O was clicking pretty well, right now, they still look like their finding their way. Jays throws is the different, can he put it where it needs to be. Who cares if the their D gives up big plays if our QB can't get the ball down there...in the buf game where clemons came over to intercept it, it was because the throw was short. If the pass led Chambers that's a TD, so if the Giants D has been lacking on the Pass D part, Jay just might help them get well. He needs to fire the ball like in TC and not do that overhead lub bomb of his. His passing is key in this game, with Ricky breaking off some good runs.
A healthy Ricky coming to NY :D

Taylor needs to start breaking off some sacks this game.
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