A bunch of free agents just signed w/miami | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

A bunch of free agents just signed w/miami

Sometimes diamonds emerge from the coal. Mark Duper stands out. But, don't forget that most of these guys are TC fodder.
The LB from Fla. was a guy the sportingnews had as a undersized OLB, who played the middle in college. He's suppose to be another active undersized LB/ST that we use alot in our Defense.

The Corner from MIss. St. was rated early as a possible late rder, who needs to refine his technique, and isn't big enough to play ioutside in the NFL.
Originally posted by Miamian
Sometimes diamonds emerge from the coal. Mark Duper stands out. But, don't forget that most of these guys are TC fodder.
Duper was a 2nd round pick :confused: maybe you meant Mark Clayton (223)
Originally posted by HofCityFan
Lets hope they bring a punter as a CFA to at least give Royals some comp.

I specifically opened this thread in hopes of seeing a punter. There were three punters in the draft I had hoped they would take a flyer on.

Stemke is good! Believe me, if the coaches give him an honest shot he will suprise. I hope they are willing to part w/ Royals if he gets out performed in the pre-season by Stemke.
My boy Grigsby. I told you about this kid pre-draft. 110% motor, all heart.
Boom...can you repost

what you had about Grigsby...

by the way everytime I hear that name...

I think Charles Grigsby from that darn show on Fox American Idol.

Stemke is a monstrous leg, very good at placing ball in the ten yard line as well, we let him go when Lechler came back, he had one punt blocked when we let Zack Crokett return from a mild injury that happened in first Chargers game, Cally set the example that starter who keep play time, he missed enough on a block plant foot for sore leg they got a piece of ball, minus that play Stemke was perfect, good directional punter with great distance hang time leg... good luck...
Originally posted by dolphan39
Duper was a 2nd round pick :confused: maybe you meant Mark Clayton (223)
I'm sure Clayton was a pick. You're usually right about these things, so I may be thinking of someone else entirely. My bad.
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