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Aaron Rodgers

id rather have benson tho..but aron would be nice
miamikid12 said:
do you think we will draft aaron?

Personally I don't think we will.

We'll have to wait until after LSU's bowl game to get a feel on what Saban wants to do.
Rodgers hasnt impressed me tonight. This is the first time watching him, and he and his teammates...look overrated. From the pieces of the game I saw, he was inaccurate, and his arm didnt look all that powerful, they hung. I say stay away from drafting a qb in this years draft.(1st rd that is)
What about Tedford's two other popular QBs, Trent Dilfer & David Carr?

Yea a career backup that stumbled onto a super bowl ring thanks to one of the greatest defenses in NFL history.
The book is still out on Carr and he looks like he'll be fine even though he looked damn mediocre from day one to this very day. 9 more career ints than tds you say? career 72.3 QB rating? 15 Tds 14 Ints this season you say? Where was he picked again? Oh yea...
What a stud. Boy what was I thinking?

Rodgers is the most NFL ready QB & has all the skills which will result in him being a top 5 pick & a good possibility of being #1.

Lets hope he does come out and he does go #1. Amen and a half to that.
Clev would probably take Leinart next, meaning we wont be the ones catching flack 3 years from now when Orton/Walters/Orlovsky are putting up better numbers than the both of them.

You know what would make this perfect?
If Leinart went to a non-WCO.
Rogers is good, but he is not worth a top 10 pick. Period.
Guys pay attention to the game if your going to be critical of Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers is the most complete or NFL ready QB in this draft. He has near perfect mechanics (almost too perfect), laser accuracy, can make all the throws, good touch passer, leader/general, mobile enough around the pocket and is extremely smart.
The only questions I have is about his size. Rodgers has been playing with unexperienced WRs all year long but losing his best 2 has really hurt him. Their D has looked terrible tonight which dictated the game.

I also noticed a couple of you guys said Sonny Cumbie was a system QB. I would tend to agree with that statement when it comes to TEXAS TECH QBs but Sonny does have a strong arm and is very mobile. The previous two didn't have the arm Sonny has. He will have these questions lingering over his head until he proves otherwise. With saying all of this I still tend to agree with you guys, just wanted to point out.
rodgers didnt impress me at all, his throwing motion seems weird, and most of his throw were grreay cacthes by his recivers
If Leinart went to a non-WCO.

If that happens then that GM will be fired shortly after.

rodgers didnt impress me at all, his throwing motion seems weird,

That's how you're supposed to throw. Holding the ball high on your drop back allows to you have a very quick release. His arm strength doesn't suffer so it's textbook.
If that happens then that GM will be fired shortly after.

But wouldn't you agree that a QB good enough to be the #1 pick ought to be able to succeed in any given system? Doesn't that say something about Leinart if he has be in a WCO surround by talent?
I was disappointed in Rodgers tonight. He look very average against a real crappy defense. Texas Tech's QB made him look bad. That's not saying that he's a better QB but I expected to see more from Rodgers tonight, especially with California trying to prove they were snubbed of the Rose Bowl berth!
If i remember correctly, Payton Manning choked in Bowl Games as well. Rogers cant do it all and he has a better arm then fiedler and feeley IMO. Rogers reminds me of Manning in a way and my judgment is only based on their perfomences in their last year of college. He has a quick release, he reads defenses at a college level just as good as manning did. I think this kid can be special in the right system just like Manning is special in Indy's system. Would i draft him? No because i want to get a RB either benson or one of the two Auburn boys. A dark horse to keep an eye on is RB Deangelo Williams from University of Memphis. If we Draft Offensive line in first round and happen to get a 2nd rounder some how id keep my eye out for this kid. He may even be around in the 3rd round. Another Tatum Bell if you please.
Ok, we are drafting a QB, we only have 1 left on the roster. It's simple. Sage and Jay Fiedler are gone. I tend to like the undersized players as in Lefors and Durant from UNC. That guy has touch, mobility, and a pretty good arm. I think this is a QB deep draft, maybe not all stars coming out, but some good mid rounders. Cambell is not being mentioned as well.
It will be interesting to see if he comes out because after the game he was interviewed and was not too happy about the way he and the team played. As McDonough and James said during the game, it sounded as if he was prepared to leave but, this may throw a monkey wrench in his plans. He says he's going to make a decision in the next few days.
I was a die hard aaron rodgers fan and still am even though I think he is fading in the last half of the season. He has crappy recievers. One reciever I think they had to bring out as a true red shirt freshman. But after seeing this Orlovsky kid play I am convinced he is the best of the bunch. Hey I have been wrong before but I have been a dolphin fan from the 1st game they ever played and have seen many Qbs. I don't excite easily. This kid excites me. I have every reason to pull for AJ since he grew up in idaho but this orlovsky kid is and will be the next ben rothlesberger as he is predicted to be by much wiser football people than me. Draft this kid he is better than Aaron Rodgers and Aaron rodgers is going to be a star in the nfl.
Finsletmedown said:
is it me or does Rodgers passes seem to hang in the air?

It's you. He has a cannon for an arm. He would however be advised to stay in school. His drop back is difficult, especially when throwing to the left and realistically, he isn't going to be starting till 2008. It maybe that Saban thinks he's "the one", but I doubt it.
everardteach said:
Guys pay attention to the game if your going to be critical of Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers is the most complete or NFL ready QB in this draft. He has near perfect mechanics (almost too perfect), laser accuracy, can make all the throws, good touch passer, leader/general, mobile enough around the pocket and is extremely smart.
The only questions I have is about his size. Rodgers has been playing with unexperienced WRs all year long but losing his best 2 has really hurt him. Their D has looked terrible tonight which dictated the game.

I also noticed a couple of you guys said Sonny Cumbie was a system QB. I would tend to agree with that statement when it comes to TEXAS TECH QBs but Sonny does have a strong arm and is very mobile. The previous two didn't have the arm Sonny has. He will have these questions lingering over his head until he proves otherwise. With saying all of this I still tend to agree with you guys, just wanted to point out.

Rodgers isn't the most NFL ready QB by a long chalk. He has a long way to go. There are far more ready passers in this draft group than Aaron. Matt Leinart is further ahead in his NFL progress than Rodgers is.
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