About not trying to score: Wanny / Players Back Decision | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

About not trying to score: Wanny / Players Back Decision

Originally posted by PhinstiGator

We DID play to win. Some fans will never understand the way this team is designed. They want us to be a lights out passing team. Woo Hoo! Yea Ha!

We played to win. We played to our strength. We had the advantage in our house...but the fans just don't get it. What's new?

So then you must be saying that we were planning on our D to make the winning score??
Sounds like some flawed logic there!! :lol:
I'm not saying the media has all the answers, but:

From the Herald:

"We were going to take it to overtime," Wannstedt said. "I was not going to take a chance of throwing the ball and having to punt into the wind and then give them the ball at the 50-yard line."

His strategy proved smart. Lewis bobbled a handoff in overtime, and Zach Thomas wrestled the ball away from him at the Baltimore 33. Three plays later, Mare made his third field goal of the day.


And from the Sun-Sentinel:

What game were these people watching?

Sure, they wanted the Dolphins to attempt a drive for a winning field goal. To accomplish that end, the Dolphins would have needed to drive 50 yards against this Ravens defense, into a good wind, with a quarterback having a bad day and four linemen (Wade Smith, Billy Yates, Seth McKinney and Greg Jerman) who don't exactly inspire trust.

Overcome all that, and you get a chance to kick a field goal from the exact spot Olindo Mare missed from a few minutes earlier.

Do you know how many 50-yard drives the Dolphins had on Sunday? Zero.

Do you know how many times they drove 40 yards? Zero.

Do you know the collective football intelligence of people booing Wannstedt for running out the clock instead of being "bold" and "aggressive" and "playing to win?"

Thank you.

Originally posted by Jeep

By not trying.. its admitting defeat...


From a SCiFI movie, like to know the first one that can tell me where it's from...


Defensive end Adewale Ogunleye said he didn't understand the fans' reaction. He said running out the clock was the smart decision, and safer than Patriots coach Bill Belichick taking a safety for field position against Denver two weeks ago.

"The New England coach gets a safety, and everyone is on his jock, saying he's a genius," Ogunleye said. "Coach Wannstedt plays for overtime [because he] has confidence in his defense, and everyone boos."

And there you have it.
Originally posted by xiidaen

Do you know how many 50-yard drives the Dolphins had on Sunday? Zero.

Do you know how many times they drove 40 yards? Zero.

Do you know the collective football intelligence of people booing Wannstedt for running out the clock instead of being "bold" and "aggressive" and "playing to win?"


Thank you.


Sorry it seems like a good Citibank commercial.. I could not help myself... Great post!


Originally posted by DeDolfan
So then you must be saying that we were planning on our D to make the winning score??
Sounds like some flawed logic there!! :lol:

Flawed logic? No...playing a field position game that would put us in position to make the winning field goal. Where's the flaw?

The flaw would have been for us to try to do something in the last 50 seconds that we could not do in the entire game. The flaw would have been to panick because of the clock. The flaw would have been to place the team in a position where they could have made a costly mistake.

And the bottom line is that when Zach dug deep underneath that pile, he came up with the possession...Ricky got us closer...and Mare sealed the win through the goal posts.

Defense, field position, the running game and scoring more points than the other team...that's our strength.
Originally posted by xiidaen

His strategy proved smart. Lewis bobbled a handoff in overtime, and Zach Thomas wrestled the ball away from him at the Baltimore 33. Three plays later, Mare made his third field goal of the day.

Smart???? Com'on on now, look at it the way it was. Wannstedt was a lucky SOB that it didn't come back and bite him in the *** [again].

They were already in FG range when Balt fumbled. They may have gone far enough for the winning kick. Like I said earlier, it was not a smart decision, he dodged a bullet. Just because the players said it was smart doesn't mean that it was. What do you think they would be saying if it backfired?
Originally posted by PhinstiGator
The flaw would have been for us to try to do something in the last 50 seconds that we could not do in the entire game.

If that was the case, what on earth would make them think that they could do it in overtime then???
They were already in FG range when Balt fumbled. They may have gone far enough for the winning kick. Like I said earlier, it was not a smart decision, he dodged a bullet. Just because the players said it was smart doesn't mean that it was. What do you think they would be saying if it backfired?

If by 'they' you mean the Ravens, that's incorrect, the fumble was at the Raven 33.

Otherwise, I don't know what you mean, the turnover in Ravens territory supports and confirms DW's decision, not the other way around.

Of course, if the Ravens had put together an 89 yard drive (they started at their 11) then we would have lost, but again, the Ravens didn't have a drive like that all game either. This was a game dominated by the defense. DW recognized that and played accordingly. He made the correct decision, and we won. While I can understand some people blaming him if we lost (though I still think the decision would have been the right one), I can't understand why people blame him for making the right choice when we won. Seems a bit unreasonable to me.
Originally posted by Jeep
Not playing to win, in the last minute of the 4th qtr is like planning a great gambling weekend in Las Vegas or Atlantic City...

You pack your clothes, hop on a bus train or plane.. check into your hotel or motel.. walk into the nearest casino, exchange your money for chips.... but dont place a bet because yout scared that the odds are not in your favor.. so you go home and hope n pray your boss lets your off work next weekend and things will be different...

No, it's quitting while your ahead on the slots, and then going to a different game.
End of Regulation:

BG - 12/29 for 109 Yards
RW - 30 for 79 Yards
TM - 5 for 30 Yards


WE HAD 209 YARDS UP TO THE FINAL :51 SECONDS IN THE FOURTH (RW ran twice for 9 yards to close regulation)

Do you really think that we could drive the ball 50+ Yards on the Baltimores defense in :51 Seconds? It took us 59:09 to gain 209 yards!!!!

We had been unable to move the ball consistently all game!

Our Series broken down :
Plays - Yards - Result
7 - 13 - Punt
11 - 34 - Punt
7 - 18 - Field Goal
9 - 28 - Punt
2 - 26 - Half
9 - 38 - Punt
4 - (-1) - Punt
9 - 47 - Field Goal (2 penalties for 28 yards)
4 - 1 - Punt
6 - 13 - Interception
8 - 23 - Missed Field Goal
2 - 9 - End of Regulation

If we had been aggressive and tried to push the ball down field during the final :51 seconds and had a miscue (INT or Fumble), ALL of us would have been calling for his head at the end of the game.

Conventional wisdom was run out the clock and go in to overtime.

Be happy - IT worked - WE WON!!!!!
It was the right call, the players said it was the right call, I suppose you all dislike the Bill B for the intentional safety? Because they should have just drove down the field and scored?
Originally posted by Jeep
I dont agree with the conservativeness...

We had the ball.. 1 minute to play and all 3 time outs.... its plain stupid not to try and score..

Worst case, we go 3 n out and punt the ball.. then go into overtime

i understand the point to a degree, but how many punts did ed reed almost block? there were too many opportunities for the players to lose this one and i don't think they had shown the coach any reason to gamble there.
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