Aj Sucks!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Aj Sucks!!


Don't believe everything you think.
Sep 3, 2001
Reaction score
your six
Got your attention?? :lol:

Yep, ole AJ shat the bed last Thursday night...and I knew it was going to happen. I actually told someone prior to kick-off that AJ would play poorly, ask BALLSDEEP, I spoke to him on the phone before he went into the stadium. I told him that AJ would play badly because he will try to do too much.

I had hoped that I would be wrong about that but, as it turns out, I couldn't have been more correct....and it's at this point where I realized that AJ Feeley is fatally flawed. One word brings out all the worst qualities in Mr. Feeley, one word buckles his knees like he took a shot from Sugar Ray Leonard. That one word is ...pressure.

Whether it's a DT tossing Seth McKinney aside and coming at AJ like a freight train or whether it's as simple as a QB competition for a starting job, AJ's response to pressure is not fight, it's flight. It's also panic and it's desperation but, it is anything except calm, cool, and confident.

As is the case with evaluating any QB, it's what is inside their head that is hardest to read. The talent is obvious, however, as I've read before, there are many people that can throw a football real hard that are selling insurance for a living or unclogging your toilets and as much as it pains me to say it, I've lost faith that AJ has the head to play QB consistently at the level he needs to attain to be an effective starter in this league. You can't succumb to pressure on this level. It's the one thing that separates the real players from the other ones. The ones that step up and play big in the biggest moments are the ones that make memories for their fans and AJ is more likely to make a nightmarish mistake than to make a cherished mental photograph.

I had planned to give AJ the entire season before I waved my white flag and gave up on him but, I just can't find anything else good to say about him. Maybe he wasn't supported enough by either HC and given a completely fair shot at anything but, he needed to take it upon himself to force recognition from those coaches and he didn't do that.

Maybe AJ will be a good player someday and maybe he might find a situation that he feels comfortable in and performs well and maybe even finds himself in a starting role again but, on Sunday's, if I'm an opponent of AJ, I'm gonna blitz his fool head off, and I'm going to win the game because AJ will never be a diamond under pressure, he'll always be a lump of coal.

Are you ready for the list of people that I was going to swat with my all powerful QB knowledge?? :lol:
These people all know more than me and most everyone else on the board, about AJ Feeley....Everyone of these people said Feeley was crap from the very beginning and they never wavered.....and I hate everyone of them...:)
Cedric Benson
fish fan 4life
Joe Flipper
Nappy Roots
Pope Shula XIV
and whatever this says....«©òókîê ߥtë®»

Of course...AJ Feeley is the only thing they knew more than me about....:D

AJ still has an entire season however bleak it looks for him to "take the bull by the horns", unfortunately, I'm now reduced to hoping he proves me wrong ....again.
inFINSible said:
Got your attention?? :lol:

Yep, ole AJ shat the bed last Thursday night...and I knew it was going to happen. I actually told someone prior to kick-off that AJ would play poorly, ask BALLSDEEP, I spoke to him on the phone before he went into the stadium. I told him that AJ would play badly because he will try to do too much.

I had hoped that I would be wrong about that but, as it turns out, I couldn't have been more correct....and it's at this point where I realized that AJ Feeley is fatally flawed. One word brings out all the worst qualities in Mr. Feeley, one word buckles his knees like he took a shot from Sugar Ray Leonard. That one word is ...pressure.

Whether it's a DT tossing Seth McKinney aside and coming at AJ like a freight train or whether it's as simple as a QB competition for a starting job, AJ's response to pressure is not fight, it's flight. It's also panic and it's desperation but, it is anything except calm, cool, and confident.

As is the case with evaluating any QB, it's what is inside their head that is hardest to read. The talent is obvious, however, as I've read before, there are many people that can throw a football real hard that are selling insurance for a living or unclogging your toilets and as much as it pains me to say it, I've lost faith that AJ has the head to play QB consistently at the level he needs to attain to be an effective starter in this league. You can't succumb to pressure on this level. It's the one thing that separates the real players from the other ones. The ones that step up and play big in the biggest moments are the ones that make memories for their fans and AJ is more likely to make a nightmarish mistake than to make a cherished mental photograph.

I had planned to give AJ the entire season before I waved my white flag and gave up on him but, I just can't find anything else good to say about him. Maybe he wasn't supported enough by either HC and given a completely fair shot at anything but, he needed to take it upon himself to force recognition from those coaches and he didn't do that.

Maybe AJ will be a good player someday and maybe he might find a situation that he feels comfortable in and performs well and maybe even finds himself in a starting role again but, on Sunday's, if I'm an opponent of AJ, I'm gonna blitz his fool head off, and I'm going to win the game because AJ will never be a diamond under pressure, he'll always be a lump of coal.

Are you ready for the list of people that I was going to swat with my all powerful QB knowledge?? :lol:
These people all know more than me and most everyone else on the board, about AJ Feeley....Everyone of these people said Feeley was crap from the very beginning and they never wavered.....and I hate everyone of them...:)
Cedric Benson
fish fan 4life
Joe Flipper
Nappy Roots
Pope Shula XIV
and whatever this says....«©òókîê ߥtë®»

Of course...AJ Feeley is the only thing they knew more than me about....:D

AJ still has an entire season however bleak it looks for him to "take the bull by the horns", unfortunately, I'm now reduced to hoping he proves me wrong ....again.

Damn right Feeley sucks but it's not the only thing I no more about than you buddy!! :lol:
LZoeller12 said:
i said that too
who are you? You seem to have a lot of posts but, this is the first time I've ever seen your name.

But...here ya go....:clap:
inFINSible said:
Got your attention?? :lol:

Yep, ole AJ shat the bed last Thursday night...and I knew it was going to happen. I actually told someone prior to kick-off that AJ would play poorly, ask BALLSDEEP, I spoke to him on the phone before he went into the stadium. I told him that AJ would play badly because he will try to do too much.

I had hoped that I would be wrong about that but, as it turns out, I couldn't have been more correct....and it's at this point where I realized that AJ Feeley is fatally flawed. One word brings out all the worst qualities in Mr. Feeley, one word buckles his knees like he took a shot from Sugar Ray Leonard. That one word is ...pressure.

Whether it's a DT tossing Seth McKinney aside and coming at AJ like a freight train or whether it's as simple as a QB competition for a starting job, AJ's response to pressure is not fight, it's flight. It's also panic and it's desperation but, it is anything except calm, cool, and confident.

As is the case with evaluating any QB, it's what is inside their head that is hardest to read. The talent is obvious, however, as I've read before, there are many people that can throw a football real hard that are selling insurance for a living or unclogging your toilets and as much as it pains me to say it, I've lost faith that AJ has the head to play QB consistently at the level he needs to attain to be an effective starter in this league. You can't succumb to pressure on this level. It's the one thing that separates the real players from the other ones. The ones that step up and play big in the biggest moments are the ones that make memories for their fans and AJ is more likely to make a nightmarish mistake than to make a cherished mental photograph.

I had planned to give AJ the entire season before I waved my white flag and gave up on him but, I just can't find anything else good to say about him. Maybe he wasn't supported enough by either HC and given a completely fair shot at anything but, he needed to take it upon himself to force recognition from those coaches and he didn't do that.

Maybe AJ will be a good player someday and maybe he might find a situation that he feels comfortable in and performs well and maybe even finds himself in a starting role again but, on Sunday's, if I'm an opponent of AJ, I'm gonna blitz his fool head off, and I'm going to win the game because AJ will never be a diamond under pressure, he'll always be a lump of coal.

Are you ready for the list of people that I was going to swat with my all powerful QB knowledge?? :lol:
These people all know more than me and most everyone else on the board, about AJ Feeley....Everyone of these people said Feeley was crap from the very beginning and they never wavered.....and I hate everyone of them...:)
Cedric Benson
fish fan 4life
Joe Flipper
Nappy Roots
Pope Shula XIV
and whatever this says....«©òókîê ߥtë®»

Of course...AJ Feeley is the only thing they knew more than me about....:D

AJ still has an entire season however bleak it looks for him to "take the bull by the horns", unfortunately, I'm now reduced to hoping he proves me wrong ....again.

I know something more than you..Blue Collar TV is the WORST dam excuse for stand up COMEDY I've ever encountered in my life. Pathetic hillbilly humor. Makes me want to vomit.
chambers84 said:
Damn right Feeley sucks but it's not the only thing I no more about than you buddy!! :lol:
Yep, you no more than me...:lol:
BringBackShula said:
I know something more than you..Blue Collar TV is the WORST dam excuse for stand up COMEDY I've ever encountered in my life. Pathetic hillbilly humor. Makes me want to vomit.
Takes a man to admit he was wrong.
BringBackShula said:
I know something more than you..Blue Collar TV is the WORST dam excuse for stand up COMEDY I've ever encountered in my life. Pathetic hillbilly humor. Makes me want to vomit.
It's infins' way of saying, he wants his crow served medium.
AJ is the flight king. I know it shouldn't bother me, but that sight of him last season grabbing his a$$ like a dog in heat just kills me.
Well, I'm in the same boat as you...have been an AJ guy since the beginning..in fact, was starting threads about us getting him before the trade...but you make good points about his lack of support from the FO and coaches (both regimes), but he just hasn't shown any consistency at all...I thought that he would at least come out and play decently this preseason and make the decision hard for Saban...

But, I'll also add that I'll never be a Guskateer...the guy hasn't been able to be a starter practically his whole career...He won this competition by default, if you will...
What I see is the team struggling in the early part of the season, but once the OL gels a little and everyone gets on the same page, Gus will start to break down...It's hi M.O. He is fine for 3-4 starts, then faulters...it'll happen...
At least your man enough to admit you were wrong. I respect that InFins.

Id have happily been wrong on this if it would have helped the team we both love. It upsets me more that I was right (so far anyway) and that hurts the franchise.
Boik14 said:
At least your man enough to admit you were wrong. I respect that InFins.

Id have happily been wrong on this if it would have helped the team we both love. It upsets me more that I was right (so far anyway) and that hurts the franchise.
Thanks Boik....sorry for being so hard headed. :hitself:
On the good side now there should be less fighting over qb's. That alone will make posting here a better experience. Im pretty sick of rehashing the same arguments over and over.

All that really counts is the Phins success.
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