Am i the only one who thinks.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Am i the only one who thinks....


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Jul 31, 2004
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am i the only one that thinks we have a DEEP o-line, not a great o-line but good depth? and what do you think our starting o-line will look like assuming we do not draft a lineman in the early rounds?

d-mac,carey,smith,mcdouge,st.clair,mckinney,jerman,hadnot, if we have any injuries (and we always do) at least we have decent backups.
I think that we will do just fine with the guys that we got. I think that our starting OL will look like this

there is depth, and a bit of talent.

D-Mac - James - McKinney - Carey - McDougle

Thats not the line I want, but I think it'll look like that on opening day.
I do think they have depth, but their depth isn't really ready to step it up yet and be a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully they really work together to make up a decent line this year and maybe protect our QB from being hit so many times.
Hudson Huck will create a better oline that will work well together. He will implement a system that fits our talent level and not be like wise whose system was for older veterans.
This is my oline
Lt Carey
lg James
c Wilkerson or Hadnot
rg hadnot or saint claire if hadnot is at C
rt mcdougal
Since most of these guys are back from last year I think they will get better playing togather. The is no denying how much better they play toward the end once everyone was used to each other. With the new additions and Houck I think we are looking much better than last year. GreenMonster
rickysux said:
am i the only one that thinks we have a DEEP o-line, not a great o-line but good depth? and what do you think our starting o-line will look like assuming we do not draft a lineman in the early rounds?

d-mac,carey,smith,mcdouge,st.clair,mckinney,jerman,hadnot, if we have any injuries (and we always do) at least we have decent backups.
With different coaches we will definitely be better than last year without a doubt.
I think it's mush. I've watched line play at the snap for 30+ years and our line has remarkably little athletic ability. That has been the basic deficiency for a decade.
Awsi Dooger said:
I think it's mush. I've watched line play at the snap for 30+ years and our line has remarkably little athletic ability. That has been the basic deficiency for a decade.

I agree. All I can hope for is a magic wand to wave over the line and make them good. They should be better than last yer, but, that's not saying alot.
THey are bad, i keep on hearing that they have potentioal, but i have never seen it. We complain a lot about our coaching, but that same coaching gave us the line that helped Ricky run 1800 yards in a season, a lot of it was Ricky being amazingly good, but a lot of that was above average blocking. So I dont know, you cant blame it all on coaching, there is a lot of that, but it is not all.
I think the line will be a lot better, not only will it be healthy it will have Hudson's input which in my opinion is major. The one unit on a football team that has to work together for any chance of success is the O-Line and now we have arguably the best O-Line coach in the league.

My prediction for the line

St. Clair
Omaha_Dolfan said:
I think the line will be a lot better, not only will it be healthy it will have Hudson's input which in my opinion is major. The one unit on a football team that has to work together for any chance of success is the O-Line and now we have arguably the best O-Line coach in the league.

My prediction for the line

St. Clair

My OL is actually

LT- St. Clair
LG- James
C- Smith
RG- Carey
RT- McDougle

St. Clair is the most LT-like player on our roster and has long arms, plus is consisten. Smith is the perfect center physically, just needs to get the mental game down.
Our line won't be nearly as bas as last year. We have some guys with potential that's yet to be realized yet and I think Houck will know how to get that to come out. I personally think the experiment of having Carey playing Tackle is the wrong thing to do and I hope that he's not playing there come week 1. My projected line is:

McIntosh - James - Hadnot - Carey - McDougle
Jaj said:
My OL is actually

LT- St. Clair
LG- James
C- Smith
RG- Carey
RT- McDougle

St. Clair is the most LT-like player on our roster and has long arms, plus is consisten. Smith is the perfect center physically, just needs to get the mental game down.

If Smith can make the trasistion to Center effectively I think that would really open things up.
I posted this on an earlier thread, but I'll say it again. O-lineman, more than any other position, usually need a few years to develop. Many of the linemen on this roster are very young. Much of the problems last year were mental (Wade Smith whiffing on numerous plays during the Cincy game) in which our linemen didn't even engage the opponent. I place a lot of blame on Wise and on DW and Spielman for making such a wholesale change in one offseason.
Clearly, they were not ready for the season. For that matter, they weren't ready for the first 8 games.
With proper coaching and development I think they could actually become a strength on this team. Those of you who are bashing Carey or calling him a bust after one season obviously haven't been watching NFL football for too long.
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