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Answer for 76ers? Trade Iverson

phunwin said:
Well, I don't think winning has as much to do with it in this case. The Knicks simply don't have enough to make a trade for KG work. I think he'd take a ticket out of Minnesota to almost anywhere at this point. If the Knicks could put enough together, he'd likely welcome a trade to NY, even if it's a zoo right now. It's a matter of Minny getting enough talent, which they won't from the Knicks.

The Knicks will trade Starbury. They'll take 10 cents on the dollar if necessary. With his onerous contract, they won't get a lot of talent back, and they know it.

Nah i really think he wants to win. He's what past 30 and hasn't got a championship while being still one of the games best players. Yes the knicks have the talent to be a championship team except in thier frontcourt but it doesn't work just on talent. If the team were to pull together and actually defend and grab a rebound they could be atleast a 40 win team.
Finfan86 said:
well he wont get either wish in NY

Put KG in a weak eastern conference, give him Steve Francis, Channing Frye, Eddie Curry, maybe the best head coach of all time...etc. He would be in the playoffs and middle of hte pack in the eastern confernce.

And in a league where the word "fixed" is thrown around as much as in any sport, don't think for a second the NBA league officies would LOVE to see KG wind up in NY or Chicago to get either team back on the map and to get that large TV market as a major player for a league that has fallen so far so fast. The league office could greese some Minnesota palms with some green to maybe help push through a deal of KG to a big-market team.
MARINO1384 said:
There is no way KG goes to the knicks. If he leaves the Twolves it's because he wants to win and he wants his teammates to give him 100% everygames and New York is far from where he wants to go. I doubt Starbury is traded unless they get a big player in return. (which they won't) Him and Brown seem to be working out there differences and he's still a great player. Brown just needs to make him pplay team ball along with the other knicks that have big ego's to go along with thier contracts.

Because of KG's contract he doesn't have much say or choice in where he gets traded if he wants out.

Much like Shaq a few years back, there may only be 2 or 3 teams that can afford him and or willing to take him on. Much less give up what it would take to give up via trade. KG doesn't hold any cards here.
MikeO said:
Put KG in a weak eastern conference, give him Steve Francis, Channing Frye, Eddie Curry, maybe the best head coach of all time...etc. He would be in the playoffs and middle of hte pack in the eastern confernce.

And in a league where the word "fixed" is thrown around as much as in any sport, don't think for a second the NBA league officies would LOVE to see KG wind up in NY or Chicago to get either team back on the map and to get that large TV market as a major player for a league that has fallen so far so fast. The league office could greese some Minnesota palms with some green to maybe help push through a deal of KG to a big-market team.

Planet Earth to Mike: Please come back.

Let's assume, for a minute, that the league had such a vested interest in getting KG to the Knicks that they would intervene and try to make a deal work. Why would the T-Wolves go along with any such deal? By definition, they'd get 25 cents on the dollar in any deal with NY. The public would demand Kevin McHale's head, and ticket sales would plummet.

Let's assume the league makes good on that and says "we'll make up the shortfall in ticket sales and merchandising for the next 5 years". Wouldn't roughly 28 other teams start howling about that? Don't you think Mark Cuban would be on the phone with ESPN in about 5 minutes? Something like that would make baseball's ignorance of steroids look positively responsible by comparison.

David Stern knows there are people who think the NBA is fixed, and there's no way he'd do something that blatant. The only way Kevin Garnett is going to the Knicks is if there's a rip in the space-time continuum and one of Peter Vescey's rumormongering columns manages to take the place of reality.

KG to Chicago is perfectly reasonable; at least the Bulls have something to give up.
phunwin said:
Planet Earth to Mike: Please come back.

Let's assume, for a minute, that the league had such a vested interest in getting KG to the Knicks that they would intervene and try to make a deal work. Why would the T-Wolves go along with any such deal? By definition, they'd get 25 cents on the dollar in any deal with NY. The public would demand Kevin McHale's head, and ticket sales would plummet.

Let's assume the league makes good on that and says "we'll make up the shortfall in ticket sales and merchandising for the next 5 years". Wouldn't roughly 28 other teams start howling about that? Don't you think Mark Cuban would be on the phone with ESPN in about 5 minutes? Something like that would make baseball's ignorance of steroids look positively responsible by comparison.

David Stern knows there are people who think the NBA is fixed, and there's no way he'd do something that blatant. The only way Kevin Garnett is going to the Knicks is if there's a rip in the space-time continuum and one of Peter Vescey's rumormongering columns manages to take the place of reality.

KG to Chicago is perfectly reasonable; at least the Bulls have something to give up.

1) I said NY or CHICAGO. You could replace NY in that entire post I put up with Chicago and its the same scenerio!

2) I don't think a team will be in Minnesota much longer. The market sucks for basketball. The fan backlash wouldn't be huge. I see that team in Oklahoma City in 2 or 3 years once New Orleans goes back home.

3) It's called back-door deals.

I never said it would happen, I said I wouldn't be shocked to see something like that happen in a league where PING PONG balls decide the top 3 picks of the draft!
MARINO1384 said:
No Iverson is a me player. Perfect example season finale on fan night he doesn't show up until the last minute and he sits in the locker room the whole time.
Thanks BS. You know what man, he plays hard every night and he plays to win. He has some leadership qualities all be it theyre not really conventional. Those alone are more than I can say about many players on the current roster so those things alone are a step in the right direction as a NYK fan. Plus hes played for Brown so he'd know what to expect.
phunwin said:
The Knicks would be able to field a lineup of Iverson and Francis in the backcourt, with Jamal Crawford as the third guard. Q Richardson, if healthy, would play the 3, backed up by Lee, and Curry, Webber and Frye would rotate in the power spots, which is not a bad idea, since they're all really injury-prone. Webber at least will pass the damn ball, and could be used as a sort of point forward. QUOTE] No way in the world would I start Francis over Crawford. A) Crawford was the only play that showed improvement other than the rookies. B) I think hes a better all around player than Stevie Turnover. C) Francis was already sulking about his PT. Im kinda hoping he'll be sulking on another team.

I know Indy will look hard at deal J O Neal cause they have talent but the mixture isnt working so far. Its been rumored in the NY press anyway along with every other players so lend it as much cred as youd like.....Upgrading their guards is a major need though and this could be a viable route for them to go.
Boik14 said:
Thanks BS. You know what man, he plays hard every night and he plays to win. He has some leadership qualities all be it theyre not really conventional. Those alone are more than I can say about many players on the current roster so those things alone are a step in the right direction as a NYK fan. Plus hes played for Brown so he'd know what to expect.

He didn't show up and sit on the bench on fan night!!!! they come and they don't even see there superstar to me that says me. but idk
MARINO1384 said:
He didn't show up and sit on the bench on fan night!!!! they come and they don't even see there superstar to me that says me. but idk
Marbury didnt show up all season! Nuff said.
MARINO1384 said:
Never said Marbury wasn't a me player
Never said he didnt even bother to show up all season either. i can deal with Iverson not showing up for 1 meaningless game when Marbury didnt show up all year. Thats a move I would make in less than half a heartbeat.
Boik14 said:
Never said he didnt even bother to show up all season either. i can deal with Iverson not showing up for 1 meaningless game when Marbury didnt show up all year. Thats a move I would make in less than half a heartbeat.

Yeah it'd be a good trade for the knicks but i just don't like AI. He's too thug like and thinks he's hot stuff
MARINO1384 said:
Yeah it'd be a good trade for the knicks but i just don't like AI. He's too thug like and thinks he's hot stuff
The difference between he and Steph is that AI is actually good and makes his teammates better. Thug like or not im sick of losing.
To be honest I dont care who we get but other than Frye, lee, Q, Crawford, Butler, and maybe Nate I want everyone else gone. The attitude of most of this team stinks and the one exception, Malik Rose, is actually a decent trade chip...a team like NJ may be able to use his grit and toughness and give something of value in return.
Boik14 said:
The difference between he and Steph is that AI is actually good and makes his teammates better. Thug like or not im sick of losing.
To be honest I dont care who we get but other than Frye, lee, Q, Crawford, Butler, and maybe Nate I want everyone else gone. The attitude of most of this team stinks and the one exception, Malik Rose, is actually a decent trade chip...a team like NJ may be able to use his grit and toughness and give something of value in return.

Well idk cuz i'm not a knicks fan. I'm a nets fan. Yes AI is a great player but i just don't like him. He'd be good for the knicks if he played team ball. Yes with the 76ers he didn't have much help so who knows what he'll be able to do if he had some talent(the knicks have talent they just need to playt as a team and play up to thier ablitily)
If Billy King executes a trade of Allen Iverson and Chris Webber (who comes off the Books next year) for any trash the Knicks have including Marbury he should be fired on the spot. Iverson is the only reason the Sixers are drawing 15-16,000 fans right now, and thats not even good. You think Marbury, Rose, Taylor etc. will draw that? Iverson and Webber are both much better players than any of those guys also. If we trade them, i'd like to get some value, some picks, some young talent. I know it will be very difficult to trade either of them, thats why i'd rather just wait it out and not re-sign the two of them when their contracts expire. Besides, like him or not, Allen Iverson is one of the great Sixer players of all-time, he WANTS to be here (because he runs the whole show and does whatever the hell he wants) and we probably should keep him until he plays less effective. Though his value will never be higher, he's having some of the best years of his career over the last several seasons.
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