Anyone Else Hope We end Up 0-16? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone Else Hope We end Up 0-16?

Phinfan31 said:
You guys are so full of pride...its ridiculous sometimes...I want whats best for this team and I feel thats without Wanny, Speilman, AND Wayne...a new QB and a good line...but without a terrible season that is not possible. I know that the playoffs are out of our grasp and I will ACCEPT IT. Now...what I want is for us to have a terrible season this year...only to go to the superbowl NEXT YEAR!!! What kind of a comeback would that be? The dolphins make big changes with the coaching staff...with a new QB and a good Oline we will DEFINATELY be superbowl contenders. Our defense will still be mostly intact and with David Boston, Chambers, Mcmike, and Booker we will be amazing...possibly Edge at RB as well....this team has ALOT of potential if we make the right moves during the offseason...and ADDRESS our NEEDS and fire the morons that make the decisions. I hope we have a 3-13 season...and I hope those wins are against New England this week...and then Denver and Seattle - the games I will be attending...but other than those 2 I hope we lose the rest so that when draft time comes...we will have alot of options to finally UPGRADE our team...

Full of pride????????? Excuse me, get off your armchair GM soap box for a minute. When has having a high draft pick ever guarenteed anything in this league?????? What, you think if we had a top 5 pick, we could draft a QB and be in the SB hunt next year? Brother you're trippin'............. This team needs more than an NCAA QB wonderboy to get back to classic Dolphins football. This fact obviously eludes you. You haven't thought this one through very well and I'm offended you are a fellow Dolphins fan. Wanting the team to lose.............get out of here with that juvenile line of thinking.

Hell yeah we're full of Dolphin pride. It just so happens that you yourself are full of ignorance.
enigmatics said:
Full of pride????????? Excuse me, get off your armchair GM soap box for a minute. When has having a high draft pick ever guarenteed anything in this league?????? What, you think if we had a top 5 pick, we could draft a QB and be in the SB hunt next year? Brother you're trippin'............. This team needs more than an NCAA QB wonderboy to get back to classic Dolphins football. This fact obviously eludes you. You haven't thought this one through very well and I'm offended you are a fellow Dolphins fan. Wanting the team to lose.............get out of here with that juvenile line of thinking.

Hell yeah we're full of Dolphin pride. It just so happens that you yourself are full of ignorance.
Welll said enig.
Dolphin1184 said:
Welll said enig.

It's just failed logic man. Losing a game, might instill some fire into a team that won 12 straight then lost the last game of the season right before the playoffs - maybe to remind them that they're not invincible. But losing double digit games or the worst nightmare of them all - losing every game in a season - will not I REPEAT will not bring a team back to the forefront. An 0-16 season is the kind of season that breaks spirits. 0-16 seasons cause retirements, cause team turmoil, cause players to bolt or demand trades.

It's obvious this team is going to have to replace the DT's real soon.......groom some new cornerbacks...........replace the QB.........go through another O-line shuffle..........get a new runningback. There's so much it's getting ridiculous at this point. One college golden boy isn't going to do all that for us.
ABOSOLUTELY NOT! 0-16 only helps a losing attitude to breed (see a team named the Cardinals). As a fan I can NEVER support intentionally losing to get a higher draft pick. I will root for the Fins to win every week, even if it means we get the 4th or 5th pick instead of the overall #1.

we still gotta go out and try and win every game.

Still not out of the equation for a play off place - however unlikely our play makes it , it is still mathematically possible for us to do it.

Im sure the players pride in themselves will ensure we dont go 0-16 , hell if we cant beat the Cards and 49ers we should chuck it and go play some poofy sport like hockey :tongue:
I think my statement came off wrong. First of all I think the Dolphins are on the verge (if not already in) of being a complete rebuilding process. And I for one don't want to be a team hoping to be 8-8 for the next 7 years because we keep sign 36 year old free agents. I would beg for them to 12-4 but that's not going to happen with this O-line, Rb and Qb. I just think we next to focus on a short 3 year to super bowl plan using the draft.
Whatever record it takes to get the top pick in the draft without going winless. That's what I want.
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
Forget about that 0-16 crap. I want to go 12-4, thats how I feel. will it happen, 99.9 % no, but thats how I feel as a Dolphins fan!!
yea and if we win 12 games straight... you dont think Wanny AUTOMATICALLY becomes coach of the year???


I rather go 3-13 and have wanny outta here and a new regime in then somehow win 12 in a row to go 12-4 and lose in the 1st round of the playoffs.

We get a good draft pick for the new regime to start out with and we can finally stockpile picks for the future.
Audiowizard said:
There is no way we're going to do anything this season anyway and we need major help. I'm thinking screw it and just make sure we can take the #1 pick overall and pick up Matt Leinart (or some qb) and help our future. Is it wrong as a Dolphin fan to think this way?

Have some Pride and some Dignity.I cant believe any F-ing Miami Fan would even consider this ****!!
Audiowizard said:
There is no way we're going to do anything this season anyway and we need major help. I'm thinking screw it and just make sure we can take the #1 pick overall and pick up Matt Leinart (or some qb) and help our future. Is it wrong as a Dolphin fan to think this way?
I know what your saying about wanting a great pick, but becoming the laughing stock of the league is not worth it. We would be the first team to claim the only undefeated and defeated season, and I want to keep it UNDEFEATED Season only.
Audiowizard said:
There is no way we're going to do anything this season anyway and we need major help. I'm thinking screw it and just make sure we can take the #1 pick overall and pick up Matt Leinart (or some qb) and help our future. Is it wrong as a Dolphin fan to think this way?
Clump, is that you?
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