Anyone else hope we lost to Arizona? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else hope we lost to Arizona?

Hey.. Wanny forced me to make this thread by continuing to play Jay "give use the best chance to win (1 game a season)" Fiedler..
I can't root against the Phins while watching the game.

And at 1-7, whether or not we beat the freakin' Cardinals should have no bearing on whether or not Dave gets the axe. WH has to have already made up his mind whether or not to fire Dave at the bye.
I will always root the Dolphins on to win.

However, if significant change were to immeduiately follow a loss to the Cards, I would have to think long and hard about what I would like the game outcome to be.

Unfortunitely, everything we hear is pure speculation and the only words out of Wayne's mouth are that it ain't goin to happen until after the season!:(
Superself said:
I hope Miami loses the rest of their games. Its best for the future IMO.

At this point (being 1-7) the losses don't hurt as much as they did at the beginning when I still had some hope.
How is losing 15 games good for the team? What, because we get the first overall pick in the draft. Im sorry but there is no single rookie that can dig a team out of a hole as deep as that. This would also mean we would have to lose to the Patriots and Bills again and we probably have a chance against to beat the Bills. Next you're talking about player morale. How can the young guys build any confidence if they get their @$$ kicked every week? Wayne wont fire Wanny till the end of the season so deal with it. Feeley should be starting now but give it time because he'll get his chance this season. I'm not a Wanny fan but I am a Dolphin fan and a true fan never wants to see their team lose.
Rebar71 said:
I can't root against the Phins while watching the game.

And at 1-7, whether or not we beat the freakin' Cardinals should have no bearing on whether or not Dave gets the axe. WH has to have already made up his mind whether or not to fire Dave at the bye.

Will everyone please just stop with this rooting to lose crap? :fire: :fire: I don't care how bad the Phins are or how much you hate Jay and Dave, YOU NEVER ROOT FOR THE LOSS, EVER!

Wayne IS NOT going to fire Wanny mid-season. He's just not that kind of King George Steinbrenner guy. Even if they lose to the Cards 70-2, Dave will still finish the season. Just pray he fires him after the Ravens game.
Smacks said:
Is this going to be an every week thread? I hope we lose to So and So...
Hell know I don't want to lose EVER.........I don't want the #1 pick in the draft..I don't want to be the laughing stock in the league...I don't want teams to pencil a W in before the play the Phins........
Beat the stinking Cards!!!!!!!!!!!
Too late, old man. We ARE the laughing stock of the league..You think if we win, we won't be?? Wake up. It's too late. We are not going to the playoffs. The only things we can hope for is that Feeley gets some experience in this year. And how would you like it if we went this entire disgusting season and got like 3 or 4 wins out of it and didn't get a top pick?? Not even top 5? Swallow your pride. Take it like a man. I'll still be out there. Rooting for our team..I can't help it. But inside, I want to see if Feeley is any good,I want Wannstedt and Spielman fired, and I want that #1 pick!!! That's all we can salvage from this year...The only good thing....That one pick...and what we do with it.
templarwd said:
Will everyone please just stop with this rooting to lose crap? :fire: :fire: I don't care how bad the Phins are or how much you hate Jay and Dave, YOU NEVER ROOT FOR THE LOSS, EVER!

Wayne IS NOT going to fire Wanny mid-season. He's just not that kind of King George Steinbrenner guy. Even if they lose to the Cards 70-2, Dave will still finish the season. Just pray he fires him after the Ravens game.
SHut up....I hope we lose. That being said, I know I'll be rooting for us once I'm out there in my seat.:lol: It's retarded....But, the only things we can look forward to is change and that #1.
Phinished w/RW said:
How is losing 15 games good for the team? What, because we get the first overall pick in the draft. Im sorry but there is no single rookie that can dig a team out of a hole as deep as that. This would also mean we would have to lose to the Patriots and Bills again and we probably have a chance against to beat the Bills. Next you're talking about player morale. How can the young guys build any confidence if they get their @$$ kicked every week? Wayne wont fire Wanny till the end of the season so deal with it. Feeley should be starting now but give it time because he'll get his chance this season. I'm not a Wanny fan but I am a Dolphin fan and a true fan never wants to see their team lose.

1. Miami gets the top pick in the draft. That alone opens up a lot of trading posibilities where, if managed correctly could net some top players at the QB and offensive line positions.

2. Year 1 with a new coaching staff and several new players, nobody will expect to win the superbowl in that first year.

3. The losing mentality stops when the new coach takes over. This year is written off already. Any player who allows the losing mentality of the Wanny regime to continue into next year should get dealt with. A good coach will be sure to instill confidence through leadership....which is something this team lacks overall.
Dave Wanstedt is not a good leader.
templarwd said:
Will everyone please just stop with this rooting to lose crap? :fire: :fire: I don't care how bad the Phins are or how much you hate Jay and Dave, YOU NEVER ROOT FOR THE LOSS, EVER!

Wayne IS NOT going to fire Wanny mid-season. He's just not that kind of King George Steinbrenner guy. Even if they lose to the Cards 70-2, Dave will still finish the season. Just pray he fires him after the Ravens game.

So we win another 3 games....WTF for?? So you can sit back and gloat to those team's fans and say well we did beat you during our worst ever season??

Come on dude. What does a win do for us now? It hurts more than it helps. You should find comfort in seeing that pitiful look on Wanny's face as if he is surprised at the chicken $hit display on the field every Sunday.

Root to lose!! :cooldude:
Nah. I can't bring myself to root for a Dolphins loss. But I won't be my usual distraught self if they lose.
I can't speak for everyone else, but as for myself, I can say........NO!

Look, winning the rest of our games (although a long-shot) isn't going to be enough to save Dave's job and losing the rest of them is not going to be enough to force Dave to play Feeley and others. I also high doubt that Wayne fires Dave mid-season.
muscle979 said:
No I hope we win, I made a bet on that game with a Cardinals fan before training camp started. (Before Ricky left and Boston went down.) At the time I thought it would be the easiest bet I ever won.
I not sure what you bet, but i bet it's a lot less than the pain we are going through with this idiot of a coach.........
SkapePhin said:
This will be the only game of the year that I will be rooting against the Phins.. Mainly so Dave can be put out of his misery and ensure that we start to look to the future by playing guys who NEED to be on the field aka Feeley..

Losing to Arizona is the only way I see this happening..

never root against your team for any reason!
If Wayne has any sense at all in that shiny, bald head of his, what will get Dave fired IN THE MIDDLE of the season is his blind loyalty to Jay and his hopeless attempt to save his job. It does nothing but hurt this team's future...Wayne will notice this someday(hopefully) and SHOULD give Wanny a ultimatum, as a boss should. "Either you play these younger players, that I am paying a lot of money for, and see if they are good enough to build around, or your services are no longer needed here." If Wayne had any sense he would do that..... Then again if Wayne had any sense at all Dave would have been fired at the end of last season. I'll just say I wont be holding my breath. :mad:
Not me...I NEVER EVER want to see this team lose, no matter how much I want Wanny fired.

I'd rather they win out and save his job than ever wish for a loss. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion on the "I'd rather lose" subject. My opinion is I never want the team that I have followed for 32+ years to lose, nor will I cheer a loss.
Under normal circumstances I would agree but drastic times call for drastic measures. I would rather we lose this game and the rest of them this year in order to our rebuilding process started and maybe have a decnet season next year. as apposed to winning out and prolonging the inevitable and maybe suffering through a bad season again next year.

Don't get me wrong I'm gonna still root for the home team but if they lose I wouldn't be upset about it as I normally would
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