Anyone else not expecting a playoff contender? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else not expecting a playoff contender?


Scout Team
Apr 28, 2007
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New York City
I don't know about you guys, but I know I was overly optimistic at the beginning of this season. well because that's how true fans are. But after the first 2 games, I'm coming back to my realist roots. I watch every Sunday religiously strictly to see the progression of the team and I'm not devasted when we lose. I actually smiled at the fantastic 70+ yard play that Fitz had against us. I couldn't help but to give that man his props for that fantastic show of skill.

But back to the topic, who else watches every Sunday strictly to watch their favorite team (Dolphins) compete, without expecting us to magically go out and look like the Colts, and ruins their whole week when we don't?
I'm not devastated when we lose anymore....But that's for other reasons than you were aludeing to. I watch every chance I get, though. And no, as I said before the season, and was called a "Negative bad fan" for, we are not makeing the playoffs.
At the risk of sounding like a loser, it kills me when we lose. I just want to win again. Don't get me wrong, i'm not on the verge of suicide or anything like that but it just pisses me off. I might have said I can see us going to the playoffs but honestly, I don't think we have a good chance at that.
Living in NY, I pay for NFL ticket to watch the Dolphins play. My gf asks me every Sunday when am I gonna stop watching if I know they're not going to the playoffs. Then I say in my best Jim Mora impression: Playoffs? You got to be kidd...Playoffs? I want to win badly, but I understand its a process, and going out and wrecking our salary cap and trading the house for patch work players, is not going to help our cause in the long term. I'll just sit back and watch the (hopeful) progression of the pieces we have brought in, and evaluate the pieces (of s**t) that we'll discard of after the season.
Living in NY, I pay for NFL ticket to watch the Dolphins play. My gf asks me every Sunday when am I gonna stop watching if I know they're not going to the playoffs. Then I say in my best Jim Mora impression: Playoffs? You got to be kidd...Playoffs? I want to win badly, but I understand its a process, and going out and wrecking our salary cap and trading the house for patch work players, is not going to help our cause in the long term. I'll just sit back and watch the (hopeful) progression of the pieces we have brought in, and evaluate the pieces (of s**t) that we'll discard of after the season.

At least somone was listening to Cam :D
I just want us to FAIL FORWARD FASTER

Truly I expected 5-6 wins
I just want us to FAIL FORWARD FASTER

Truly I expected 5-6 wins

I am the only Dolphins fan at y work and prior to the beginning of the season, I got asked several times each day how the Phins would be this year. I said I would be satisfied (considering how bad last year was) with a 6-10 record this year and ecstatic with an 8-8 record (being realistic, not idealistic). I still think we will win 5 or so games this year. It is only week 2. Our wins will come--slowly, but they will come.
I hate to say it.. but I knew we were in trouble during the Tampa Bay preseason game.. Its gonna be a long year.. but allow me to be the first to say..

"Oh well.. there's always next year"
I allowed Pennington's arrival and our performance in the preseason to raise my expectations, but I never expected anything more than .500 or so. 4 wins is very likely now, and I won't take it hard if it happens. 2006 was hard because we were supposed to go to the next level. 2007 was hard because it looked like we might set the worst record in history.

Truthfully, I just want to see improvement out of our young players at this point.
It hasn't hurt me much since high school, honestly. That's when we were coming off of decent seasons and fell straight into the cellar. It doesn't even sting anymore.
we're a long ways off from being a playoff contender,we all know that,but we can only get better,we've got a long ways to go,but we'll get there,i know we will.
The Dolphins have a bunch of scrub teams on the schedule, the problem is Miami is also a scrub team.
For those of us that say the losing doesn't hurt like it used to, this is unfortunately due to accepting the situation this team is in. If (as I expect) the Trifecta turns us back into a NFL power, losing will tear our hearts out, We won't sleep, we will kick the dog and scream at our neighbors!! I can't wait, can you?? :d-day:
As a fan you always hope for the stars to align just right and every off season move proves to be right one.

Realistically I never thought we we going to be a contender this year and I was actually depressed when we signed Pennington. I'm convinced that we will not contend for the division title until we finally find that young QB to build around. I would've preferred to take my chances with Beck or Henne this year. I'm growing increasingly skeptical of the general theory that a QB must sit for a few seasons to learn the ropes. I haven't seen anything in Henne's admittedly limited playing time that leads me to believe that he cant be succesful right now.

As far as losing goes, I don't have a problem with losing to a clearly better team but what kills me are those close games that we could've won but lost due to our own incompetence. It's incredibly frustrating to watch this team make mistake after mistake and I just want to scream every time we keep a drive alive with a stupid penalty.

But as much as I love the Dolphins and football in general, I don't spend the rest of the week brooding over a tough loss. I'd rather focus on the next game were hope springs eternal and all the miscues of last week will be replaced by flawless execution and everything finally clicks on this team.

I'm a Dolphin fan for life and I will watch this team week in and week out regardless of how bad we may be- It will only make the victories that much sweeter. Anyone could've been a Patriots fan the last 5 years or so but where's the fun in that?
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