Anyone else not expecting a playoff contender? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else not expecting a playoff contender?

I wasn't expecting to make the playoffs but that doesn't make me any less of a fan because I'm rational and objective when analyzing the true talents of this team. It's ok to be objective. It makes you look smarter in the end. This team is young. It's going to take some time to turn this thing around. I have all the faith in the world in Bill Parcells and his genuine ability to bring in the right right players with his unique ability to truly evaluate a player's skills. Stop thinking about playoffs and Super Bowls and just let the team develop and mature. We're not going to the playoffs this season.

Have faith and keep the hope for this franchise alive. That is what makes you a true fan. Never turn your back.
This team was never going to be a playoff contender this year, and technically i expected them to be 0-2 at this point anyway so they're right on the money. I just didn't think we'd run the ball so poorly and look this horrific on defense. They'll still win about 5-6 games though. I think i said 7 in my prediction thread because i bought into the pre-season hype a little, it's these damn forums!
I hate to say, but the losses now just roll off the shoulder.
When we we were good (a long long time a go) they stung a little bit.
I don't know about you guys, but I know I was overly optimistic at the beginning of this season. well because that's how true fans are. But after the first 2 games, I'm coming back to my realist roots. I watch every Sunday religiously strictly to see the progression of the team and I'm not devasted when we lose. I actually smiled at the fantastic 70+ yard play that Fitz had against us. I couldn't help but to give that man his props for that fantastic show of skill.

But back to the topic, who else watches every Sunday strictly to watch their favorite team (Dolphins) compete, without expecting us to magically go out and look like the Colts, and ruins their whole week when we don't?

I have never doubted that we are going to be better, but I must say I was sure we werent going to be a playoff team. I dont feel bad about it, becuase it dosent make me less of a fan.
It does makes mondays a little easier.:rolleyes:
Give it a year or two and hopefully we will be on the right track.
I wasn't expecting to make the playoffs but that doesn't make me any less of a fan because I'm rational and objective when analyzing the true talents of this team. It's ok to be objective. It makes you look smarter in the end. This team is young. It's going to take some time to turn this thing around. I have all the faith in the world in Bill Parcells and his genuine ability to bring in the right right players with his unique ability to truly evaluate a player's skills. Stop thinking about playoffs and Super Bowls and just let the team develop and mature. We're not going to the playoffs this season.

Have faith and keep the hope for this franchise alive. That is what makes you a true fan. Never turn your back.

Couldn't be said better. In my younger days (elementary school and into junior high), I used to predict the Phins to be 14-2 or 13-3 every year and win the Super Bowl. I'm a little older now (28) and for the past 13 years or so, have judged the team more with my head (rather than just my heart). But that doesn;t make me any less of a fan. I am very optimistic about this team (2 games is too early to truly tell this team's character and even talent--remember, we have many new pieces on the field and in the front office). We will be among the best in the NFL again. It won't be as soon as I would like... but we'll get there. This is the first "new" Phins team I will get to follow from beginning to end. When Marino was a rookie, I was 3 years old. I watched him and the Phins as much as I could (about 3-4 times a season since I live near Pittsburgh). In the early years 83-86 or so, I really was too young to completely understand the game and appreciate what I was seeing. Even after Marino retired, the team had many holdovers so I never really felt it was a whole new era (By this, I mean Duper, Clayton, Marino, Stephenson, Offerdahl, etc all started with the team within a couple years of eachother. When marino retired, we brought in Fiedler and had holdvers on defense, O-line, and WR). With this group, we have Henne, Ginn, Satele, Brown, a new staff, etc. They will grow together and it will be an exciting ride.
I watch the Fins because they are my team. Given their talent level (or lack there of) I still watch in the hopes that we are at least competitive (like against the Jets). Overall I don't get frustrated when we lose but it is a little disheartening when we get blown out (like against the Cardinals). Like I said before the beginning of the season. 8-8 season would be a miracle and way beyond expectations. More realistic is about 4-12 or 5-11. I still watch the Fins regardless.
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