Anyone else think Marc Anythony is a real fan? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else think Marc Anythony is a real fan?


Seasoned Veteran
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
Coral Springs
Just from the shots they showed of him during the game, the dude seemed to be really into it and genuinely happy for the Fins. I'm starting to not the mind the move to make him a minority owner, he seems to have great passion for this team and it looked real! (not faked like some people would do)
for real man. I liked seeing him up in his suite pumped up during the game. He definately looks like a real fan.
Meh. I don't much care one way or the other. He did sing a mean rendition of the Star Spangled Banner. It wasn't as quick and business-like as Harry Connick's was, but it was solid. At least we have a good group of minority owners. Jerruh Jones and Al Davis sure as hell aren't gonna belt one out like Marc Anthony.
well for starters he knew it was tiem to stand up and get loud ona 3rd down that is certainly points for him he knows the game it seems
Seriously, what does J-Lo see in him? :(
During that shot of him standing up and clapping on the 3rd down, J-Lo was simultaneously sitting down and looking bored out of her mind. But I'll let her pass, since she is, well, J-Lo.
dude marc anthony is a baller.... have you seen his teeth and his face LOL? and he bagged a girl like J-Lo... straight up married her.. I really don't think he's a "life long giants fan" I think his favorite team is the fins.. and if he brings jennifer lopez to the game with him every time he can come every game..
I saw him talking to ochocinco during the game I wonder if he's trying to tell him to come back home and play for us, that would be sweet!
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