Anyone else think Marc Anythony is a real fan? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone else think Marc Anythony is a real fan?

for real man. I liked seeing him up in his suite pumped up during the game. He definately looks like a real fan.

Not like it matters but it was nice to see his wife and himself jumping up and down when we score.

Gloria i have always known she was a Fins fan.

The Williams sisters was a shock to me so was Jay-lo sense her father is a big jets fan. Maybe when she was younger she hated her dad so she decided to be a fins fan but not nearly as big as we are.
I'm not sure that he is a true Dolphins fan at this time but he may grow to be one. Right now I just think that he a smart business person. As one of the owners, he did all of right things when the cameras were on him. He gave the appearance that he cared about the play of the team. It remains to be seen if that is actually the case.....
Oh, I am sure that he enjoyed the game for it's entertainment value. That alone does not make him a Dolphin fan though.
I'll tell you one thing, I saw him and J-Lo on the Orange Carpet thing the night of the Colts game. J-lo isn't all that big but she looked 2 inches taller than him. More than that the guy is so freakin scrawny he looks like a gust of wind would crack a couple of ribs.
Marc Anthony is a real fan! JLo was at his side then disappeared sometime after the 1st quarter. Marc stayed and cheered his arse off for the Fins! Talk about a real fan!
They are minority owners so it really doesn't matter if they are fans or not. If they are fans then all the better, but I could care less. I don't really care who is part owners. As for Marc Anthony, he looks like a football fan to me.
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