LT needs to learn to wait until he's in the locker room to do his crying. When you do it on the field people call you a sore sport and a poor loser. When it came right down to it this chargers team had all the class of a rock. They talked crap all week, made sure the press knew they had made reservations for the trip to miami Shut out any NE fans from traveling out for the game and in general over looked playing it out.They figured because they had the best record it virtually garranteed them the right to play in the super bowl. Over all kind of 2001 Steelers style. In his post game press conference he said the patriots had no class and maybe they get it from their coach. I lost a lot of respect for LT today. I know how disappointed he must feel but gezz if your going to tell us thru the press that you have class you ought to at least act like you do.