Anyone know what the deal with Tomlinson was at the end ... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone know what the deal with Tomlinson was at the end ...


FinHeaven VIP
May 1, 2002
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of the game? He got into some conflict with some of the Patriots at the end of the game and there appeared to be some harsh words exchanged. Tomlinson actually left the field as quickly as he could after the conflict.

whatever, i hate the patriots so if tomlinson hates them it makes me hate them more, because he is the classiest act in the NFL so he must be arguing with them for a good reason.
of the game? He got into some conflict with some of the Patriots at the end of the game and there appeared to be some harsh words exchanged. Tomlinson actually left the field as quickly as he could after the conflict.


Maybe sour grapes that they lost?
they were doing Merriman's celebration in the middle of their field-a big sign of disrespect
in the press conference after the game tomlinson said he felt disrespected because the patriots players were doing merriman's "dance" or whatever he does, on their homefield.
he also went on to say that they handled their win with no class and that their lack of class probably comes from their head coach.

and i think his comment about belichick is flat-out awesome. good for him about standing up to 4 patriots at once and good for him for taking a shot at the most classless guy in pro football.
It wouldnt surprise me if half of the Patriots' team take steroids..

Plus, most of their players are pricks.. Tom Brady is the biggest cry baby in sports.. The king of the sore losers.. I dont think he has EVER shook the hand of the opposing player after a bad loss..
you could see right after the patriots had sealed the game that he was really upset. i mean what can you expect him to do? they lost in the worst way possible, he played a hell of a game, their 14-2 season was shattered. this was supposed to be their season. he is the best all-around football player in the league right now and he has nothing to show for it, i'd be pissed too. and of course there was the lights out thing they were doing, just to top it all off.
LT needs to learn to wait until he's in the locker room to do his crying. When you do it on the field people call you a sore sport and a poor loser. When it came right down to it this chargers team had all the class of a rock. They talked crap all week, made sure the press knew they had made reservations for the trip to miami Shut out any NE fans from traveling out for the game and in general over looked playing it out.They figured because they had the best record it virtually garranteed them the right to play in the super bowl. Over all kind of 2001 Steelers style. In his post game press conference he said the patriots had no class and maybe they get it from their coach. I lost a lot of respect for LT today. I know how disappointed he must feel but gezz if your going to tell us thru the press that you have class you ought to at least act like you do.
NO he got into a confrontation with HOBBS the same DICK that hit the CHargers WR in the head and got away with it and the commentators said it as well on the replay. THen you heard one of the Patriots players taht was breaking up LT say "C'mon man, your better then that" while they were trying to push him away.
he is the best all around football player in the league right now, and he has nothing to show for it?

I agree, but you gotta be kidding, if this guy stays healthy for the rest of his career, he has a well chance of being the greatest running back of all time.

The record for having 31 touchdowns is nothing to show either i'm guessing....
LT needs to learn to wait until he's in the locker room to do his crying. When you do it on the field people call you a sore sport and a poor loser. When it came right down to it this chargers team had all the class of a rock. They talked crap all week, made sure the press knew they had made reservations for the trip to miami Shut out any NE fans from traveling out for the game and in general over looked playing it out.They figured because they had the best record it virtually garranteed them the right to play in the super bowl. Over all kind of 2001 Steelers style. In his post game press conference he said the patriots had no class and maybe they get it from their coach. I lost a lot of respect for LT today. I know how disappointed he must feel but gezz if your going to tell us thru the press that you have class you ought to at least act like you do.

Please, please, please tell me how tomlinson is wrong saying that your coach has no class. belichick is as classless as you get. and the patriots are the sorest losers there are.

i wish espn would stop dry humping the patriots every chance they get.

anyone remember how belichick had/has an affair with a married woman he met when he was with the Giants. classy man.
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