Anyone who is "OK" needs a shrink | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Anyone who is "OK" needs a shrink


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Sep 30, 2002
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South Florida
I see people saying "we are better" and there are "positives". WTF????

This is as bad as I can EVER remember in the 43 years of watching football. We are NO better. This was a train wreck of historic proportions. The sorry Jets have less talent than a high school JV squad. The Bills are only slightly better than that. And we let these dregs knock us out of the playoffs? The LOWLY SORRY Jets? The WORST team and coach in the NFL? Well second worst team after us I guess, right?

This Dolphins team has bad coaching, mediocre talent, and no heart or leadership from it's key players. We have progressed in some positions and regressed in others. The net result is we are no better, and in some ways worse. We suck. Plain and simple. I wish Ross had the marbles to fire everyone. I am not happy with anyone. Not Irleand, Not Philbin, not Coyle, not Sherman, not the guy who wears the stupid Dolphin mascot TD costume, not the hot dog vendor. This franchise needs an enema. I am just over it. I have been saying "next year" for 43 years and sooner or later the truth is what it is. No more aqua and orange glasses for me.
can't disagree. at least I did something better with my day than watching this sorry ass excuse for a football team.
This thing's a disaster, but.I'm not heartbroken. This team sucked the fan out of me well before today. Murphy's law with this bunch. Still love em but no expectations

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wow someone who actually makes sense. but dont worry man, im sure youll get a ton of people telling you youre a fake fan and should go root for the broncos or seahawks because you speak the truth. the offense is not even mediocre, the defense is mediocre to bad and the special teams are just pathetic. 32 years of watching this team and ive never felt more certain that i will never see this team win or even be in another super bowl.
Amen bro.

You cant finish the season with losses to the Jests and Bills, scoring only 7 points in the 2 games combined, and needing to win just one to get in the playoffs and heads not roll.

The whole thing needs blown up.
Me too, after suffering through the first half meltdown, I took the dog for a long enjoyable walk. Just wish I had left sooner.
amen... unfortunately I can actually understand the "im done with the dolphins crowd". I'm almost there. this is the worst I have ever felt about a 2 game stretch in my life hands down... it's not ok!!! it wasn't agood season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Occam's razor. The hypotheses with the fewest assumptions. Everyone should go.
Men, I am numb! I have been saying next year for the past 27 years and man today was the day I could actually watch my team roll into the playoffs with some sort of hope. Even forgetting the past failures if this season. But to my pure dismay we lost.
I am so hurt and feel depressed it's unreal. You know you can say fire this guy or that guy and insult the Dolphins organization as much as we want. But bottom line this team is our passion. Our love. The one thing we open the internet for. The one thing we look forward to all year, was for a day like today and boom. It's gone. Just like the field goal Pere Stoyanovich missed against San Diego. Boom it's gone. I'm so sad and so heart broken for my beloved Dolphins past a chance to get to the playoffs. I'm so sad.
I still cannot comprehend scoring 7 points over 8 quarters vs. the Bills and Jets. That is a collapse of historic proportions. Again, no one on this staff or in this front office should survive tomorrow.
I see people saying "we are better" and there are "positives". WTF????

This is as bad as I can EVER remember in the 43 years of watching football. We are NO better. This was a train wreck of historic proportions. The sorry Jets have less talent than a high school JV squad. The Bills are only slightly better than that. And we let these dregs knock us out of the playoffs? The LOWLY SORRY Jets? The WORST team and coach in the NFL? Well second worst team after us I guess, right?

This Dolphins team has bad coaching, mediocre talent, and no heart or leadership from it's key players. We have progressed in some positions and regressed in others. The net result is we are no better, and in some ways worse. We suck. Plain and simple. I wish Ross had the marbles to fire everyone. I am not happy with anyone. Not Irleand, Not Philbin, not Coyle, not Sherman, not the guy who wears the stupid Dolphin mascot TD costume, not the hot dog vendor. This franchise needs an enema. I am just over it. I have been saying "next year" for 43 years and sooner or later the truth is what it is. No more aqua and orange glasses for me.

Thanks for the much needed dose of reality dude. Unacceptable results against Buffalo and the Jets at Home.
Yeah, 8-8 is never "ok" especially when we spend 100 mil in the offseason to better the team. Winning one more game is not better. I was expecting 9-7 or 10-6 this season with a playoff berth, but alas I'm let down again by the Dolphins. Changes need to come and it starts in the front office. This team new identity and leadership ASAP. Ross better find that soon or he's going to be looking down the barrel of an empty stadium in 2014.
Worst team in the league the past two weeks, obviously. Philbin was supposed to be a good offensive mind but the offensive rankings are in the bottom five in the league across the board. But, hey, he keeps organized binders.
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