Are Dolphins One Year Away? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are Dolphins One Year Away?

SF Dolphin Fan

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May 27, 2005
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Looking at the way the roster is being put together I'd say the team is shooting for 2014 to be serious contenders. By then Ryan Tannehill should have at least one year under his belt and be ready to take off. By then, he should also have more talent around him. For the purpose of this thread, I'm making two assumptions. One is that Tannehill becomes at least an above average quarterback in the league. I think with his talent and this coaching staff that's a good assumption. Second I think Jonathan Martin will instantly be a big upgrade at right tackle and a potential pro bowl player there.

Moving forward, I think the team has five primary needs. A couple of those could be solved in a big way in the next draft. Another need could be filled in free agency. Even if the team fills three out of five needs in today's NFL teams no longer need to have everything to make a super bowl run. So here are what figures to be the five need areas.

1. Elite Pass Rusher Opposite Cameron Wake -- Even if Olivier Vernon establishes himself quickly you can still never have enough pass rushers. Miami needs to copy the Giants mold as that team has been so successful against New England. Get a plethora of pass rushers. Fortunately for the Dolphins this figures to be a good year to find pass rushers. Some good posts on pass rushers can be found on the draft forum.

2. Safety -- This is a huge question mark for Miami without any established players at the position. Kevin Coyle has shown the ability to get a lot out of players at this position so maybe someone emerges. To hope for two players to emerge, though, may not be realistic. I'm interested to see how Jimmy Wilson plays. Looks like the draft has a lot of talent here as well.

3. Big Play Wide Receiver --- Like safety there just aren't proven answers here, but there are plenty of rookies who will be given opportunities. Someone should emerge from the likes of Clyde Gates, Jeff Fuller, Roberto Wallace, the two drafted wr's et. all. I have a gut feeling the wide outs, with the tight ends included, will be better than expected. I think the system will have a lot to do with that . Still wouldn't surprise me to see upgrades here. I like the way the tight end position is starting to shape up. The Dolphins will likely copy Green Bay's blueprint here. They've made a good start.

4. Shut Down Corner -- Vernon Davis came through big in the second half with four interceptions and could end up making his first pro bowl in 2012. Sean Smith is up and down and only signed for one more season. If he can take his game to the next level we might be able to cross this need off the list.

5. Offensive Guards --- Potentially the Dolphins have three stars on the offensive line with Jake Long (already one of the best), Mike Pouncey (could be a pro bowler) and Martin. The guards, though, don't seem to fit Joe Philibin's system. That said, I do think John Jerry could. He has pretty good feet for a big guy, but this is clearly a make or break year for him. Richie Igcognito is solid, but not someone who is best suited for zone blocking and gettting to the second level. Miami will likely need at least one guard, maybe two to complete the line.

So all in all, if the right moves are made I can see Miami making a run next season. Thoughts?
It no longer takes several years to rebuild a team. A decent GM can get it done within a year or two. It all starts with the most important position in football. If you are doing it the other way around and building a team with the plan to plug in a QB later, it will take far longer, as we've seen over the past decade. If they develop Tannehill properly and Philbin is a good coach, there's no excuse for failing to compete next year.

This is the most confidence I've had in this team in a long time. They're building a product I'd pay to see.
You know, there is a lot of "hope" based on this year's draft; however, training camp hasn't even started. Every year, half the guys (or more) don't even pan out. Other teams have been getting better this year also, and you have to get that much better than them in order to improve. When you look at the other teams, like the Pats, I don't see any "great improvement relative to them."

This team started 0-7 last year, and I could give a crap that we won 6 games against 5 really bad teams. We have improved very little...we might be able to go 7-9 and not look so bad, but the idea that right now this roster has any kind of real talent is absolutely crazy.
Vontae, not Vernon is our CB. We also need solid special teams play to give us field position, and make impact on that piece of the game. Still feel Tight end is a big opportunity for us. Good thread!
Go fins!
They're building a product I'd pay to see.

This is what appeals to me as well. The fact that they are building a product based on a working model instead of just slapping some "talent" in a team with no identity or working system. Think about Green Bay, Steelers, and even the Giants. They build from the ground up through the draft and plug "no-names" that are willing to work within a system. Philbin is bringing a proven system to a team that is comprised of players only Dolfans really know of, very similar to a Green Bay franchise that avoids bringing in Big-name talents. This franchise is looking to groom players instead of plugging in players.

You know, there is a lot of "hope" based on this year's draft; however, training camp hasn't even started. Every year, half the guys (or more) don't even pan out. Other teams have been getting better this year also, and you have to get that much better than them in order to improve. When you look at the other teams, like the Pats, I don't see any "great improvement relative to them."

This team started 0-7 last year, and I could give a crap that we won 6 games against 5 really bad teams. We have improved very little...we might be able to go 7-9 and not look so bad, but the idea that right now this roster has any kind of real talent is absolutely crazy.

I'm not gonna argue that on paper is sure looks like we downgraded in a few key areas, but is having talent on a roster the only thing/main thing that truly matters? If this organization is really looking to build a sustainable team I would think that the first steps are having a system that simultaneously: (1) grooms young and previously overlooked players; and (2)veteran players can jump right into and exceed or equal their prior output. Talent does have a lot to do with player development but if we have a system that can't groom that talent it just goes to waste. I don't think stacking a team with talent is indicative to becoming a better football team (i.e. Eagles).

I completely agree with you though that it is entirely too early to know what we have as a team considering it's still so early in the summer, but I think the improvement with this team isn't shown on paper by stats and "talent" but by the change in philosophy and by bringing a brand of football that this team has lacked in ages.
YES! Contend for .500!!!

With a little luck ... we MIGHT be 1 year away from finally crossing the .500 Mendoza line & staying above it.

Sure hope so!!
They have the NFL preview magazines on the shelves already and I was reading Lindy's yesterday and they have us finishing 4th in the AFC East. They basically state we are starting over with a new coach, and a likely newly drafted rookie QB, whereas the other teams already have their systems in place. I can't argue with most of these magazines but I think we can surprise with our new offense and defense. :up: Can't wait for the season to start.
It no longer takes several years to rebuild a team.

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

SF went from being an arguably worse team than us to a powerhouse. All in a year because of excellent coaching..

Maybe THIS year is our year!! :brewskis: **kool aid**
Hey like I have said for a long long time, Ireland needed to take a shot and address QB, he took a shot and addressed QB. +1 finally, I will not blame him if Tannehill falters because frankly with the new CBA he is easily replaceable.

The verbiage out of Philbin and Co. is right, now let's see if they can get the players to execute. Miami is still a few pieces away in my opinion, it'd be nice to see a couple 2 and 3 year players step up and fill those needs because if they do, this team will surprise a few people.
This team is incomplete at the moment, but there are always a few franchises that perform above and beyond everybody's expectations, so you never know. Philbin's first year will tell us a lot about the direction this team is going.
Next year will probably be Tannehill's first year at starting. If that is the route the Dolphins take I can't imagine contending until at least 2014, but more likely 2015...assuming Tannehill develops.
I have to agree with the good docter that we still have a ways to go but I think they have turned the corner.
I'm willing to be patience and see what a good head coach and first round QB can do in the next few years. Hell we've waited this long whats a year or two.
If they pull a San Fran and improve dramaticly I would be estatic but just being competitive and building a solid base going into next year would be fine too.
They have the NFL preview magazines on the shelves already and I was reading Lindy's yesterday and they have us finishing 4th in the AFC East. They basically state we are starting over with a new coach, and a likely newly drafted rookie QB, whereas the other teams already have their systems in place. I can't argue with most of these magazines but I think we can surprise with our new offense and defense. :up: Can't wait for the season to start.

I'd take our "unknown" system over the Jets and Bills "known" systems. The Bills gave $60 million to freaking Ryan Fitzpatrick. I would kill myself
Looking at the way the roster is being put together I'd say the team is shooting for 2014 to be serious contenders. By then Ryan Tannehill should have at least one year under his belt and be ready to take off. By then, he should also have more talent around him. For the purpose of this thread, I'm making two assumptions. One is that Tannehill becomes at least an above average quarterback in the league. I think with his talent and this coaching staff that's a good assumption. Second I think Jonathan Martin will instantly be a big upgrade at right tackle and a potential pro bowl player there.

Moving forward, I think the team has five primary needs. A couple of those could be solved in a big way in the next draft. Another need could be filled in free agency. Even if the team fills three out of five needs in today's NFL teams no longer need to have everything to make a super bowl run. So here are what figures to be the five need areas.

1. Elite Pass Rusher Opposite Cameron Wake -- Even if Olivier Vernon establishes himself quickly you can still never have enough pass rushers. Miami needs to copy the Giants mold as that team has been so successful against New England. Get a plethora of pass rushers. Fortunately for the Dolphins this figures to be a good year to find pass rushers. Some good posts on pass rushers can be found on the draft forum.

2. Safety -- This is a huge question mark for Miami without any established players at the position. Kevin Coyle has shown the ability to get a lot out of players at this position so maybe someone emerges. To hope for two players to emerge, though, may not be realistic. I'm interested to see how Jimmy Wilson plays. Looks like the draft has a lot of talent here as well.

3. Big Play Wide Receiver --- Like safety there just aren't proven answers here, but there are plenty of rookies who will be given opportunities. Someone should emerge from the likes of Clyde Gates, Jeff Fuller, Roberto Wallace, the two drafted wr's et. all. I have a gut feeling the wide outs, with the tight ends included, will be better than expected. I think the system will have a lot to do with that . Still wouldn't surprise me to see upgrades here. I like the way the tight end position is starting to shape up. The Dolphins will likely copy Green Bay's blueprint here. They've made a good start.

4. Shut Down Corner -- Vernon Davis came through big in the second half with four interceptions and could end up making his first pro bowl in 2012. Sean Smith is up and down and only signed for one more season. If he can take his game to the next level we might be able to cross this need off the list.

5. Offensive Guards --- Potentially the Dolphins have three stars on the offensive line with Jake Long (already one of the best), Mike Pouncey (could be a pro bowler) and Martin. The guards, though, don't seem to fit Joe Philibin's system. That said, I do think John Jerry could. He has pretty good feet for a big guy, but this is clearly a make or break year for him. Richie Igcognito is solid, but not someone who is best suited for zone blocking and gettting to the second level. Miami will likely need at least one guard, maybe two to complete the line.

So all in all, if the right moves are made I can see Miami making a run next season. Thoughts?

I think that we are at least 2-3 years away from being competitive and I'll tell you why.

#1 I think that we made a big mistake by drafting Tannehill. I never liked him, I think he has limited upside and he played very small in big games/ situations. Again, I hope I'm wrong but I think we were much better off trading down for Weeden (who I have always liked better) and picking up another 2nd rounder.
#2 It was a big mistake to trade Marshall (particularly for the compensation). He's still young and when he has a real QB/ offensive coordinator he is a top 8-10 WR in football. He's a dominant player, and I think it was very irresponsible to ship him off, especially since without him our receiving corps might be the worst in the league.
#3 Our offensive backfield is extremely overrated by people on this board. Daniel Thomas has done absolutely nothing to impress anybody, Lamar Miller is a rookie, and Reggie Bush just is not a reliable every down back. He's a great role player fit for a team with a good passing game, but he's only had one pretty good rushing year in his entire career. We'll see what happens this year when he starts seeing a lot more 8 man fronts because defenses no longer have to respect any of our players on the outside, or our passing attack in general.
#4 QB is still a tremendous question mark.
#5 We were among the worst in the league at pass D (especially against tight ends) last year and that will probably continue because we still have no safeties.
#6 I have no idea how our front 7 is going to react to playing in a 4-3. I actually have a lot of faith in Wake, as well as our DT corps (which is very good) but our LB corps outside of Dansby is extremely underwhelming. I don't think Dansby is that great anyway.

So, like I said, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see a whole lot of short term hope for this team. We have a lot of talent at both defensive and offensive tackle, and Cam Wake is still a beast. That being said, we are "meh" at best almost everywhere else.
I think that we are at least 2-3 years away from being competitive and I'll tell you why.

#1 I think that we made a big mistake by drafting Tannehill. I never liked him, I think he has limited upside and he played very small in big games/ situations. Again, I hope I'm wrong but I think we were much better off trading down for Weeden (who I have always liked better) and picking up another 2nd rounder.
#2 It was a big mistake to trade Marshall (particularly for the compensation). He's still young and when he has a real QB/ offensive coordinator he is a top 8-10 WR in football. He's a dominant player, and I think it was very irresponsible to ship him off, especially since without him our receiving corps might be the worst in the league.
#3 Our offensive backfield is extremely overrated by people on this board. Daniel Thomas has done absolutely nothing to impress anybody, Lamar Miller is a rookie, and Reggie Bush just is not a reliable every down back. He's a great role player fit for a team with a good passing game, but he's only had one pretty good rushing year in his entire career. We'll see what happens this year when he starts seeing a lot more 8 man fronts because defenses no longer have to respect any of our players on the outside, or our passing attack in general.
#4 QB is still a tremendous question mark.
#5 We were among the worst in the league at pass D (especially against tight ends) last year and that will probably continue because we still have no safeties.
#6 I have no idea how our front 7 is going to react to playing in a 4-3. I actually have a lot of faith in Wake, as well as our DT corps (which is very good) but our LB corps outside of Dansby is extremely underwhelming. I don't think Dansby is that great anyway.

So, like I said, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see a whole lot of short term hope for this team. We have a lot of talent at both defensive and offensive tackle, and Cam Wake is still a beast. That being said, we are "meh" at best almost everywhere else.

I'd like to think we have turned the corner. Not quite as enthusiastic as the OP but feelin better about our direction.
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