Are these prices Real..Games should be sold out. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Are these prices Real..Games should be sold out.


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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Is this all you guys pay for season tickets?

Season tickets are now on sale and range in price from $230 to $560 for the team's ten-game home package (2 preseason, 8 regular season). Club seats also are available. Individual game tickets will go on sale in the future.

Man the people here in the DC area would kill for prices like can Miami games not be sold out for that price?
yeah i was thinking the same thing.......Im over here by Frisco and Raider/Niner season tix usually start at about a grand....heh, i can afford Dolphin Season tix with 3 Raider games. (Raider single game tix = $70- $100)
Man the people here in the DC area would kill for prices like can Miami games not be sold out for that price?

in fact, last season all the home games were sold out
Originally posted by Phin19
Man the people here in the DC area would kill for prices like can Miami games not be sold out for that price?

in fact, last season all the home games were sold out

You must understand, that I read more about your 72 hour black out, and I see how many tickets are brought by companies there at the last minute to keep the game from doing a blackout in your area, plus since I have to watch the games on TV, I see the empty stands a lot more than you, since I kinda watch for that sort of thing every since it was written about Miami have a hard time selling out if you read the Chris Chambers interview, you'd note that he also point out how the stands are not full. So please check your info..the remaining seats are bought up by companies, and they don't always fill the stands, in DC there's a 10 year waiting list for Skins season tickets, it use to be 20+ years before they built their new stadium.
I agree...we SHOULD be selling out every home game, unfortunately it doesn't happen. I'm not sure what the answer is but what I do know is Miami fans can be the most fickle people I've ever seen. This goes for every team we have..Phins,Heat,Marlins and Panthers. Good example is the Marlins, last season empty seats througout the whole regular season..ahh but once we're in the playoffs the fans are lining up for tickets and the games sell out. Everyones cheering "Go Marlins!" where were you during the regular season when they were working their butt's off?! that just pissed me off last year :fire: Remember the Eagles game last year where there seemed to be more Eagles fans in the stadium and everytime Deuce Staley touched the ball there were loud cheers of "Deuuuce", so many that even Jim Mandich was disgusted to hear it. I wish I had a better answer for you but I just don't...sorry to go off on a rant here it's just that I'm wondering the same things you are.
The fact of the matter is that Dolphin Fans... actually... South Florida sports fans suck. There seems to be no loyalty. In any other town... if you started to bad mouth the home team unfairly by saying "Ahh... they suck," with out any explination, just "they suck" you'd get your head kicked in. It seems that Die Hard Dolphin fans are far and few between. People here seem to be fans only when its fashonable. In High school, every Monday after a game I'd have my Dolphin Jersey on win or lose, and the abuse whould start from people that don't even watch football. OHH...Errr that **** pisses me off! Anyway, just like the Heat, Marlins and the Panthers, the "fans" show up when the team is making a playoff push... F ck 'em all. THEY'RE THE ONES THAT SUCK. Lets here it for the TRUE DIE HARDS.....GO FRIGGIN' FINS!!!

I did not know they were that cheap. I am definately going to purchase a few of them when I get a little bit older.
I don't think we have to apologize for our ticket sales.

The logic behind counting ticket sales as the sign of true fandom escapes me. I guess if you are making money, are free on Sundays, and can blow a wad on season tickets you are a real fan.

The working guy that can only go to a game or two a year is just some fake fan. The nerve of that guy putting food and housing above football tickets.
We are bandwagon fans here but you have to see it in another light. There are so many enterntainment options here, there is more competition here for your dollar enterntaiment was than in other cities so all sports teams here have competitive prices.
One last thing before I go to bed... I dont think being a fan nessasarily means that you have to buy tickets to the games... you'd just think that a play off game at home would garner enough attention in that town to prevent it from being blacked out locally.
Ahhh..... sweet sleep.

cheap ticket sales because of the attendence in years previous. I bet this will get more people in the stands. kudos to wayne h..i doubt they were always this cheap..makes me wanna pack my bags tonight.
I live in Mississippi, but man if i did live there i would have the season tix and would schedule my work around going to the games. I did however get to see our boys kick the crap out of Dallas last year . My wifes dad lives in Dallas, and we were there for the turkeyday masacre. I will tell you this much i have been to 5 pro games 4 the saints an 1 Miami and every game i went to the team i wanted to win won. I wish i could have gone to more fin games. I live too far away from most pro teams. If the fins gave me transport and tix we might see another superbowl though.......LOl! Dolfanreal69
Dolfanreal... you should really go to more Dolphin Games. Had you been there at the NE game at home maybe Olino whould've made one of those field goals.
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