For Earth Below
If we can just focus on the Dolphins possession with 3 minutes to go. Armando was emphatic in his blog that Philbin instructed Lazor to be aggressive and do whatever was necessary to obtain the game clinching 1st down. Armando even quotes Philbin as saying that in no way could they afford to give Rodgers one more drive. So Philbin understood the urgency of the situation.
I interpret that message to Lazor that 3 play call sequences were acceptable: 1) Run, Run, Run; 2) Run, Pass, Pass; 3) Pass, Pass, Pass. I don't think that Run, Run, Pass was acceptable once the initial run gains only one yard. And obviously Lazor's choice of Run, Pass, Run was the worst and most inconsistent option.
So given Armando's comments that this situation was discussed and planned for ahead of time, how should the blame be apportioned for the lack of execution?
My biggest criticism of Philbin is that he is too much of a delegator. So is the play sequence failure 100% on Lazor, or is this a situation in which Philbin should have demanded that the run/pass play sequence met his approval,
My gut reaction is that Philbin read the situation, yet deserves the blame for allowing Lazor complete autonomy with the play call sequence. Or perhaps the reality is that Lazor has 100% control over the play calling and it was his responsibility alone to execute Philbin's explicit instructions to be ultra-aggressive in that situation.
I interpret that message to Lazor that 3 play call sequences were acceptable: 1) Run, Run, Run; 2) Run, Pass, Pass; 3) Pass, Pass, Pass. I don't think that Run, Run, Pass was acceptable once the initial run gains only one yard. And obviously Lazor's choice of Run, Pass, Run was the worst and most inconsistent option.
So given Armando's comments that this situation was discussed and planned for ahead of time, how should the blame be apportioned for the lack of execution?
My biggest criticism of Philbin is that he is too much of a delegator. So is the play sequence failure 100% on Lazor, or is this a situation in which Philbin should have demanded that the run/pass play sequence met his approval,
My gut reaction is that Philbin read the situation, yet deserves the blame for allowing Lazor complete autonomy with the play call sequence. Or perhaps the reality is that Lazor has 100% control over the play calling and it was his responsibility alone to execute Philbin's explicit instructions to be ultra-aggressive in that situation.