Armstead goes down with Pectoral injury | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Armstead goes down with Pectoral injury

Shell got beat with the same inside move causing two sacks. He's not a LT option so it's a shame about Armstead whose a guy that plays injured but he must not be able to with this injury. Hopefully we get some losses for our playoff competition KC, Buff, Jets and Tenn and Armstead & Ajax get both back on the filed this year.
As others have said pecs are rarely a minor injury. Either the muscle is fine or you are missing a couple+ weeks.

Fingers crossed on this one. Hopefully A. Jackson can play LT next week if needed.
I wonder how much those "DNP" impacted this? Dude NEVER practices.
I do not know the answer. When we DNP Mike Pouncey it was a good thing. But then they said it hurt the timing without practice reps.
I think we need stretching or yoga to help avoid hamstrings, Achilles, and maybe it would help with tricep/bicep/pec stuff we see.
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