Artest gets 30 game suspension | UPDATE - REST OF SEASON | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Artest gets 30 game suspension | UPDATE - REST OF SEASON

Just announced:

Ron Artest - Rest of Season
Stephen Jackson - 30 games
Jermaine O'Neal - 25 games
Anthony Johnson - 5 games
Ben Wallace - 6 games

All with no Pay

Eldon Campbell - 1 game
Chauncey Billups - 1 game
Derrick Coleman - 1 game
Reggie Miller - 1 game

These guys get $35,000 fines.
ESPN has reported Artest is gone for the year. Good job by the NBA. This clown deserved it.
PerfectFinz72 said:
ESPN has reported Artest is gone for the year. Good job by the NBA. This clown deserved it.

Shut up. He got hit in the mouth with a damn bottle, now what would YOU of done?
Looks like the Heat just moved up a seed.
X-Con said:
Shut up. He got hit in the mouth with a damn bottle, now what would YOU of done?

I agree. I think Artest made a mistake by going into the stands, but I don't blame him for going in there. He may have overreacted, but he was provoked. He did deserve a 10 or 15 game suspension, but suspending him for the rest of the season is just ridiculous.

Something I would really like to see is a 5 game home ban for the Pistons. They should be forced to play some of their home games in empty stadiums. The fans deserve punishment too.
X-Con said:
Shut up. He got hit in the mouth with a damn bottle, now what would YOU of done?

Your a loser x-con normal people call police/security, we dont live in anarchy. Go promte crime somewhere else, your posts are degenerating and embarrising.
FinFan84 said:
Your a loser x-con normal people call police/security, we dont live in anarchy. Go promte crime somewhere else, your posts are degenerating and embarrising.
Its easy to say that if you havent been in that sitaution. If somebody came to your work and threw a beer bottle at your head can you say you def would have just called security?
YES!!!!!! Great job by David Stern and the NBA!

I would also put Artest on a "last chance" type of letter. If he does something like this again, he is BANNED FOR LIFE!!!!!!
Goodbye won't be missed.

Atleast he has time to promote his "rap" album now. Christ what a f'ing clown
It seems kind of harsh to me. The way I see it, if a fan gets on the court, they are fair game. In the case of Jermaine O'neal, the fan was on the court, and he punche dhim. Artest went into the stands as did Jackson. Jackson's punched actually looked worse to me than Artest's while in the stands. The guy Ron Artest punched who was on the court is fine by me. Everyone wants to villify the players, but the fans need to know how to react all the same. Those punks who got on the court deserved to be pummeled.

In baseball, if a fan gets on the field, the players have tackled and punched them without a problem, the same should happen in NBA games.

I used to be a Pro Wrestler, and we had, what I think, was good security surrounding the ringside area. However, on occasion, some moron would hop the railing slip past security and get in the ring. At that point, as a performer/athlete, you have no idea what these maniacs will do, so you defend yourself and subdue them anyway you can. Monica Seles was STABBED by a supposed fan. She had no time to call for security. Any fan in any sport that wants to step foot on the playing surface should be well aware that their face is most likely going to be caved in, and rightfully so.

Having said that, I think Artest should have been suspended, but not for an entire season. A precedent had been set before with Rodman, Maxwell and others. Given the fact that there were no major injuries and the most likely event of lawsuits and possible criminal charges, I think this punishment is too harsh. I would be shocked if the Player's Union doesn't fight this.
Good when you go into the stands you are 100% wrong. That is why there is security and Police in every stadium.

He is a disgrace to all sports.
X-Con said:
I hope to God....David Stern gets punched in his face like that fat f*** who JO knocked out. Seriously. :shakeno:

So much anger. Do you play basketball by the way?
VJ1252 said:
Its easy to say that if you havent been in that sitaution. If somebody came to your work and threw a beer bottle at your head can you say you def would have just called security?

If you went after them you would run the risk of losing your job without a doubt. You would also run the risk of being arrested. There is a reason we have the rule of law.
ohall said:
So much anger. Do you play basketball by the way?

Yes I do. And here we go with the stereotypes... :shakeno:
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