Article: Miami Dolphins worst franchise in the NFL | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Article: Miami Dolphins worst franchise in the NFL


Diehard Phinatic!
Dec 20, 2008
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Syracuse, NY
It is a tragedy what is going on with the Miami Dolphins. One of the most successful franchises in of all sports has become the laughing stock of the NFL. The Dolphins were always cutting edge and ahead of the game when Joe Robbie built the team. It seems like yesterday when Robbie lured Don Shula away from the Baltimore Colts to make the Miami Dolphins matter.

Watching Peyton Manning pass over the Dolphins for Tennessee or Arizona, two cities that don't have Miami's rich history is a disgrace. And the news keeps getting worse. Over the weekend, Matt Flynn, the former Green Bay back-up QB who supposedly had a great relationship with new head coach Joe Philbin, signed with the Seattle Seahawks.

Flynn passed up a chance to play in the sunshine for the rainiest city on earth. The Dolphins gave up their best wide receiver, Brandon Marshall, without making a move to replace his talent. Without a star wide receiver to throw to, how the hell did General Manager Jeff Ireland think he could lure a quarterback of Manning's Hall of Fame caliber here?

It's just another boneheaded personnel move that shows Ireland is not qualified for his job.It seems like no star NFL players want to come play for Miami, where the NBA franchise has no problem convincing Chris Bosh and LeBron James to take pay cuts in order to win a championship. I was on the phone with Warren Sapp for over an hour. He gets paid the big bucks to be an NFL analyst and he can't figure out what the heck is wrong with the Dolphins.

If owner Stephan Ross doesn't fire Ireland soon, he's better off selling the team. Every day Ireland remains in charge, he makes Ross look foolish.
hey thesparanos back with more crap! wonderful pile on. it must feeel so wonderful.
The franchise is great..the GM and owner...well...
Miami (and Ft Lauderdale) New Times: their main claim to fame aside from being a freebie handout in machines throughout the area is the number of faux oxycontin "clinics" advertising on their back pages (before the govt cracked down on the SoFL abuses and those "clinics" moved toward the deep south. Nothing close to any Grantland Rices, Edwin Popes or Bernsteins/Woodwards to be found on their pages.

And to the OP: how do you expect anyone to take you seriously while you "represent" a clueless Meatball as your online persona?
Never seen a fan that seeks out so many negative articles to post.

please tell me what I'm supposed to be excited about? dont worry I'll wait.....oh yea we signed artis hicks! awesome!
Does Miami need 4545 web sites that discuss the same thing?

I love how he compares this situation to the NBA. You know, the sport where a roster is composed of 12 players, 8 of who actually play. It's not even close to being the same situation.
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