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Ask Brett Tessler

4School said:
I'm Antomius Wise.
I know of you from representing Antwan Marsh. I held him to "0" catches. I'm not on hear to hate or anything, I'm just trying to get back on a NFL team, can you help me? Are you still taking on clients. I'm real and these are my real numbers. Compared to Antwan, I'm a lil bigger and I can jump higher. We are close in the speed dept. He is a great Athlete. I fired my agent after I came from Redskins camp. I did the leg work to get myself there. I used my mouth piece from what I learned from getting my degree in Sports Management. Can I have some contact info? My email is I hope to hear from you soon.
Here is the link if you need proof:

I read the article and your story is a great one. Unfortunately, there are a lot of players in your situation looking for work at a time when teams are forced to CUT DOWN their rosters in the next week or so. Therefore, I don't believe there's anything I can do to help right now.

Seeing as you were out of school last year and didn't get signed by an NFL team this year, you might want to consider other options such as the Arena League or Canada. If so, send those teams your info and check out this website Best of luck.
Hey Brett, aftr all this time I finally have a question for you;

What's YOUR take on Daunte and the offense's woes this first two games?
Either Brett is REALLY REALLY busy or has decided not to stop by much anymore....What's going on Brett???
PhinsRock said:
Hey Brett, aftr all this time I finally have a question for you;

What's YOUR take on Daunte and the offense's woes this first two games?

Aside from the obvious, which is that things aren't going very well right now, I can't share a whole lot more. For one, I see the same things that you or anybody else sees when watching these games. Also, because I've represented so many players on this team and have such a great deal of respect for so many people around the organization, it wouldn't be appropriate to say anything that could be construed as unprofessional, disrespectful, or controversial. When you become an agent it's a sacrifice you have to make.

However, I am the same guy who grew up loving the Dolphins and would go crazy when they'd lose. I know how much everybody here loves this team and I feel their pain.
miamirick said:
Either Brett is REALLY REALLY busy or has decided not to stop by much anymore....What's going on Brett???

I haven't gone anywhere. I check in all the time and whenever anybody asks a question I try to answer it as quickly as possible. Aside from that, I'm alive and well.
Brett Tessler said:
Aside from the obvious, which is that things aren't going very well right now, I can't share a whole lot more. For one, I see the same things that you or anybody else sees when watching these games. Also, because I've represented so many players on this team and have such a great deal of respect for so many people around the organization, it wouldn't be appropriate to say anything that could be construed as unprofessional, disrespectful, or controversial. When you become an agent it's a sacrifice you have to make.

However, I am the same guy who grew up loving the Dolphins and would go crazier than anybody on this website when they'd lose. I know how much everybody here loves this team and I feel their pain.

Brett, as a follow up. I am not sure if you personally think Daunte is having any lingering problems be it physical, mental, or a combination.

However, if you can share your thoughts, while taking that thought into consideration, how do you advise your clients and position it with an organization when it comes to them returning from an injury, a very serious one at that, regarding how much they try to so, how soon, and how you relate and "coach" their performance from a psychy standpoint if it seems they are struggling with what they used to do, and how they are currently performing?

Ultimately, as an agent do you treat the situation differently for a "new" client vs. an "established" one? I am wondering if you talk to your clients about returning and how their performance may impact them from an agent's perpective?

thanks -
BigDogsHunt said:
Brett, as a follow up. I am not sure if you personally think Daunte is having any lingering problems be it physical, mental, or a combination.

However, if you can share your thoughts, while taking that thought into consideration, how do you advise your clients and position it with an organization when it comes to them returning from an injury, a very serious one at that, regarding how much they try to so, how soon, and how you relate and "coach" their performance from a psychy standpoint if it seems they are struggling with what they used to do, and how they are currently performing?

Ultimately, as an agent do you treat the situation differently for a "new" client vs. an "established" one? I am wondering if you talk to your clients about returning and how their performance may impact them from an agent's perpective?

thanks -

The bottom line is my clients' health always comes first. A player should not come back until they are physically able to perform at an effective level... no sooner. All players understand that they're expected to play through bumps and bruises, but if they're injured they'd only be hurting themselves and the team by coming back too quickly. Each player is different when it comes to returning both physically and mentally. Some players simply have less fear than others.
Brett Tessler said:
The bottom line is my clients' health always comes first. A player should not come back until they are physically able to perform at an effective level... no sooner. All players understand that they're expected to play through bumps and bruises, but if they're injured they'd only be hurting themselves and the team by coming back too quickly. Each player is different when it comes to returning both physically and mentally. Some players simply have less fear than others.

Interesting and appropriate reply.

Just out of curiosity, where do you draw the line at advising a player in returning from an injury? In other words, if a player looks and acts healthy, but is clearly not playing at 100% of his/her pre-injury performance level, how would you approach him/her to point out the possibility that they shouldn't come back as quickly as they might want to - not only for fear of re-injuries, but also for fear of damaging their reputation?

Clearly comptetive athletes want to play as quickly as they can, and might even fool themselves (and others) into believing they're ready to go when they're not. I'm sure it's not an easy situation.
The Goat said:
Interesting and appropriate reply.

Just out of curiosity, where do you draw the line at advising a player in returning from an injury? In other words, if a player looks and acts healthy, but is clearly not playing at 100% of his/her pre-injury performance level, how would you approach him/her to point out the possibility that they shouldn't come back as quickly as they might want to - not only for fear of re-injuries, but also for fear of damaging their reputation?

Clearly comptetive athletes want to play as quickly as they can, and might even fool themselves (and others) into believing they're ready to go when they're not. I'm sure it's not an easy situation.

Again, if a guy is injured he shouldn't play... period. When a guy is dinged, that's when it becomes a decision between the player and the team's training/medical staff. I'm in constant communication with my clients and demand that they be smart when it comes to their health. That being said, these teams are usually very professional and cautious when it comes to player safety (despite what you've seen in the movies). If it ever turns into a dispute, you know whose side I'm on.
Hey Brett, what are your thoughts about Damion McIntosh making the move to right guard and how does he feel about it? Would he rather return to the LT spot where he played pretty decently and where Shelton is struggling?
Regan21286 said:
Hey Brett, what are your thoughts about Damion McIntosh making the move to right guard and how does he feel about it? Would he rather return to the LT spot where he played pretty decently and where Shelton is struggling?

Damion has always been a team player and will continue to do whatever the coaches ask of him. He's happy to be on the field again and did a great job against the Texans. Aside from the false start and a bogus holding penalty, his performance greatly exceeded the expectations of a guy who's never played the position. Hopefully the coaches appeciate his effort and will continue to put their five best linemen on the field.
Brett Tessler quoted in Yahoo news story!

Todd Sauerbrun may have taught Paul Ernster a little too well.

The Denver Broncos cut the veteran punter Tuesday, the day he was supposed to come back from a four-game suspension for using the banned dietary supplement ephedra.

. . . .

Sauerbrun, a 12-year veteran, gave pointers to Ernster during the offseason and even pumped him up after Ernster had knee surgery last season.

But Ernster kicked well in Sauerbrun's absence and earned the starting job. Ernster, a seventh-round pick in 2005 out of Northern Arizona, averaged 44.2 yards a punt in four games.

. . . .

"He's very grateful for the opportunity the Broncos have given him," said Ernster's agent, Brett Tessler. "He won the job the old-fashioned way -- he earned it. His performance is even more impressive with a Pro Bowl punter looming over your shoulder in the event you don't do well. You only have a certain amount of time to make a good impression and he did everything he had to do."

As far as Ernster goes, it's a good read on a guy who overcame an ACL injury and has done well for himself. I think it's a good story even if it's not about one of our guys. The big news for here is the quote by one of our own members in his professional capacity. I thought it was pretty cool.
Jimmy James said:
Brett Tessler quoted in Yahoo news story!

As far as Ernster goes, it's a good read on a guy who overcame an ACL injury and has done well for himself. I think it's a good story even if it's not about one of our guys. The big news for here is the quote by one of our own members in his professional capacity. I thought it was pretty cool.

Thanks for taking an interest in one of my non-Dolphin clients. I'm very proud of a guy like Paul Ernster who fought his way through adversity and prevailed.

Is there a way to find out which sports agent represents a certain player? Is there like a certain site you can go to and see who representing whom? Also, how do you go about getting contact numbers or contact information for players whom your interested in representing?

Thanks for your help
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