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Ask Yourself This Question:


Aug 3, 2004
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Answer this as honestly as you can:

Can AJ Feeley Do Any Worse?

Seriously, ask yourself this question and tell me why, in the name of all things big and small, Wanny has not answered this yet????
Dredd1050 said:
Answer this as honestly as you can:

Can AJ Feeley Do Any Worse?

Seriously, ask yourself this question and tell me why, in the name of all things big and small, Wanny has not answered this yet????
Unfortunately, in Wanny's mind the answer is Yes. "Jay is the best chance we have to win" is heard from Wanny every week. In my mind the answer, honestly, is "I don't know, but I sure would like to find out!" AJ hasn't shown much to date to justify an opinion that he would perform better than Jay.
No, but he will be here next year, and he needs his game snaps now. If he can get a little experience maybe he can will us some games next year.

Wanny for President!!
- It's why Wanny must be fired soon. If Feely and others show ability , great then we can plan accordingly for the draft. If He plays terrible , we'll still have the #1 pick in draft as he can do no worse then Stiffy. If he plays well the worst pick we would have is a 3-4 and that would be some job at this point.

-The only answer to this question is to fire Wanny to make this happen. It's also the only way that Spielman could buy another year , because as a GM , he is impotent.
Dredd1050 said:
Answer this as honestly as you can:

Can AJ Feeley Do Any Worse?

Seriously, ask yourself this question and tell me why, in the name of all things big and small, Wanny has not answered this yet????
Well, he can do worse. With our O-line he would be in the hospital right now. I agree we need to give him a few games, but I feel he is a dumb @$$ that can't learn the offense and is not better then a backup!

But we do need to see!
Can he do any worse? No. Can he do any better? Yes. When? I don't know but, it will be sometime AFTER he starts playing.
The answer is no. AJ isn't going to do any worse.

But right now, at 1-7, with the worst team in the NFL.....why throw AJ to the wolves? Why get him killed? Why wreck his confidence. Why put him out there in a bad situation.

Wannstedt created this mess. Fiedler is his boy.......let Jay take the beating for this disaster. Leave AJ on the bench.

At this point there is no good reason to play AJ unless everyone else gets hurt.
MikeO said:
The answer is no. AJ isn't going to do any worse.

But right now, at 1-7, with the worst team in the NFL.....why throw AJ to the wolves? Why get him killed? Why wreck his confidence. Why put him out there in a bad situation.

Wannstedt created this mess. Fiedler is his boy.......let Jay take the beating for this disaster. Leave AJ on the bench.

At this point there is no good reason to play AJ unless everyone else gets hurt.
His talent, or lack there of, needs to be evaluated this year, or they are setting themselves up for the same problems in 2005. He is a big boy and an NFL QB, I don't think his confidence will be damaged with the drap team they have in there on O. He knows the score and I'm sure, chomping at the bit to get in there. He must play this season.
Can he do worse? Of course!!! Does it matter? Absolutely not. Should he start anyway? Yes!
Dredd1050 said:
His talent, or lack there of, needs to be evaluated this year, or they are setting themselves up for the same problems in 2005. He is a big boy and an NFL QB, I don't think his confidence will be damaged with the drap team they have in there on O. He knows the score and I'm sure, chomping at the bit to get in there. He must play this season.
I don't see how it would be the same problem in 2005. For one, we will have a new coach and a new offense which will be new to everynoe. NOT the offense we have now. Also, we know he can play. He played in Philly. He played well in this last preseason. This isnt' a rookie. The guy can play QB in this league. What we don't know is if he is a superstar or not. And we won't learn that by him playing out any games this year.

This is Wannstedt's mess. I don't see why AJ should pay for his sins. Let Fiedler play and take his pounding.
Jethatr said:
Can he do worse? Of course!!! Does it matter? Absolutely not. Should he start anyway? Yes!
I agree. With the way our O-line is playing, I do believe that he can and probably would do worse. But, I don't think it matters anymore. Get him in there and start him.
MikeO said:
I don't see how it would be the same problem in 2005. For one, we will have a new coach and a new offense which will be new to everynoe. NOT the offense we have now. Also, we know he can play. He played in Philly. He played well in this last preseason. This isnt' a rookie. The guy can play QB in this league. What we don't know is if he is a superstar or not. And we won't learn that by him playing out any games this year.

This is Wannstedt's mess. I don't see why AJ should pay for his sins. Let Fiedler play and take his pounding.

This kid has had only a hand full of starts. He needs to get the live reps, see the defensive alignments, learn to read blitzes and coverages. These things can only be learned during live gameplay. When I say that they are setting themselves up for the same problems next year, I mean that they will have the same incapable play from the QB position. Let the learning curve be for the next 8 games, when it doesn't matter, rather than in 2005, when it will.
Dredd1050 said:
This kid has had only a hand full of starts. He needs to get the live reps, see the defensive alignments, learn to read blitzes and coverages. These things can only be learned during live gameplay. When I say that they are setting themselves up for the same problems next year, I mean that they will have the same incapable play from the QB position. Let the learning curve be for the next 8 games, when it doesn't matter, rather than in 2005, when it will.
Well said Dredd. I tend to agree totally. We have to see if Feeley is any good or not. Because if he is not going to play well for us, then we HAVE to get a new QB in the off-season. Who knows, this guy could end up being good for us. We shall not know until he plays. Unfortunately Fiedler is Wanny's secret lover so we will not know while Wanny is still here.
Dredd1050 said:
Answer this as honestly as you can:

Can AJ Feeley Do Any Worse?

Seriously, ask yourself this question and tell me why, in the name of all things big and small, Wanny has not answered this yet????
That question can't be answered...It's not up to us fans to decide if AJ can do worse then Fumbler...However, the possibilities of AJ doing worse are there with the way this team is coached....If Wanny plays AJ instead of Fumbler he will only make calls that will make AJ look worse for his own selfishness...He is afraid if AJ does better he would have to explain to us and everyone why AJ was not the starter from Day 1....You can only get better playing the QB position in the exceeption of the idiot we have seen here the past 4 years.....I want change but it's not happening with Wanny at the helm...
Dredd1050 said:
This kid has had only a hand full of starts. He needs to get the live reps, see the defensive alignments, learn to read blitzes and coverages. These things can only be learned during live gameplay. When I say that they are setting themselves up for the same problems next year, I mean that they will have the same incapable play from the QB position. Let the learning curve be for the next 8 games, when it doesn't matter, rather than in 2005, when it will.
I agree 100%, as I said, I think he is nothing but a back up QB, but we need to find out! He has had what 7 starts as a pro, and maybe 5 in college?

Nobody know if he can play, lets see how he does under pressure!
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