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Ask Yourself This Question:

Dredd1050 said:
Can AJ Feeley Do Any Worse?


So, what we're losing by not starting Feeley NOW is time, intel and the ability to plan properly for life beyond 2004 - which will be a losing year, nothing can prevent that now.
dakota said:
Unfortunately, in Wanny's mind the answer is Yes. "Jay is the best chance we have to win" is heard from Wanny every week. In my mind the answer, honestly, is "I don't know, but I sure would like to find out!" AJ hasn't shown much to date to justify an opinion that he would perform better than Jay.
If DW would have been the captain of the Titanic, he would have been telling the passengers that the ship was not sinking as the broke apart and went under.
Hopefully Wannestadt will be gone soon and we'll be able to answer that question.

Which will be that he can do much, much better.
I have came to the conclussion that Wanny knows he has the PITT job waiting for him if he is fired or at the end of the season. He will continue to (in his mind) play the players that give them the best chance to win for the sake of the vets. In his mind he will then be known as a players coach.
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