Asking Fellow Fin Fans in Tampa/Brandon Area For Help? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Asking Fellow Fin Fans in Tampa/Brandon Area For Help?


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Oct 1, 2006
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I know this is a forum for Dolphins Fans(Go Fins). I post here all the time, but I need Help! I Have not been able to find employment for 2 years due to that fact that I have 2 misdemeanor convictions in 2001 & 2003 nobody will hire me once they get the background check back. I have got my GED and went to school for Information Technology I graduated in 2010 with an associates Degree and working on my BA. None of this seems to matters to employers. I need some help or advice. This is very hard on me and makes me feel worthless, and now embarrassed to display my troubles in a forum. If there is anyone than can help or give advice PM me. It would be greatly appreciated.


Wish I had something profound to say.. don't give up. I have a similar issue with mental health issues in the past, being bipolar. I'm trying to do my own thing in response and that's my best advice to you.. take your IT knowledge and get entrepreneurial. I'm looking for people to help me with some ideas that have knowledge that I don't when it comes to web development and marketing, etc. -- Maybe you can find some entrepreneurs in your area that need some of the IT/computer knowledge that you have. Check colleges and meetups.
I know this is a forum for Dolphins Fans(Go Fins). I post here all the time, but I need Help! I Have not been able to find employment for 2 years due to that fact that I have 2 misdemeanor convictions in 2001 & 2003 nobody will hire me once they get the background check back. I have got my GED and went to school for Information Technology I graduated in 2010 with an associates Degree and working on my BA. None of this seems to matters to employers. I need some help or advice. This is very hard on me and makes me feel worthless, and now embarrassed to display my troubles in a forum. If there is anyone than can help or give advice PM me. It would be greatly appreciated.



WOW Dude just a misdemeanor ? im in tennessee and thats nothing here i know guys that have a felony and work at a retirement home as a nurse its hard to belive that you are haveing that much trouble whereever you live they must be pretty rough on anybody that has any kind of background
Your best option is what many ppl have to do, start your own business, lawn care/car wash/ Find an invester who will lend u money to start a food business in a mall or something. Until than u should be looking for small time jobs to stand on your feet, subway/ food places that might overlook your conviction. Good luck bro.
What you could be experiencing is unemployment discrimination. Legally they cannot hold certain things against you such as race, religion, marital status, etc, but being unemployed is not one of those. Without seeing your resume it's hard to tell but if you are applying for IT jobs and haven't done much IT related stuff for over 2 years, the employer automatically thinks "no one else has hired this guy in over 2 years, what am I missing that everyone else saw?" and on the spiral continues.

You say the misdemeanors are holding you back, but how deep in the hiring process have you gone usually? Most employers do not waste time with background checks unless they zoom in on a very select few candidates. Have you actually gotten an offer and then later had it pulled back because of the criminal/credit checks? A recent criminal record will keep you from government jobs but that is a very segmented part of the industry.

What you need to do is figure out where you are stalling in the hiring process. It could be from your initial point of contact with the HR folks or how you present yourself in person. Remember that even as an IT guy, when you are unemployed you need to put on your best sales hat because essentially that's what you're doing: selling yourself to a prospective employee. If you are going in with low confidence and really allowing for them to stare over the fact that you've been unemployed for 2 years, anyone with experience in the industry will pick up on it and not hire you.

Your primary goal right now should be to find any IT-related gig to get your foot in the door. Doesn't matter if it's hourly or temp-to-hire but it will be a confidence booster you can take to that dream job.

Feel free to PM me your resume for a free critique and never lose hope, because trust me it gets better.
WOW Dude just a misdemeanor ? im in tennessee and thats nothing here i know guys that have a felony and work at a retirement home as a nurse its hard to belive that you are haveing that much trouble whereever you live they must be pretty rough on anybody that has any kind of background
Florida they do nationwide BGC because of all the out of state residents. I have 2 misdemeanor convictions from 2003 2001 can't even get a job at mickey D's!
there have been a few job fairs in the area in last few months. Did you go?
What you could be experiencing is unemployment discrimination. Legally they cannot hold certain things against you such as race, religion, marital status, etc, but being unemployed is not one of those. Without seeing your resume it's hard to tell but if you are applying for IT jobs and haven't done much IT related stuff for over 2 years, the employer automatically thinks "no one else has hired this guy in over 2 years, what am I missing that everyone else saw?" and on the spiral continues.

You say the misdemeanors are holding you back, but how deep in the hiring process have you gone usually? Most employers do not waste time with background checks unless they zoom in on a very select few candidates. Have you actually gotten an offer and then later had it pulled back because of the criminal/credit checks? A recent criminal record will keep you from government jobs but that is a very segmented part of the industry.

What you need to do is figure out where you are stalling in the hiring process. It could be from your initial point of contact with the HR folks or how you present yourself in person. Remember that even as an IT guy, when you are unemployed you need to put on your best sales hat because essentially that's what you're doing: selling yourself to a prospective employee. If you are going in with low confidence and really allowing for them to stare over the fact that you've been unemployed for 2 years, anyone with experience in the industry will pick up on it and not hire you.

Your primary goal right now should be to find any IT-related gig to get your foot in the door. Doesn't matter if it's hourly or temp-to-hire but it will be a confidence booster you can take to that dream job.

Feel free to PM me your resume for a free critique and never lose hope, because trust me it gets better.

Also, I would address the record right up front. Show them that you are not afraid of it, so they won't be either. The best way to overcome an objection is to show that it really isn't one.
Depending on the conviction type you maybe able to get one expunged or sealed. Do a little research on the process in Florida and local lawyers who.specialize in it.
I live in Tampa and work in Brandon. A lot of people seem to be having success going to temp agencys, who a lot of times do the hiring for companies, and if you make it through their grace period (usually 3 months), they hire you on directly. I would def look into that.
Your best bet is going to be a temp agency. I worked odd jobs for over a year until I found my current job after my layoff from the state job I was working. It's not great work, and it's not even steady sometimes, but it'll get you a few paychecks at least.
Lots of really good advice in here.

Discrimination might be part of it, but something that is allowing or driving might be more appropriate, companies to be so discriminate is the incredible Un-employed rate. I know Florida is way up there, which means companies can be more selective because there are more people to select from.

I agree with being right up front. Depending on what the charges brought against you are, be very proactive in regards to being up front with respective employer. Let them know that was part of your thats been 8 and 10 years ago.

Temp agency is a very good way to get in the door. Lots of times, that will buffer anything that might show up in your past to perspective employer but the Temp agency would know..which is fine. Remember, Temp agency doesnt get paid unless they get you a job.

Whatever you do, dont give up. You have a degree and that already gives you an up on lots of other people. If you have the opportunity, continue your education even if its in un-related fields. It will only help you in the long run, and it is always a good talking point in an interview.

Let us know how things end up!!
I've talked to lawyers you can only seal or expunge one conviction if the judge withheld adjudication which he did on the very first one, but the second one cancels it out. You can't even get an arrest off of your background check if it was dropped or you were found innocent of said crime if you have a conviction. The system is not set up for forgiveness. I was charges with battery for pushing a bouncer to the ground who was choking my uncle and giving him kidney shots...what would you do? the other charge was drunk joy riding on a security guards golf cart who turned out to be an retired Sheriff. Boy the luck!
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