Assesment of each player | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Assesment of each player

Matt Moore could be pretty decent if the team could pick up any blitzes, but his real achilles heel in every game this year has been an utter inability to feel the pressure coming from his the outside and either step up to avoid the pressure or get rid of the ball. Watching a rusher break free and come towards him is watching a slow and painful death of another Dolphins opportunity to win.
Offense Keepers:
Long,Pouncey,Carey (might be worth continuing to develop at RG - guy is getting better), Thomas, Bush, Marshall, Bess

Moore or Henne as a backup QB totally fine with, Fasano as a #2 TE okay. Hartline has to go - we know minimal about Moore and Wallace because they never see the field because of Hartline - ridiculous. I know Wallace is hurt now but how can a guy that big never get a chance? If he isn't good enough why does he stick around? This team needs 2 legit OL guys to be added.

Defensive Keepers:
Starks (best Dlineman we have by far),Odrick, Wake, Misi (move to ILB), Dansby, VD, SS, Wilson

Solai is so overrated and over paid! Langsford wanted a big contract - for what? 2 tackles! Merling - is he even on the team still? Taylor should have hung it up a couple years ago. And anyone that thinks YBell should stay - i like the guy but c'mon - our safeties need to cause some turnovers - we get zip from them. You need 2 new safeties that are going to shake up the offense. Short of QB the #1 priorities have to be the secondary especially safety. Not getting EThomas and taking a 6th DE should be reason enough alone to fire Ireland.
I have read most of these comments and agree with most of them...

Marshall will be a Dolphins..he is too young..granted he needs focus but I dont see how any regime gets ride of him..

I actually think Vernon Carey has played very very well...It took him sometime but he can play guard for a few more years..I think you keep him unless the system is changed drastically.

Also he is playing next to that POS Marc Columbo.
I am amazed every year at the disrespect that Anthony Fasano gets, simply amazing. He isn't going to be a seam stretching TE, I get that but the man is solid from top to bottom in every other TE category and not easily replaceable.

Of TE's with more then 5 receptions he is 5th in terms of 3rd down percentage, 12th in terms of yards per catch and has a touchdown. So in his ten receptions this season he has produced 8 first downs and a TD. I think that constitutes production per catch.

Get a speedy complement TE/hybrid back in here and then you have something.
Yeremiah Bell has been below average for 3 years now - even when he got voted as an alternate for the Pro Bowl he was only mediocre. Glad to see people finally noticing how much of a liability he is.

Worst of all, he is getting paid somewhere around $7mil/year.

We need help at NT, OLB, SS, and one more solid CB for the defense. LG, RG, RT, QB, TE, and one more WR for the offense. Lot of holes and lots of work to be done for this team.
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