Assuming we trade Ricky to Denver | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Assuming we trade Ricky to Denver

Alex22 said:
Yeah then we can have an immature party QB on our team

If we ever drafted Leinart I would refuse to watch games untill he retired, it would pain me to see his sorry a** in a proud dolphins uniform

Moving up to take Cutler seems dumb, he isnt worth the pick at the spot we would have to move to in order to get him

Vince Young is the only player Id move down for, oh and D. Ferguson is a monster LT so Id move down for him to

LOL you'd stop watchin the fins because we have lienart?! lienart is a better quarterback than vince young. vince young is a great player but he's not a lienart type guy. he won't make that immediate impact. that takes some balls to make a comment like that on this forum when most people don't even think young is the second best qb in the draft.
SpeedRush99 said:
Okay I misread, I thought you meant top 3 QBs. Regardless, he's still VERY likely a top 3 pick.

No I meant top 3 pick. I think he goes 5-6!
i will also be the first to say i DESPISE running quarterbacks. i don't believe in thier style, their intelligence, or their ability. still, if we got vince young i'd support our team. whoever that person was that said that they would stop watching the fins is just a vince young homer and not a fin fan. especially since his sig is filled with vince and his side arm garbage.
Canadi-Phin said:
I'd rather use our pick on Huff, Greenway, or Williams or a very good LT. Use their pick to take Max Jean-Gilles, Guard is a big need for us or take someone like Chad jackson if he runs a 4.3. Or Thomas Howard. I'd rather add two quality players then trade up and give away three picks for one guy. We have more holes then just QB, sure its our biggest but we could use two quality first rounders on a our team. I would love to see Greenway and Jean-Gilles in our starting lineups, that would be awesome.

I like your thinking...The perfect situation to me in this case is 16th Greenway, 29th Jean-Gilles and best QB available in th 2nd
although I'd be thrilled with Huff/Williams at 16th too
ABrownLamp said:
LOL. I see. So if you have a good record and you frequently lead, then according to you, you will be passed on a lot and give up lots of yards on passing D? Gee, let me think of how I can respond to this...Chicago, Jax, Indi, Pitt...I don't think I need to list any more...oh what the heck, TB and Carolina.

Oh and do you think the reason NO, Tenn and Houston had good Pass D stats was because everyone could run on them so why even bother passing?

Anyway, I don't really care about Denver or this silly argument. All I am saying is that NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON...if you rank 3 or 4 from last in pass D yards, there is something wrong...How can you argue with that????The Pass D is giving up major yards and were eaten up in the post season (the reason I mentioned those Roeth and Brady). Why are you arguing that there isnt a problem? I don't care how many times the opposing team passes, THEIR D SHOULD NOT BE GIVING UP THOSE YARDS.
I said in general, teams with better records will get passed on more. If you look at attempts per game, those teams with the fewest attempts per game against had bad records, while the teams with more had better records. This year, San Francisco was an oddity. If you rank the teams in decreasing order of pass attempts against and then plot their respective wins, you will see that IN GENERAL teams with more wins will have been passed on more. The only teams who were better than Denver in terms of passing yards per attempt allowed were, in order: Carolina, Pittsburgh, Washington, Baltimore, and Chicago. In terms of passer rating against, the only teams that were better were Washington, Carolina, and Chicago. Total yards against do not (and never have) told the whole story. Ever heard of the Aikman Efficiency Ratings? Troy Aikman devised those SPECIFICALLY because the existing total yardage rating was completely in adequate.

By the way, the teams you mentioned rank in pass attempts against:
Chicago: 7
Jacksonville: 25
Indianapolis: 17
Pittsburgh: 9
Tampa Bay: 26
Carolina: 12

So some get passed on alot, while others don't.

New Orleans, Tennessee and Houston had horrible pass defense stats.

You are completely missing the point. Defenses WILL allow yards. If you continue to run the ball, you will gain yardage. If you continue to pass the ball, you will gain yardage. It's a matter of efficiency. Ricky Williams, in 2003, ran for 1372 yards. Warrick Dunn ran for 672, and Rudi Johnson ran for 957. Is Ricky Williams unequivocally better? I mean, he got more yards, didn't he? The problem with that is Ricky averaged 3.5 YPC, while Johnson had 4.5 and Dunn had 5.4. Brett Favre this year passed for 3881 yards, which is 55 more than Carson Palmer. Is Favre better? Well, it only took him 98 more pass attempts to get there. He also threw 17 more interceptions and threw 12 less touchdowns. Do you see now why total yardage is inadequate?
BrazForPhins said:
I like your thinking...The perfect situation to me in this case is 16th Greenway, 29th Jean-Gilles and best QB available in th 2nd
although I'd be thrilled with Huff/Williams at 16th too

Yeah if the trade was mae and we pulled Greenway and jean Gilles. I'd be so friggin happy. That would be unreal, two mosters who are potential Probowlers. That would be a good day to be a Dolphins fan.
If that's not their biggest need, then what is?
If your best pass rusher are John Lynch and Ebenezer Ebedukan (or whatever his name is,) with 4 (!) sacks, I would say that you should get a nice pass rusher DE. The problem of the Broncos is not their Offense
Alex22 said:
Yeah then we can have an immature party QB on our team

If we ever drafted Leinart I would refuse to watch games untill he retired, it would pain me to see his sorry a** in a proud dolphins uniform

Moving up to take Cutler seems dumb, he isnt worth the pick at the spot we would have to move to in order to get him

Vince Young is the only player Id move down for, oh and D. Ferguson is a monster LT so Id move down for him to

Then Sir, you are VERY narrow minded! :boohoo:
finjim said:
for one of their first round picks (which I don't think will happen). who would you want to use that pick on?

Our 1st round pick: Chad Greenway or Jay Cutler
With the extra pick: Manny Lawson or Marcus McNeil or Darnell Bing
Instead of trading up to get Jay or Leinart, think of the possibilities if we kept that pick (22nd overall) and drafted Brodie Croyle in the late first round. We could get hmmmm.........Micheal Huff.......Haloti Ngata.....Chad Greenway...all with Brodie Croyle would make a nast 1st round tandem
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