Assuming we trade with TB | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Assuming we trade with TB


Apr 1, 2005
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city of angels
here's my 3 round mock draft.
(please be nice-just going off different mocks :( )

#5-Mike Williams WR
#36(tb)-Charlie Frye QB
#70(tb)-Marion Barber III RB
#71-Corey Webster DB

*****i have ricky williams coming back*****

If we get TB's picks, we would take Caddy. Bank it. Then Charlie Frye would be a strong possibility. If not him, then Greene in the third round. Matt Jones could be a possibility in the second round if we end up with 2 picks in rd. two and if Frye is gone. Who really knows. But I do believe Caddy would be the man at #5. I know Saban likes Caddy.
vmarcilfan75 said:
im also ASSuming Ricky comes back. :(
Marion Barber will be a bust. I like the BPA on offense at #5 - Williams or Edwards at WR, then a QB/RB/OL with the picks in the third. As nice as it would be, we shouldn't count on RW for anything.
I Love SABAN.....I DO believe SMITH is a Smokescreen. I think Saban wants TB to trade up 3 spots for Smith, which then might cause a DOMINO effect making Minnesotta trade up with the Fins new #5 pick and giving us their #7. Remember the Vikings got rid of Moss to get that #7 and take one of the big 2 WR's.....well as time went on Braylon and Mike have been moving up the draft boards and neither of them might get past #6 to the Titans. Hopefully we make everyone in the top 10 nervous and we use it to our advantage. At #7 we can still find one of the 3 RB's, maybe a top WR,Possibly The BEST Defensive player, or worst case scenario the best OL on the board. That doesn't seem so bad, right?
Hey, remember that the Vikings these past two years have been the joke of the draft. Remember that they were LATE turning in the name of the player they want for 2 straight years, making them move further down in the draft. They can easily get Nervous that one of the big 2 WR's will fall off the board before either of them gets to #7. The Vikings NEED a WR, and if we end up with that 5th pick and there's only one WR left MINNY will need to pull the trigger.
I dont have a problem with long as we're in the top 10 we're good. And don't forget all the 2nd rounders and 3rd rounders we've accumulated if we do those trades with TB and Minny.
cowtowndick said:
Marion Barber will be a bust. I like the BPA on offense at #5 - Williams or Edwards at WR, then a QB/RB/OL with the picks in the third. As nice as it would be, we shouldn't count on RW for anything.

i dont know much about Barber. I was just seeing looking at other mock drafts had they had him picked around there.

maybe Morency??
if u add in #46 that we should get for Surtain. We can grab a good Safety like Pool
vmarcilfan75 said:
for what??
if he does return he'll be giving BARFallo problems

Yea, he did kind of enjoy running against the Bills, didn't he.
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