Astonished at the lack of perspective | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Astonished at the lack of perspective

Tommy_Cane said:
i was thinking the same thing - what goes on in there?

I virtually never enter the VIP forum, though I am always pleased when I do. There is a lot less traffic overall, and most of the opinions are supported by reasoning (either written out or available upon request). There is still a good bit of diversity of opinion in the posts, but it's much more about being reasonable and respectful of others.

For instance, there are people who are down on the team in the VIP forum from what I saw tonight. I saw somebody indicate that the team was outclassed by the Steelers. I haven't seen anybody come close to arguing that Culpepper stinks or (to take the other side of the extreme) anybody sarcastically comparing Jay Fiedler favorably to Culpepper to make the point that the other people overreacting are overreacting.
I hate losing. Expectations were high I think with Roethlisgerger out, et al. But we gotta remember we're 2 years removed from a bad team. Last year was a good start in rebuilding. And this year will be more of the same. We're building, I like the direction but I think, like last year we'll get better as the season goes on. The OL and secondary needs to be better and Culpepper needs time to adjust. It's only one game and we'll be in the hunt for the playoffs.
yeah. i certainly didn't buy into the preseason hype with this team. i'm always optimistic, but we are a wildcard playoff team at best right now. wanny decimated our team with wasted draft picks; these things take time to fix and i think saban is doing a great job. we're a year or two away from being considered an elite team.
Your post is offensive. We certainly did expect to win and we should have won. With 6 minutes left in the game we were up by 3 and driving. Whoever called that pitch play on 3rd and 1.5 from the Pittsburgh 43 yard line is an idiot! That was one of the stupidest play calls I'd ever seen. I just sat in my chair stunned and incredulous. I think the whole team was shocked by the utter stupidity of it. Everything went downhill from there. I think somebody needs to answer for that. I want to know who thought that play would work. And why didn't Dante change the play. You could see the defender on the line of scrimmage with a clear shot into the backfeild.
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