At a total loss for words | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At a total loss for words


Crank Yanker
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Inside your head
Another shutout, and another record broken that had held since 1970. I hope Miami can get their **** together by next week, cause it will be an away game again, and probably colder. I guess we'll just have to put it behind us. I can't even think of anything remotely smart ass to say here. WAIT! Nah, I had something for a minute, but I lost it.:cool:

IT HURTS some sleep will be lost tonight and maybe tomorrow night but we are still atop the AFC East and we still control our destiny(maybe that's noT a good thing). BUT WE HAVE SATURDAY TO LOOK FORWARD TO AND I'M ALREADY FIRED UP!!!!!!!!!!! Still hurts though......LET'S KEEP OUR HEADS UP!
yeah, i'll lose some sleep!

IT HURTS some sleep will be lost tonight and maybe tomorrow night but we are still atop the AFC East and we still control our destiny(maybe that's noT a good thing). BUT WE HAVE SATURDAY TO LOOK FORWARD TO AND I'M ALREADY FIRED UP!!!!!!!!!!! Still hurts though......LET'S KEEP OUR HEADS UP!
the only place to go is down and jay put us in motion! :mad:

YOURE KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOURE KILLING ME W/ THE NEGATIVITY!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We simply got beat.....Fiedler is Fiedler....he is truly like a box of chocolates just hope we get the good ones next week and the next and the next......
maybe there is a good reason!

YOURE KILLING ME W/ THE NEGATIVITY!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We simply got beat.....Fiedler is Fiedler....he is truly like a box of chocolates just hope we get the good ones next week and the next and the next......

i've been a dolphin fan since the beginning in 66, and i don't ever remember the dolphins getting shutout twice in one year, even in the disasterous first 3 years. we could have scored at least once today, but good ole jay has to overthrow the receiver or throw an INT!:mad:
which one?

Hey..Cool it man...What...You think you just come on here and yell and insult everyone cause you are a moderator? Go have a glass of tequilla and sit down and relax...Take a chill pill dude!!!

we were both pissin and moanin in this thread! :goof:
I am not kissing anyone's ass! :p

I saw the game and let me tell you all what I saw. I saw our defense get smoked. I saw our offensive line get crushed. I saw Fiedler get sacked at least 5 times. I saw Fiedler throw 2 interceptions directly to San Fran players with no Dolphins receivers anywhere near. I saw our running game get shut down. I saw stupid penalities.

What I saw was a team that knew they were going into a BIG game and were probably nervous. They didn't get a chance to settle down because they were overwhelmed from the start. Most of us agreed that we could afford one loss and someone was right in saying that at least it was to a NFC team. Dolphin fans have alot of pride in their history and even now. Two shut-outs in one season and even two loses to a rival team can hurt, but has not destroyed us. What I saw today was a loss for the team by the ENTIRE team.

If you are true Dolphin fans, you have to stick it out and support the team until the end. :cool:
Oh Miadphan, actually your the only one I would even want to kiss my...oh forget it.

I'll change that
Originally posted by miadphan13
I saw the game and let me tell you all what I saw. I saw our defense get smoked. I saw our offensive line get crushed. I saw Fiedler get sacked at least 5 times. I saw Fiedler throw 2 interceptions directly to San Fran players with no Dolphins receivers anywhere near. I saw our running game get shut down. I saw stupid penalities.

Now this girl knows what she is talkin about!!!! A team loss... nothing more, nothing less.

Finally, someone that knows what their talkin about!
Oh Yea 06? Are you sure that's the view you want to leave the world with?

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