At this rate, Miami will finish 3-13. You can bank on that... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

At this rate, Miami will finish 3-13. You can bank on that...


Where is the reset button?
Jul 9, 2006
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Looking at the remaining schedule, I don't know how people can think we can with 7 games. We play the NFC east and AFC west outside our division. I know many are calling for us to beat the Browns. Do you honestly think Hillis won't gash us like Tate did? Miami's run defense is as soft as a bag of cotton balls and Mccoy will probably pick apart our pro-bowl tandem of Jones, Smith and Carroll.

That leaves our best bet to win against Washington, Denver and the Chiefs. However, the Chiefs game is at Arrowhead which is never an easy place to play and I can see Bowe tearing us up as well as Thomas Jones having a field day. Who needs Jamaal Charles anyway when you have holes the size of a semi truck in the middle of the defense?

Therefore unless Miami comes to play and our secondary actually reads a pop warner manual on how to play their respective positions, I am calling for us to finish 3-13 and WELL into the Luck sweepstakes.

Be careful what you wish for though. No amount of Andrew Luck is going to change the fact that our F.O. and coaching staff sucks. We would just find a way to ruin him too much like we have others. Miami is starting to become the older lions in terms of ruining draft picks.
I bet if we'rere in position to draft luck we take a DT instead
If we go 3-13 then a decade of dominace will follow.

I'll take a bad year now for a chance at Luck or Barkley. They'll have some pieces around him on O to come and do some nice things, and maybe a good damn HC to develop either of them to become what they can be.
I predicted 3-13 at the end of last season...So, far my guess is right on the mark!
Im sick of some of these people on this site. We played 2 teams that are gonna go to the playoffs and probably contend for a championship. 3-13 my ***
6 wins at the most people this team sucks, take off the colored lenses, fire everybody and then in maybe 3 years we might break .500. Eat crow everyone who said 9-7, lmao, don't choke on it homers!!!!!!!!!
Im sick of some of these people on this site. We played 2 teams that are gonna go to the playoffs and probably contend for a championship. 3-13 my ***

have no clue what we are gonna be but it wont be a playoff team hell we cant even beat teams at home
I know a lot of people don't imagine we'll be bad enough to go 3-13 and/or get a piece of Andrew Luck.

Maybe not. After all, the Seahawks, Chiefs and Colts look pretty bad.

But is it the teams that look really bad at the start of the season that end up the worst ones?

NFL season is really long, long enough that teams find ways to fix and work on some of their glaring deficiencies. You can damn well bet the teams that are absolutely steamrolling opponents in September and October are having a tougher time by December. Likewise, the teams that were getting absolutely creamed and losing game after game after game, start finding ways to win a few by the end.

So a team like the Chiefs that have just gotten absolutely trucked in the first two games, will they really end up like 1-15 or something like that?

Because I remember when the Dolphins were 1-15. The worst part of that season was the suckitude kept creeping in on you slowly and implacably. We didn't look like a 1-15 team in Week 1 or Week 2! We took the Redskins to overtime in Week 1, had a Week 2 game against the Cowboys that looked an awful lot like the game we had against the Patriots, and then lost by a field goal to the Jets in Week 3.

Point being, that 2007 team kept reinventing itself into worse and worse iterations of a bad team. But the underlying quality they seemed to show was bad conditioning, and the inability to hang in there with another team for a full 60 minutes. The game would look close, but the team had zero ability to finish games.

I've been a little bit disturbed not just with the simple fact that the Dolphins lost these two games, but with how they lost them, and some of the qualities the team showed in the losses. Again, they were unable to hang in there for 60 minutes, and had the games busted open on them toward the end. Again, they're showing signs that their conditioning is poor, which is going to lead to injuries, which are the thing that help ensure that bad teams don't get better by the end of the season.

Today a miscommunication (busted coverage) by Reshad Jones allowed Andre Johnson to get a retaliation touchdown in the 4th quarter after we'd pulled within 3 points. But, look at what happened before that play, and look at what happened after that play. Houston started that drive on their own 37 yard line. By the time they threw that TD pass to Johnson, they'd driven to the Dolphins' 23 yard line. That included a Ben Tate 16 yard run on 2nd & 3, and a Ben Tate 4 yard run on 1st & 10, on the two plays immediately before the TD. And then on the next drive (2 minutes later, thank you 3-and-Out Henne), Ben Tate ran the ball 8 straight times, gaining 2 first downs by running alone, and chewing 5 minutes off the clock...effectively ending ANY chance the Dolphins had to mount a comeback.

You can't blame that on busted communication. You can't blame that on fluke plays. That's a defense being tired and soundly beaten by an offense that has pounded them into submission and ensured that they can't play 60 minutes.

And the fact that it's happened twice in a row...well now, that's pretty damn scary if you ask me.
have no clue what we are gonna be but it wont be a playoff team hell we cant even beat teams at home
We wont be a playoff team obviously but 3-13 really? Some people need to stop *****in. Im honestly not all that worried. Its not like we got killed by the patriots and we definatly didnt get killed by the texans. We could of won the Texans game. Davis was hurt most of the second half and thats a huge blow because he would of not got burnt like Nolan did on the Andre touchdown and obviously jones could of helped but he wont be starting when clemons gets healthy. Also missed field goals can be fixed pretty easily. IMO we gave the game to them on some of our mistakes but the mistakes that happened can be fixed. Our defense will be fine just give it a couple of weeks. They were the 6th best defense last year and we have more talent this year on defense than last year. Obviously our offense is much better this year but we need to convert when we are in scoring position.
Also I am not saying we are making the playoffs BUT didnt we go 0-2 the season we went 11-5 a couple years ago?
Ok, this schedule is a little bit tougher, ain't callin you out, but face the facts. Tom Brady out for the year back then. This team is awful, mistakes are made in every game. 3-13, Probably not, but 6 wins will be a stretch.
All in for Suck for Luck mode. I am ready for a franchise Qb if that means one moree terrible year.
It's true the Dolphins did start out 0-2 in 2008, the year we went 11-5.

However, one thing I'm not sure you could have said about those first two games would be that conditioning reared its head as an issue during them. You wouldn't be able to say about that Dolphins team that they were mounting a fairly competitive effort and then just had the game slip away from them at the end, into multiple-touchdown deficits, because they faded physically.

That's important.
Ok, this schedule is a little bit tougher, ain't callin you out, but face the facts. Tom Brady out for the year back then. This team is awful, mistakes are made in every game. 3-13, Probably not, but 6 wins will be a stretch.
I definatly agree that this schedule is tougher my whole point we can turn it around. People who say 3 wins is just crazy. Like I said we wont make it to the playoffs but 3 wins? Whoever thinks that needs to go find another team then.
It's true the Dolphins did start out 0-2 in 2008, the year we went 11-5.

However, one thing I'm not sure you could have said about those first two games would be that conditioning reared its head as an issue during them. You wouldn't be able to say about that Dolphins team that they were mounting a fairly competitive effort and then just had the game slip away from them at the end, into multiple-touchdown deficits, because they faded physically.

That's important.

The team we got now is not in game shape but we will be soon. Some players are in shape but most of the players are out of shape and most of the defense.
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