Best all time Dolphin back-up QB | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Best all time Dolphin back-up QB


Pro Bowler
Club Member
Jan 19, 2005
Reaction score
Earl Morrall or Don Strock ,and why?
Earl Morrall by far. he came in off the bench after Griese went down with a broken leg and finished leading the Dolphins to their perfect season of '72.

Don Strock I feel was instrumental in the development of Dan Marino, but as far as talent goes, have to give it to Ole Earl
EARL M! Everyone forgets it was Earl that won the bulk of the perfect season. Griese only really waon the SB.
hdjetta6316 said:
EARL M! Everyone forgets it was Earl that won the bulk of the perfect season. Griese only really waon the SB.

Don't forget,Griese came out to win the AFC champinship
game at Pitt.
Well, Earl became a starter in that 72 season and was great at it.I think when it came to coming off the bench in the middle of the game then Don was better(81 playoff game-chargers)and Scott Mitchell had a good season coming off the bench back in 93 when Dan went down too.

Ozzy rules!!

Go Italy 2006 world cup
I agree with above. Earl as best backup qb, Strock as best relief qb, how about that San Diego comeback.
Best all time back-up QB was Dan Marino in 1983.

He was Woodley's back up through 3 games of the 1983 season.

ok so it wasnt funny....sue me
PhinSoldia said:

ok so it wasnt funny....sue me
Actually, I always thought Jay was a pretty good backup QB. Too bad we had him starting.

Wouldn't rate him ahead of Morral or Strock, of course.
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