Biggest RB Busts | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Biggest RB Busts

If you're defining biggest bust as most invested by the team with the smallest return, it has to be Sammie Smith. We took Smith at #9 overall, if I'm not mistaken (I think Barry Sanders went #7, by comparison). Collins was a 5th round pick. Avery went at #29 overall. Lawrence Phillips was picked up on waivers. Humphery was acquired straight up for Smith. Johnson was a second round pick.

And by that definition, Yatil Green was also a bust. Granted, it's unfortunate that he couldn't stay healthy, but still: a 15th overall pick invested in a player who would play zero regular season games for Miami = a bust.
LOL! Beyong "Biggest RB busts" I didn't read much!

I scanned through for Carter and...bang...nothing. It was, what, 7:30am when I wrote that?

Apologies =P
phunwin said:
And by that definition, Yatil Green was also a bust. Granted, it's unfortunate that he couldn't stay healthy, but still: a 15th overall pick invested in a player who would play zero regular season games for Miami = a bust.

Green actually played about half a season in Miami. I think he has 6 or 7 receptions for us, more than justifying his lofty draft status! hehe
Smith by far. Avery is a close 2nd cause he totally was worthless. JJJ at least played a bunch of games. Cecil and Phillips and Higgy and guys like that cost us almost nothing so tough to call them busts. S Smith epitomizes are inability to get a decent RB during the Dan era
phunwin said:
If you're defining biggest bust as most invested by the team with the smallest return, it has to be Sammie Smith. We took Smith at #9 overall, if I'm not mistaken (I think Barry Sanders went #7, by comparison). Collins was a 5th round pick. Avery went at #29 overall. Lawrence Phillips was picked up on waivers. Humphery was acquired straight up for Smith. Johnson was a second round pick.

And by that definition, Yatil Green was also a bust. Granted, it's unfortunate that he couldn't stay healthy, but still: a 15th overall pick invested in a player who would play zero regular season games for Miami = a bust.

Barry was picked third. First was Aikman and second was an OT that went to GB. I think it was Tony Mandarich or something like that. Yatil did played some games in the 1999 season. But you're right he was a bust.
Higgs should not be on this list. I know Smith didn't do much and probably is the worst but my vote is going to go to Cecil Collins. I too had high hopes for him and think that if he would have got his head on straight, he could have been a good RB. But I guess I will just have to settle for having Ricky Williams...:D
nyjunc said:
Lorenzo Hampton

I never thought i would agree with a jets fan, but i believe Hampton was a 1st round pick and he was supposed to one of the best backs to play. I had forgot about him thats how bad he turned out. Avery was more of a bust than Smith. We got a lot more production out of Sammie than we did out of avery.
Fiedler for MVP said:
higgs wasn't a bust...he was not a highly draft player, and he played pretty well. ran for over 900 yards one season.

I agree Higgs was a good not great player that had some big games.
I'd have to say Avery, which pains me since he came from my alma mater, but even though Sammie Smith was taken way higher, at least he was productive for a while. Avery ... well ... (shakes head).
Here is a list of FB/RB's taken in the first two rounds who were busts in Miami;

Benny Malone 2-47 1974
Stan Winfrey 2-49 1975
David Overstreet 1-13 1981 (Went to Canada and then died which really wasn't his fault)
Andra Franklin 2-56 1981
Lorenzo Hampton 1-27 1985
Sammie Smith 1-9 1989
John Avery 1-29 1998
JJ Johnson 2-39 1999

Now for a much shorter list, successful RB/FB picks in the first two rounds

Larry Csonka 1-8 1968
Rob Konrad 2-43 1999 (there are likely some who think he should be on the first list)

After reviewing these lists does anyone wonder why we spent two first round picks on Ricky?

But to answer the question of the thread, Sammie Smith has to be the biggest bust only in that he was by far the highest pick.
Avery was too small to be an every-dwon back and just couldn't cut it in the NFL. It's too bad he didn't play as well in real life as he did in my Madden video game 1500 yards rushing and 4 - 5 K.O. return for TD every season) lol. Smith couldn;t hold onto the ball which is why he didn;t last. I still have to say the biggest bust was Cecil collins. He had the talent to be a first rounder but had numerous character issues qhich is why he fell to the 5th round. He still rushed for about 400 yards for us before he got hurt and then broke into his landlord's place.

Lawrence Phillips was a bust before he ever arrived in Miami. Yatil Green was a receiver who could have been really good but he had the knees of a 60 year old.
Well, Carter did work out for the Phins, so at least he wore a Dolphins practice uniform. They brought in Carter and Robert Edwards at the same time. I guess they decided to sign whichever one managed not to blow out a knee during the workout. :lol:

I guess the "WINNER" was Robert Edwards. He had like 3 good weeks. Im sure he would have had a great career if he stayed healthy
Cedric Benson! The guy was supposed to be the next ricky williams!@ Aint nothing like the reeeaalll thing babyyyy....
Lawrence Phillips was a huge disappointment for me, i know we weren't the ones who drafted him, but after watching him in college i thought this kid was going to be a star. He may very well have been had his personal life not troubled him so much, and i was hoping we'd have been able to give him the second chance he needed to propel him to his potential it wasn't so.

The worst bust RB in Dolphins history is no question Sammie Morris. I dont even remember my expectations for him being all that high, but i do remember how awful he was.
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