Bill Parcells stepping back into consulting role, Ireland to make more decisions | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bill Parcells stepping back into consulting role, Ireland to make more decisions

Parcells isn't even leaving! They just formalized the fact that Ireland has expanded duties. Parcells is still overseeing the Dolphins.

Didn't mean to say leaving haha. Meant "stepping down". Still it's not even that; he'll be doing what he has been. I still think BP is an *** though for doing this RIGHT now. Just another distraction.
The only rebuttle that I have to this is "The Detroit Lions", I'm just sayin

Again, I'd be more scared if Sparano woulda stepped down

We were never even close to being the Lions, but I agree if Sparano stepped down there would have to be something seriously wrong with our management. Parcells helped turn this mess around by bringing in the current regime, time will tell. I don't understand how posters can be killing this guy.
Tuna has been living off his very-old glory days for a long time now....too long.

Our drafts and FA may have been average at best. It's really going to come down to Henne (and to a lesser degree Vontae and Odrick). If Henne proves to be a franchise QB, then you can forgive all the other busted picks and FA moves.

But if Henne isn't the answer, then these 3 drafts look pretty bad and we have very little-to-no elite talent on this team and certainly terrible depth.

Now if Henne, Vontae and Odrick look great, then this regime landed us a franchise LT (Long), QB, CB and DE and that's awesome!

But if Henne, Vontae and Odrick look average of below average, then this regime got us nothing but a LT and a WR1 in 3 years (which still isn't too bad but...).
I am keeping it real! Anyone who knows Parcells knows his ego and that he always has to have the final say. It is ridiculous to think he left for any other reason then he didn't get his way. Same old Tuna he did it to Giants, Pats, Jets and Cowboy fans. History repeats its self slowly but surely as the truth gets out our fans will hate him to.

Me being happy and expressing it is no different then the "insert name memorial thread" hey maybe I will make one of them now!
Um, Parcells didn't leave. He is still with the Dolphins.
And you know this how? Got any inside info or just pulling something from your *** cause you "think" it went down like that?

I know this because this story has played out 4x's before with tens of thousands of fans wondering WTF!?!?!

Just watch in short time one of the friends of Bill in the media will start reporting Ross was meddling.
Nor is this a protest move by Parcells, as some might theorize in light of the salary shedding the Dolphins did over the weekend in dropping veterans such as Charles Grant, Marques Douglas and David Martin from the roster.

It is believed that Parcells and Ross discussed the move before making it public. There was no pressure from on high, the source said, for Parcells to step aside sooner rather than later.

“This decision was one that Bill made,” the source said. “The people that need to be on board with it are on board. Steve lets Bill run the [football] show the way he wants to do it. Steve is fine with whatever Bill decides.”

This is merely Parcells accelerating or formalizing a line of succession that has been in place since Ireland’s hiring 13 days after Parcells came on board.

In the words of the source: “I don’t know that this is that big a deal. Bill is still going to be here.”

Looks like someone was just pulling **** out of there own ***. I LOL when fans think they know so much whats going on inside when they really dont have a clue. Just another fan on his peroid I guess.
It tells me BP doesn't think we're going to threaten this year, and 50/50 at best next year. Some of the moves we've made lately were bi-polar. Kind of like when you have too many writers working on a script and it's kind of heading in directions that conflict with itself.

In the end, one vision is better than two because you can commit to it and move forward.

i'm not entirely convinced that he wants to distance himself from a bad situation. he could think the job he was brought in to do was done. but you're right about one thing - some seriously sketchy moves have been made as of late. not to mention the timing of all this - nice little distraction right before the season starts. definitely lends itself to the jump ship scenario.

i just hope ireland doesn't get too big for his britches and start deconstructing all that has been built over the last few years. we've gone from a pathetic excuse for a franchise to a roster with actual talent in a very short time frame - regardless of last year's W-L. keep the blueprint going jeff - but feel free to get a new HC if he continues to show his inexperience on game days.

sporano - your safety net is now gone. time to show what you were brought in for. i'm pulling for ya.
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Here's the leading question if true (granted a huge "If"), did Ross call BP on the carpet because one of his best buds, Carl Peterson was in his ear doing some subtle manipulation???

This is a general concern of mine: that when he wants pro football input and insight, Ross runs right to his long-term friend.

Nah, I honestly think that is just how Ross is. I researched him a lot when he bought the team. He gives anyone of his management teams in any of his businesses any and all the tools to succeed. However when things go wrong he does demand answers and a course of action to fix it.

Right now I am just putting 2n2 together. If you were Ross wouldn't you look for answers when your management team has a long list of waste. Look at it Smiley, Wildord, Gerbil, Turner, Green, White, etc. That is a lot of waste.
I think Sparano is fine. I'm more worried about the guy who asked Dez Bryant if his mom was a whore. I'm seeing a lot of bad draft picks (especially the later ones) and a pattern of signing injury prone vets to big money contracts and then cutting or benching them b/c they're.....injury prone.
69 years old August 22

Peterson's much younger than Marv Levy when he came back. And how many times has Ron Wolfe been offered a GM, who's also into his 70's? Sorry, but especially after the legacy of leaving KC in shambles, I don't doubt Peterson would jump at the opportunity to resurrect his reputation.

Color me scared (a few notches beyond "concerned"). There's an old saying, and with merit: "you're better off with the devil you know than the one you don't"
Nah, I honestly think that is just how Ross is. I researched him a lot when he bought the team. He gives anyone of his management teams in any of his businesses any and all the tools to succeed. However when things go wrong he does demand answers and a course of action to fix it.

Right now I am just putting 2n2 together. If you were Ross wouldn't you look for answers when your management team has a long list of waste. Look at it Smiley, Wildord, Gerbil, Turner, Green, White, etc. That is a lot of waste.

I think, with due respect, that your dismissive "nah" is derived more from wishful thinking than reality. If Ross is dissatisfied, who's he gonna trust more than one of his best buddies?
gimme a break ppl, the guy is 70 years old, rich as can be, he did the best he could and is letting the young guns take over. The job must be stressful, he doesnt need this crap, i applaud him for not leaving entirely.
I think, with due respect, that your dismissive "nah" is derived more from wishful thinking than reality. If Ross is dissatisfied, who's he gonna trust more than one of his best buddies?

You ask if I thought Peterson was in his ear. I have no doubt Ross consults Peterson, however I don't think Peterson was lobbying against Parcells.

This news doesn't surprise me look at all the shady ongoings in Davie. This is typical when Parcells leaves a franchise.
This move kind of reminds me of JJ quitting but wanting to stick us with Wanny.

These guys like JJ and Tuna want the control without the hard work. Idk.....I won't be able to decide on how I feel about this regime until I see what we really have in Henne/Vontae/Odrick. Those picks in particular will define this regime. Misi too to a degree.

And those guys (Odrick/Misi) compared to what we could've had (either Brandon Graham, Earl Thomas or Dez Bryant at 12) or a combination of maybe Terrence Cody and Golden Tate or Mike Williams of Syracuse, etc.
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