Bills versus Dolphins matchup by position | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bills versus Dolphins matchup by position

Where to begin geesh? First of all I think we learned all we need to know about this thread when you said the QB's were even. Edwards is the superior quarterback here. No question about it. His timing, accuracy and awareness are about as good as you will find in the NFL. His arm strength isn't great but it is still pretty good and surely better then Pennington's. Edwards by far on this one.

As far as running backs are concerned, apparently you have never heard of one Fred Jackson. I would agree that Lynch and Brown are both great backs and about cancel each other out. But Fred Jackson is better then Ricky. You will find that out this weekend. Fred Jackson the NFL's best kept secret and just as much a part of the Bills great start as Lynch.

Finally I don't know if you saw the Bills/Chargers game, but Mitchell was of the hook. Probably the best defensive performance of the week. And Poz is a tackling machine in the middle. Keith Ellison is pretty much worthless, so you may have the advantage, but bigtime no way.

You have two good linebackers and we have some linebackers on the bench that would start over Ellison so yes I say the Phins have the advantage big time. If Crowell were healthy I would say it was close.
Here is one matchup for you

5-1 Vs 2-4 Advantage 5-1.

Threads like this always crack me up. Make yourself feel better. "Any given Sunday," and all that. No problems. But damn. You're really going to make the argument that a 5-1 team and a 2-4 team are equal talent wise? That's a 6 game difference based on nothing other than luck? For the love of god, retain some credibility.
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