Blackout looming for Jets/Dolphins? | Page 17 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Blackout looming for Jets/Dolphins?

I don't disagree. This would be my game as well. Problem with game, and NFL games in general, is that fans at NFL games are much more retarded and out of control at a game like this. Jets/Bills...I've always ran into problems at these games. And if I wasn't committed to the Miami v. Georgia Tech game tomorrow (practically a home game for me now and Atlanta has the largest Miami Alum fan base than any other city outside of Miami) maybe I would entertain the Dolphins - Jets. But of all the games I've been to, Dolphins v. Jets are some of the worst. Sometimes Miami v. Florida State when it is in Tallahassee can be brutal...people are just idiots everywhere. And that's another thing turning fans away from the games.
it really does bring up the notion of keeping fans safe and perhaps alcohol inside is something to regulate. that being said you and i hate the jets as a team enough that i'm hardly suprised when those feelings carry over to the jets fan sitting next to us. sadly we forget all the things we have in common, and we focus on the one thing we don't while we're in that stadium/bar/etc.
Will we have more fans in the stands on Sunday against the Jets than we did against the Raiders?

True or False?

Everyone answer.

I say true. This is a new season. And there is more hope right now than past years. I've said time and time again, right now at this very second, we are going in the right direction. People who take time to seek out information about this team and to post on message boards like this, THESE are your die hard fans. Between you and I, there's 60,000 posts. No one spends that much time posting about something they care nothing about. And there's no way I'd ever accuse you of not being a real fan. But you and I have different views on how to be a fan. And I think everyone does. Either way, our views are fair. On Monday, win or lose, I'll wear my Dolphins polo to the office just like I do every single Monday. There's nothing that can cause me to not be a fan of this team.

You're right, no one knows if this team is mediocre or not. But at the same time, we don't know if they're good or not. We're hopeful, but not sure just yet. So, what the majority of casual fans (and trust me, the majority of fans South of I-4 is a casual fan) does is they apply what they've known. And what we've known is that we're a bad football team for the past few years. Therefore, they need to see something different. You and I have hope. These casual fans don't. At least not yet. Dolphins have to earn that from them to get them back to the ticket window.
True hopefully but I just hope we have a good ratio in terms of Dolphins:Jets fans. I Don't want to our chants to be overwhelmed by them. Even though from video clips I saw after cominf from the game where the stadium Crowd didn't look so well in TV, those reggie chants made me feel like it was sold out when I was there.
Right, but we still have the personnel from that regime, minus Marshall. The preseason games looked like more of the same. The Texans game looked like more of the same. The Raiders game... okay, that was something. As JCane points out, just one game, and against a bad team. Folks like you and me are knowledgeable about football. We look at the performance of Ryan Tannehill in the Houston game and say "Hey, this kid looks like he's going to be pretty good." Most fans don't do that. They look at the three interceptions and go "Wow, this kid is worse than Jay Fiedler! He stinks!"

People aren't just going to flip the switch and come back. They are going to have to see a pattern of change.

And for the record, my reasons for not attending any games last season (and for only planning to attend one or two this season) aren't even related to team performance. Skin cancer blows, and it's the same reason you won't find me out at the beach for three and a half hours on Sunday, either.
that blows man. and like you said i'm not interested in tossing around the term "bad fan." i'm not interested in alienating any fans from here or in person etc. But my opinion is that if you got the funds, and the ability to go, the team can use you. i've no doubt that the fans can make a difference.
it really does bring up the notion of keeping fans safe and perhaps alcohol inside is something to regulate. that being said you and i hate the jets as a team enough that i'm hardly suprised when those feelings carry over to the jets fan sitting next to us. sadly we forget all the things we have in common, and we focus on the one thing we don't while we're in that stadium/bar/etc.

What's really sad is that the Jet fan sitting next to you is probably a pretty cool guy to have a beer with if you run into him outside of the stadium without his Jet gear on. But for some reason people want to act like the worst people in the world when football gets involved.

Colin Cowherd, love him or hate him, is 100% dead on the money when he says, "Two things in life make really smart men really stupid: Sports and beautiful women."
It's your right to go to the game or not, but I don't understand the people saying "I'm not spending money to see this team." Then why waste your time watching this team on tv? Why waste time posting on forums about this pathetic team?

I understand times are tough economically and that's a perfectly valid reason not to go to a game. The gloom and doom attitude in week 3 is what bothers me. I mean look at poor browns fans. They at least go to games and hold out hope until week 6. Here some people are in week 3 whining about Sparano still.

In reality most years there is not that much difference i attendence between us and the Browns. Last year there was but the previous year basically the same attendence. Cinncy definately skipped thier games last year in comparism to everyone else
True hopefully but I just hope we have a good ratio in terms of Dolphins:Jets fans. I Don't want to our chants to be overwhelmed by them. Even though from video clips I saw after cominf from the game where the stadium Crowd didn't look so well in TV, those reggie chants made me feel like it was sold out when I was there.

It's difficult. People really don't understand how transplanted South Florida truly is. You can approach almost anyone in Miami and ask them if they were born there and they'll more than likely say no. I don't think anyone has actually been born in Miami in over 40 years.

In reality most years there is not that much difference i attendence between us and the Browns. Last year there was but the previous year basically the same attendence. Cinncy definately skipped thier games last year in comparism to everyone else

I live in Cleveland so numbers aside I can say from experience people are excited to go to games for at least the first half of the season. Also aside from attendance the tailgating in Cleveland is very big and I'd say half the people showing up on sundays don't end up going to the game at all.

This may be the same for guys who live in Miami but the only information I was referring to is the comments I see on here
Blackout or not... its all about the redzone channel anyways... the Dolphins were on it quite a bit last week for the first time. Honestly as big a dolphin fan you are, you cant quite possibly sit and enjoy anything this team has done in the past 3 years up until last week... whether at home or at the game, the experience has sucked for a Dolphin fan to watch that bloody mess on Sundays
I never tossed out a specific number than we had to win to recover the fan base. Never said that's what it would take. But it will take more than one game against Oakland at home to convince those that have disappeared.

If a 10 year alcoholic tells you that he's been sober for a whole week how do you view that? Big effing deal. It's one week lol.

People need to see more than that. They need week in and week out consistency. The need to see a change in the culture of the Miami Dolphins. People have bad enough of losing. They're not coming back because you beat the Raiders in week two.

They should be coming back because we're playing the mother****ing Jets in week three!
that blows man. and like you said i'm not interested in tossing around the term "bad fan." i'm not interested in alienating any fans from here or in person etc. But my opinion is that if you got the funds, and the ability to go, the team can use you. i've no doubt that the fans can make a difference.

I dunno, just feels like a witch hunt in this thread.

I've had enough "Miami Heat fans suck" bashing. Now on to the "Miami Dolphins fans suck" bashing?
Took the words right from me. It's anyone's choice to drink beer and eat $10 nachos at any professional stadium. The thing is, you're not being forced to. You also aren't being forced to tailgate. I spent a maximum of 4-4.5 hours at the stadium last weekend. I had plenty of time to do stuff before and after. It can be done if you sacrifice your beer cravings.

Yeah you can always hitchhike to the game to save a few extra dollars too...

If somebody includes the cost beer and nachos in their game time experience budget who the **** are you to tell them they don't need this or that to have a good time. No **** nobody is forcing them to buy $8 beer, nobody is forcing them to go see the games either, which is why they aren't going.
Yeah you can always hitchhike to the game to save a few extra dollars too...

If somebody includes the cost beer and nachos in their game time experience budget who the **** are you to tell them they don't need this or that to have a good time. No **** nobody is forcing them to buy $8 beer, nobody is forcing them to go see the games either, which is why they aren't going.

If you cant afford to eat at game, you probably cant afford to go to the game. For the average person the prices are way too high and because they nfl has overcharged for years and people paid the prices are where they are. Seriously why would you spend a 100 dollars on a ticket and sit there and be like I cant afford a 10 dollar beer. Hell the 10 dollar beer is a bargain compared to the ticket lol, you paid three times that much just to park.
I dunno, just feels like a witch hunt in this thread.

I've had enough "Miami Heat fans suck" bashing. Now on to the "Miami Dolphins fans suck" bashing?

Not sure why anyone would bash heat fans. No suprise with lebron the biggest draw in basketball they sell out. Before they were still at 90 percent capacity which speaks well of fans in my opinion.
Then by all means my good fellow hardcore phin phanatic, allow me.

You know what bothers me the most about all of this ****..... the timing of it. Here we have a game in which if the phins win, they are in FIRST PLACE in the division. Winning this game puts them at worst tied at the top and the only team in the division who will be 1-0 within divisional play. On top of that, we will shove our rivals towards the bottom and staring down the barrel of a 1-4 start thanks to games vs. the 9ers and texans in the next two weeks.

Basically, this is the BIGGEST GAME this team will have played in the last 2 years. We started 0-7 last year. No game was really big. There wasnt a game where we couldve said "if we win this things are shaping up pretty nicely". But, this game says that. Face it, NE dosent look like the team they were in previous seasons so far. When was the last time they lost at home to a team many considered average at best? They have a huge couple of injuries going against them and Welker is being pushed down the line in opportunites. If we win this game tomorrow, this season is going to start smelling like the magical Pennington year in a way.

But, its almost like the fans arent interested. They want to bash the GM before the season gets started. They had a long time to be able to do that **** when it made sense to do it. Now we have a new HC and FINALLY we have drafted a QB in the first round and these so called fans cant even get behind them. Its a ****ing joke.

Lets run down the list of bull**** excuses for this nonsense of staring at a potential blackout on Sunday.

1. The heat - Yea its ****ing hot down there. Its south ****ing Florida. Believe me.... I HATE the heat. I know if I took my big fat ass down there I would be complaining about it. Thing is, Im used to the 4 seasons of the mountains. It gets really hot sometimes in the summer and I keep it indoors with the AC. I like the cold. A nice fireplace on a snowy evening is awesome. But, you ****ers that live down there in South Florida deal with that heat all the time. YOU LIVE THERE. You are use to it. Is it somehow 40 degrees warmer in section 304 of the stadium than it is on your back ****ing porch???? If the heat is so untolerable for you at the stadium, move your ass up here to go ole WV. I bet you sissies will be screaming for the 90 degree heat within 20 minutes of a nice November evening up here. GET REAL with the heat excuse. Basically, if a team I truly loved played here in my climate, I wouldnt avoid going to a game in December for the reasoning of it being too cold. I can handle the typical cold where I live.

2. Economy - Hey, those folks trying to raise a family on a modest income.... believe me. I get it. I wouldnt have any issues with you not buying 4 tickets to the game. And as I stated earlier, I wouldnt bring my kids to an NFL stadium for a game anyway. I will discuss that in a few. But, I dont even blame those folks in that spot for not buying one ticket and going with another male friend or two. I understand. You dont have the $100 bucks or so to go all the time. My problem isnt with these folks. In fact, they should be pissed even more that the game may get blacked out. They need it to be on TV. My problem is with the TONS of people who do have more than enough money to go to these games. I get sick of the income stats from Miami. Anyone care to throw some W. Palm Beach numbers around? Ive been there once. Id say there are MORE THAN ENOUGH people just within that city who have MORE THAN ENOUGH money to go to as many games as they want to. Nevermind all the other surrounding areas within a couple hours drive of that stadium who call themselves diehard fans and yet are nowhere to be seen at the stadium. Economy excuse is total bull****.

3. Extra expenses - You know what these are? Flights, hotels, and the multi days one must invest to come to a game from out of the area. Thats real expenses. Thats what real fans would have to spend. This petty complaining about parking and concessions is bull****. Couple of easy solutions...... go to the game to watch the game, not to eat and drink. Get a couple of bottles of ****ing water. $10 maybe? Eat before you go to the ****ing game. Lets say you live an hour away...... Have your wife prepare you a hearty brunch around 1030 ish. Get home around 6pm..... eat dinner. Simple. Hell, take a pack of nabs or something and put them in your ****ing pocket if you get hungry at halftime.

What about beer? Dont be a ****ing alcoholic. Who needs to drink beer in the middle of the day like that all weekend? Besides, with that heat out there, you need water. Beer will make you ****ing sick. It might be better for the NFL if they simply didnt allow drinking at the games. While they would lose money from the highly overpriced beer they sell, they would gain ticket sales because guys like me would take their family to the game. I know this revenue wouldnt match what they make in beer sales, but it makes for a much better environment, free of morons who seem to be there only to drink beer and cause mayhem. I went to a game in Buffalo once and sat on the isle. I had to get up every 10 minutes to let this 3 pack of nimrods out to go to take a piss and get another beer. Why even come to the game? You can drink beer much cheaper at home. They were missing at least 50% of the plays anyway. If you didnt drink an entire beer every 10 minutes, you wouldnt have to visit the urinal every 10 minutes as well. No alcohol would drastically cut down on the fighting, profanity, and overall bad behavior at these games as well. I think the PR plus the league would get would be much better overall than the money they get from beer sales at the stadium. Let these beer drinking *******s watch the games at home.

Parking.... carpool bitches. You and 3 friends I know will just get broke by shelling out the $5 each on a parking spot. Again, family of 4 I get it. Kids cant generate income and throw in on that ****. It gets to be a lot. But, going with a few friends makes for a trip that shouldnt put you out more than $100.

Im sure there are tons of people who can afford this and just dont. It bothers me they call themselves diehard fans when the fact is they arent. You know what fans are down there..... fair weather as ****. Plain and simple. No other way around it. The excuses are ****ing ridiculous and petty.

I also am tired of hearing how the fans will turn out when the team starts winning. I say if fans showed up, perhaps it would help the team ****ing win at home. Here we are at the doorstep of a potentially good season and fans still dont want to go. If we lose this game in a tight one to the Jests, Im pinning some of the blame on these bull**** fans who dont show up and drown out the Jets fans. The ones who let Jets fans get the seats in the first place. We need fans making it tougher on Sanchez than it already is.

The last excuse we hear is the "other things to do". Yea, you know why you have "other things to do"?....... because you are not diehard dolphins fans. Thats the biggest bull**** one of them all. Hell, I have other things to do if I want to do them instead of watch the game and I dont even live in South Florida. I could do a lot of other things besides be a diehard phins fan. I just dont do them because I choose to be a diehard phins fan. A real one. Sure, I do plenty of other things with my life..... just not on Sunday afternoons when the phins are playing.

Hypocrisy at its finest.
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