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Bobby Carpenter on his release

And oh yea, one more thing. If the FO, and Sparano and Co. want to be critical of people, they should start with themselves. After all, they are the morons that brought a total bum like Bobbie Carpenter in here to begin with. They are the morons that continue to turn loose of pretty solid talent only to replace them with hot garbage like Carpenter and McQueefstain. So, lets just start at the top ya know.
Let me make sure I understand this..............

If Sparano and CO. are hard ***** and critical of the players......totally cool with everyone.

If WVDolphan is, then he is just being a negative Nancy and a ****ing *******.

I think I understand.

Sometimes, you do take it a little overboard and people may think you are talking down to them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I agree that the staff is sometimes negligent about some personnel movies. I do also think that Sparano preaches a hard brand of football and he is seen as a leader to this team. Along the lines of Parcells, perhaps there were some politics involved in his early departure. Ireland could have pushed Bill to the point where he felt undermined, so we will see what happens with the staff in the coming year or two and what moves are made without Parcells view from the pedestal.
And oh yea, one more thing. If the FO, and Sparano and Co. want to be critical of people, they should start with themselves. After all, they are the morons that brought a total bum like Bobbie Carpenter in here to begin with. They are the morons that continue to turn loose of pretty solid talent only to replace them with hot garbage like Carpenter and McQueefstain. So, lets just start at the top ya know.

What do you want them to do? Publicly evaluating their own performances week in and week out? Come out on a presser saying "we ****ed up"? While it would be cool for some of you seeing that, what kind of message would it send to the players that have to play for them? Point is, I'm pretty sure they are being critical of themselves. They're just not going public with it. Which is fine for me.
Sometimes, you do take it a little overboard and people may think you are talking down to them. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I agree that the staff is sometimes negligent about some personnel movies. I do also think that Sparano preaches a hard brand of football and he is seen as a leader to this team. Along the lines of Parcells, perhaps there were some politics involved in his early departure. Ireland could have pushed Bill to the point where he felt undermined, so we will see what happens with the staff in the coming year or two and what moves are made without Parcells view from the pedestal.
That's right. I agree with some of WV's points but there's a fine line between fair judgement and cheap shots.
Carpenter really didn't say anything truly negative about the staff. He didn't say that Phillips was a better coach, just that he was easier on his player. That doesn't make them a better coach, although players might like them more. Carpenter's statement said more about him than about the staff.

Very true, if anything Wade is too soft on the players (from what I am hearing)...and Dallas are 1-4 largely as a result of indiscipline. So maybe a coach shouting in your face is what some players need to get motivated and keep them grounded.
The thing is Bobby if you do what your suppose to do, you wont get yelled at..

Your a grown *** man that cant block on speical teams and cant make a tackle?

What are they suppose to do? Hug you for it?
Translation- Barbie Carpenter is soft on the field and a ***** in real life! Waaaaaa the big bad coach yelled at me waaaaa! GTFO Barbie you ****ing waste of space pansy! Why would anyone even interview this scrub who cares?!?! I told everyone this guy blew goats nuts and took so much **** for it! People giving me negative rep telling me I just hate to hate! No it is called basic common sense and a football iq north of a rock! The guy went from the 18th pick to cut from the Rams for a reason! Hell a simple Google search and you find all the same negative **** that got his sorry *** cut from here! Use this as an example people just because we sign someone doesn't make him good! You can't coach talent you either have it or you don't! Now up next Anderson! Anyone seen my Glock?
Let me make sure I understand this..............

If Sparano and CO. are hard ***** and critical of the players......totally cool with everyone.

If WVDolphan is, then he is just being a negative Nancy and a ****ing *******.

I think I understand.

Thats almost as backwards as declaring a coach bad because he gets excited, yet also bashing a quarterback as bad because he remains calm...oh wait!
Let me make sure I understand this..............

If Sparano and CO. are hard ***** and critical of the players......totally cool with everyone.

If WVDolphan is, then he is just being a negative Nancy and a ****ing *******.

I think I understand.

nah man for the most part I respect your posts because you back up your opinion and make a good argument.... for the most part. I think sometimes you are a little too hard on Henne and Sparano, but otherwise I think you are the voice of reason amongst most negativity.
It's still a man's game so get fuc;ing used to it.............
And oh yea, one more thing. If the FO, and Sparano and Co. want to be critical of people, they should start with themselves. After all, they are the morons that brought a total bum like Bobbie Carpenter in here to begin with. They are the morons that continue to turn loose of pretty solid talent only to replace them with hot garbage like Carpenter and McQueefstain. So, lets just start at the top ya know.

I would like you to point to a franchise that has been 100% in every draft or free agency over a 3 year period. McQuistan is a solid depth guy, and Carpenter was a guy who was brought to fill a ROLE as well. He was brought to perform on Special Teams and he did not....they cut him. That happens on football teams. The decisions that build the foundation of a franchise are the high-commitment decisions like Brandon Marshall and Karlos Dansby...any complaints? The top 2 rounds in the NFL Draft as well...and we have gotten our starting QB, a star LT, a starting OLB (jury's out of course but not bad so far), lock down CB etc. Not to mention they have managed to get contributors from the 3rd rd and later who are still on the roster. The decision I criticize most is Pat White...his helmet and pads have looked too big for him since he was in college, so as WVU and his evil twin brother from another mother flynryan would say those ****ing idiots blew that ****. Also, trading Camarillo for Benny Sapp...********asscunts.

I will never fault them for experimenting with underachieving, once talented players to attempt to fill roles on special teams, and hopefully get an added bonus of depth if they can be late bloomers. You may have the delusion that acquiring talent in the NFL is as simple as it is in your couch potato fantasy football league, but unfortunately, as reality would have it...they must select from a limited pool and work under a budget...missing on low-risk talent is a given, missing on high-commitment talent ruins franchises. Credit them for not clinging to inept talent like past staffs, and securing the high quality talent available to us, something YOU of all people would appreciate...
It didn't sound like Carp was complaining about the tough love here, just stating a factual comparison.
I would like you to point to a franchise that has been 100% in every draft or free agency over a 3 year period. McQuistan is a solid depth guy, and Carpenter was a guy who was brought to fill a ROLE as well. He was brought to perform on Special Teams and he did not....they cut him. That happens on football teams. The decisions that build the foundation of a franchise are the high-commitment decisions like Brandon Marshall and Karlos Dansby...any complaints? The top 2 rounds in the NFL Draft as well...and we have gotten our starting QB, a star LT, a starting OLB (jury's out of course but not bad so far), lock down CB etc. Not to mention they have managed to get contributors from the 3rd rd and later who are still on the roster. The decision I criticize most is Pat White...his helmet and pads have looked too big for him since he was in college, so as WVU and his evil twin brother from another mother flynryan would say those ****ing idiots blew that ****. Also, trading Camarillo for Benny Sapp...********asscunts.

I will never fault them for experimenting with underachieving, once talented players to attempt to fill roles on special teams, and hopefully get an added bonus of depth if they can be late bloomers. You may have the delusion that acquiring talent in the NFL is as simple as it is in your couch potato fantasy football league, but unfortunately, as reality would have it...they must select from a limited pool and work under a budget...missing on low-risk talent is a given, missing on high-commitment talent ruins franchises. Credit them for not clinging to inept talent like past staffs, and securing the high quality talent available to us, something YOU of all people would appreciate...

Thanks for the evil twin label I like that!

Acquiring talent through the draft is always a crap shoot, but when you have a long laundry list of FA bust I call that a trend. They signed a **** ton of guys that all had red flags and some like Grove, Gerbil, Green, Wilford, and Smiley they mortgaged our future on pretty heavily! All those guys were second tier at their respective positions and had serious red flags that even the most novice fan using a Google search could find. You act like in 2 years Parcells didn't blow over 90 million on bust! I don't know what NFL you watch, but not many VPs or GMs do that and don't get shown the door!
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