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Bonds exposed

tucker said:
i just dont see how some of the info they are releasing was able to be obtained unless they watched bonds do these things....and how can they get this info if it was not allowed to be leaked? you said it wasnt held by the court, charleston, but how did nobody else come up with this info when it was right there for the taking under the FOIA? some of the info that is released is too specific and its just too hard for a lot of that to be true...i personally dont care about him taking anything, b/c until just recently, he was allowed to take it in MLB...and if has stopped taking steroids, he's still huge..i mean he hasnt lost any size...usually once off steroids, you start losing some of the weight that was usually lose up to 30% of what you gained off a cycle, but he hasnt

they know without watching because the info released under the FOIA included tons of sworn testimony from Greg Anderson (and over 200 others), who was his trainer, and dealing to him and admitted to injecting him. not to mention keeping printed journals of Bonds steroid cycles. Anderson plead guilty to distributing steroids.

on Rome's show today, the authors stated the Giambi brothers, as well as Benito Santiago and other former Giants players whose names escape me but are in the book, implicate Bonds in sworn testimony as well, saying he introduced them to Anderson, who supplied them. in addition Gary Sheffield said last year Bonds hooked him up with steroids and with Anderson.

Bonds has admitted paying Anderson at least $15,000 cash for what he termed to prosecutors "weightlifting services." why cash? no paper trail. what services did he provide that warranted that kind of scratch? c'mon... its staring you in the face.

and again, look for Bonds to file a gazillion dollar lawsuit for slander and/or libel. if this stuff isnt true, he is going to get alot of money from the paper they work for, and the authors as well. but my bet is he wont be suing anyone. he doesnt want the state to call Conte, and Anderson, and Benito Santiago to the witness stand, all of whom have to be conspiring to lie in order for you to believe Bonds is not guilty.

nor does he want his ex mistress called to the stand, because then he would have to explian how he put $80,000 in cash from autograph shows down on a house for her in Scottsdale Arizona that he never reported to the IRS.
The IRS is probaly after Bonds so his troubles are just beginning. To me if he doesnt take the authors of this book to court then what they say is more than likely true. They basically assainated his character and career in this book, if he can't prove they are lying its fair to assume they were telling the truth. I find no defense of Bonds for what he did. According to the authors Bonds started using steriods because he was angry that McGwire and Sosa got so much publicity despite being inferior players. He didnt take it to extend his career or to rehab injuries, he just wanted the attention that McGwire and Sosa got. Shows Bonds to be a pretty sad human being.
I don't buy this 'it wasn't against the rules' nonsense being thrown about here. As a fan of baseball I find what Bonds did wrong, and so will a ton of Hall of Fame voters. It DOES matter despite your silly contentions that it doesn't. Nice try but Bonds career is completely totally and utterly tarnished as well it should be. The sad thing is that he was on his way to a storied Hall of Fame career anyway, he just wanted that extra bit of being the 'homer king' instead of just one of the best players ever. Stupid.
PressCoverage said:
this is about the most blatant bunch of nonsense i believe i've ever heard on this forum... Hall of Fame discussion goes on forever in almost every sports circle, and it's a bone of contention for every borderline player who is passed over... It's the pinnacle achievement for any MLB player, and to dismiss it is disrespecting the game... "It means nothing?" ... Spin or minimize it any way you like.... Your opinion is fast treading water....

PressCoverage you have to realize that MikeO once called me a moron and a <removed> because I said Gammons was a joke and isn't a very good reporter because he never gets his inside facts and dirt right. And he based that my opinion was wrong simply because Gammons in the Hall of Fame. It's funny that he doesn't think being in the Hall of Fame is important.

I do however agree with you on the Hall of Fame. It is the pinnacle achievement for any player. If you ask any player in baseball what do they want to accomplish they'll all say: win a World Championship and get into the Hall of Fame. And that's not just about baseball that's in every major sport.

[mod]this time is for the filter violation, next time it will be for the remark about another member.[/mod]
MikeO said:
Some thoughts..........

1) It's not the same as Pete Rose. Rose was or could have been fixing games from the bench. Bonds was just using suplements to improve HIS play. Not determining the outcome of games. Plus there was a rule in place for what se was doing. There were no anti-steroids rule in baseball at the time.

2) Too much is made out of records and record books. None of these records mean anything anymore because of the way the ballparks are built and the number of teams in the league these days.

3) Hall of Fame entry is overrated in my opinion anyway, who cares! It's not like anyone makes any money or becomes a "superstar" on getting into the hall of fame. All the hall of fame is that for one weekend in your life, they take you to the backwoods of NY State in Cooperstown, and get your *** kissed for 3 days straight. It means nothing!!!

And one thing to remember, THERE WAS NO DRUG TESTING OR STEROID TESTING IN MLB WHEN BONDS (among others) WAS DOING THIS!!!!!! You can't break a rule when there is no rule in place. Now you can say its against the law......but if MLB isn't testing for that then you can't hold it against him in the way of record books, and hall of fame stuff.

Everyone knows Bonds did steroids, he even himself in some roundabout way admited it himself with the cream and all of that BS. Now, we have people (with the g'vemnt I believe behind them) on a witch-hunt to get this guy. And that is just wrong.

1) Pete Rose, bet on a the Reds in all instances that he bet, which wasn't very often on his own team.. Bonds changed the outcome of every game he played in from the day he took steroids.. Anytime he came to the plate he had a great advantage...

2) Records are what makes baseball special.. I agree with all of your views on # of teams and ballparks, but this doesn't mean records aren't special.. Cal Ripken record chase, Maris Record Chase, these are 2 of the biggest moments in the last 15 years of baseball... Records matter, especially to the casual baseball fan that knows the leaders in many baseball records..

3) HOF means everything to the players that make it in.. Buck Oneil picked up a phone just to await his call from the HOF he never got.. He doesn't own a phone otherwise.. Many cry like babies when they make the HOF and read their speech or get presented.. Tell Goose Gossage the HOF means nothing, who campaigns every year to get in..

I will hold using steroids against Bonds.. He and every other user had a big advantage over non-users.. The guy cheated everyday for 8+ years, and lied and denied it the whole time, with obvious proof everywhere. I can't believe that because there was no rule in the MLB rule book that using steroids was illegal, it makes it ok to have an unfair advantage with every AB..
Ray Finkle said:
How is it a witch hunt when the guy probably lied in federal court under oath? This isn't a witch hunt, there's apparently proof.

I dislike Bonds however I don't think his records should be wiped out nor should be get suspended, like you're saying. Like you said there was no rule about steroids when he was doing it and he's passed all his drug tests since the rule has been in place.

1) I never said his records should be wiped out nor should he be banned!:shakeno: I NEVER ONCE SAID THAT!!!!!!

2) Proving he lied in federal court is next to impossible.
Ferretsquig said:
They were reporters paid to investigate a story. Hardly a witch hunt. Mabey their sources had their own motives, but you cant blaim the guys who put two years of their lives into this; just doing their jobs.

It's a witch hunt. He has appeared in court. All but confesed to using some sort of steroid with the cream, which that should have never have leaked out since it was a grand jury testimony, and yet they are still digging and trying to get more info. At some point it stops being "reporting" and begins being a "witch-hunt". Which it is right now.
Prime Time said:
Oh please...even If he did do steroids it may be morally wrong, but it wasn't against the rules.

NOT to mention he wasn't the ONLY one in this time period to do them, so if your gonna make him the poster boy, then you must go back in this time period and investigate EVERYONE!!! To single him out is wrong on many levels.

It sounds like I am defending the guy, but when damn near 75% or more of the league is using steriods in this time frame, to single him out is a joke on all levels! EVERYONE WAS DOING IT!
GreenMonster said:
1) Pete Rose, bet on a the Reds in all instances that he bet, which wasn't very often on his own team.. Bonds changed the outcome of every game he played in from the day he took steroids.. Anytime he came to the plate he had a great advantage...

2) Records are what makes baseball special.. I agree with all of your views on # of teams and ballparks, but this doesn't mean records aren't special.. Cal Ripken record chase, Maris Record Chase, these are 2 of the biggest moments in the last 15 years of baseball... Records matter, especially to the casual baseball fan that knows the leaders in many baseball records..

3) HOF means everything to the players that make it in.. Buck Oneil picked up a phone just to await his call from the HOF he never got.. He doesn't own a phone otherwise.. Many cry like babies when they make the HOF and read their speech or get presented.. Tell Goose Gossage the HOF means nothing, who campaigns every year to get in..

I will hold using steroids against Bonds.. He and every other user had a big advantage over non-users.. The guy cheated everyday for 8+ years, and lied and denied it the whole time, with obvious proof everywhere. I can't believe that because there was no rule in the MLB rule book that using steroids was illegal, it makes it ok to have an unfair advantage with every AB..

It doesn't matter if Rose bet ON the Reds or AGAINST them. If he bets on them for 5 days straight, then doesn't on the 6th day, he is giving out inside information to other people that he thinks his team can't win. Betting on them or against them is meaningless!!!!!!!!
MikeO said:
It doesn't matter if Rose bet ON the Reds or AGAINST them. If he bets on them for 5 days straight, then doesn't on the 6th day, he is giving out inside information to other people that he thinks his team can't win. Betting on them or against them is meaningless!!!!!!!!

I am not saying this isn't totally wrong.. But did Pete Rose change the outcome of games by betting on games.. Only if it changed the way he managed in the games.. Bonds changed every game everytime he took the field.. So if Rose bet 5 out of 7 days who cares Bonds cheated everyday for 8+ years...
MikeO said:
NOT to mention he wasn't the ONLY one in this time period to do them, so if your gonna make him the poster boy, then you must go back in this time period and investigate EVERYONE!!! To single him out is wrong on many levels.

It sounds like I am defending the guy, but when damn near 75% or more of the league is using steriods in this time frame, to single him out is a joke on all levels! EVERYONE WAS DOING IT!

I wouldn't be surprised If Sosa did it....
GreenMonster said:
I am not saying this isn't totally wrong.. But did Pete Rose change the outcome of games by betting on games.. Only if it changed the way he managed in the games.. Bonds changed every game everytime he took the field.. So if Rose bet 5 out of 7 days who cares Bonds cheated everyday for 8+ years...

Pete Rose was the ONLY manager betting on games!! Bonds wasn't the ONLY one who did steroids though!:shakeno:

Let's go investigate EVERY player from that time frame and punish them!!! You can't just do 1 person and ignore everyone else. Probably over 50% of the league was on the roids in this time frame. Let's go get everyone. Why just 1 player?
MikeO said:
1) I never said his records should be wiped out nor should he be banned!:shakeno: I NEVER ONCE SAID THAT!!!!!!

2) Proving he lied in federal court is next to impossible.

1.) I never said that you said that his records should be wiped out, in fact if you go back and reread my post I was actually agreeing with you on your stance with Bonds and how since there were no rules against steroids in baseball at the time of his using he shouldn't be punished for it. :shakeno:

2.) Well apparently the book coming out could prove that he did in fact lie in federal court.
Im not from the US, but Im guessing that anabolic steriods are illegal in the US without a presciption. Why does baseball need to tell the guy not to use steriods if its against the law anyway?
Also, the book is 100% credible to me. If there was even one lie in the whole book the writers would get sued for every penny they own.
MikeO said:
Pete Rose was the ONLY manager betting on games!! Bonds wasn't the ONLY one who did steroids though!:shakeno:

Let's go investigate EVERY player from that time frame and punish them!!! You can't just do 1 person and ignore everyone else. Probably over 50% of the league was on the roids in this time frame. Let's go get everyone. Why just 1 player?

Right, it seems that Bonds has been singled out but what about every other player that used the juice? Bonds probably changed the outcome of games, but then again so did a ton of other players. Bonds used steroids who cares? He gets scrutinized because he is soo great, and would be great if he never used the juice. Basically it took him from being a top 20 player to the best player i've ever seen. If Bonds was the only one in the game who ever used steroids then people can make an arguement about banning him, but how many homeruns did he hit off of pitchers on steroids? If an asterik is put next to his name, should an asterik be put by guys who played when baseball was segregated? Every other guy on every record would have to be investigated also.
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