Brown Stiff??? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brown Stiff???


Practice Squad
May 9, 2005
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All the talk about Brown being “stiff†(which goes all the way back to his college recruiting days) has me concerned. I mean, being “stiff†in the NFL as a RB is a deathblow. Or, put another way, I can’t think of one RB in the NFL that’s really big-time productive who’s “stiff.â€Â

So far to me it sounds like Brown is stud athlete, an all-around player and a great team guy, but no one seems to feel he’s going to light the NFL up 1500+ yards. I don’t know, but straight ahead down hill runners don’t do so well in the NFL.

Maybe some one can shed some light on this for me. Has anyone seen Brown run enough to offer some insight into his “style?ââ‚ If so, what’s his big positives and what concerns do you have?
Yea Brown is stiff, which is why he was the top ranked RB. I mean come on, the criticism will come, but we picked up the best RB we could and yet there's still concern? There's nothing we can do expect step back and watch.

BTW- CNNSI has Brown to break 1400 yds this year.
bigmiamifan said:
Yea Brown is stiff, which is why he was the top ranked RB. I mean come on, the criticism will come, but we picked up the best RB we could and yet there's still concern? There's nothing we can do expect step back and watch.

BTW- CNNSI has Brown to break 1400 yds this year.

Man, talk about being defensive. Are you Brown's agent, or just in love with him? Get real dude, there have been a LOT of question marks about Brown being "stiff," and IMO that's a MAJOR ISSUE for a NFL RB.

I certainly don't need to be lectured about how we picked the top ranked RB blah blah. I mean, how trite and obvious is that?

Some one once told me, so now I'll tell you: If you don't have a real genuine thought, rather than recite the same old crap over and over, just shut up...
Damn Jamal Lewis is the shiftiest back in the, Jerome Bettis is...No, curtis martin.......actually reuben droughns.......better yet Shaun Alexander.......Rudi Johnson has got some moves on him, woooooweeeeeee........or how about that chris brown ."stiffs"

I don't recall ever hearing Brown being called stiff. do you have any links to articles stating that he is a stiff runner?

I can understand peole having some doubts about the guy but I'm going to put my trust in Saban and the scouting staff. Besides, it doesn't matter what anyone else saw in his running style. Saban had to play against the guy every year and obviously saw something he liked.

We'll see how he does this year. Unitl then, I'll reserve judgement. If you asked anyone about Priest Holmes coming out of college I'm sure nobody thought he was going to run for 1,400+ yards and 20+ TDs a year...
There was a quote in the Florida Today article from his HS coach saying that his senior year, a lot of colleges backed away from him saying that he was too stiff. That's the only place I've ever seen him referred to as "stiff". I suppose, technically, the original poster is correct, "all the talk about Brown being stiff ..." A second hand quote from his HS coach would be "all the talk".
phillyphinphan said:
Eddie George was considered a stiff upright runner, he had a very good career....
Not in many people's eyes. He was a product of someone giving him the ball and telling him to run straight in the pile 30 times a game. IMO, EG = one of the most overated players in a long time....right there with his teammate McNair, and then Alstott.

They should send many thanks to John Madden for hyping them constantly.
ERic Dickerson was the most UPRIGHT runner in NFL history, he was pretty good right....
inExile said:
Man, talk about being defensive. Are you Brown's agent, or just in love with him? Get real dude, there have been a LOT of question marks about Brown being "stiff," and IMO that's a MAJOR ISSUE for a NFL RB.

I certainly don't need to be lectured about how we picked the top ranked RB blah blah. I mean, how trite and obvious is that?

Some one once told me, so now I'll tell you: If you don't have a real genuine thought, rather than recite the same old crap over and over, just shut up...

Sounds to me like you're the one being defensive and stooping to name calling. You posted your opinion, now you have to allow others to post their's. When I read a post from a 24 year old that just flew off the handle because someone disagreed with him, I loose respect for the guy.
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