Butthurt and crocodile tears in Patriotsland | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Butthurt and crocodile tears in Patriotsland


Dec 21, 2011
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Patsfans and patriotsplanet are always great sources of comedy, but none better than on days like this. A sampling to draw strength and hilarity from...

Our offense line was a disaster today, and no its not just because we didnt have mankins, Brady had people in his face from all over the field all game

Our defensive line can't stop the run to save its life

Wait, are the patriots not allowed to tackle anymore? all i see are guys karate chopping the dolphins, WRAP someone THE FUNK up. holy christ.

Chandler jones might be one of the highest yardage dolphins today, he had i want to say 3 personal fouls for 15 yards each

Brady I know you want to get super excited when you throw a td, but how about you stop ****ing punching people in the helmet? your hands are kind of important.

Brady had some accuracy issues early on, but after smacking gronks helmet i don't think he completed more then 2 passes in a row, tons of ducks, lots in the ground, just fell apart, and i wouldn't be surprised to hear he hurt himself.


Probably should cancel the preorder on those superbowl tickets, because the team that played today is not a superbowl caliber team.

Moreano manhandled the patriots.

Tom Brady is no longer an elite QB. His accuracy has fallen drastically and he can NOT throw the ball down the field anymore. Honestly I would put in Garappolo for awhile, he doesn't have the football IQ or good decision making of Brady, but his passing is superior at this point.

I seriously hope that was a one off thing but i have been a Pats fan for a long time and have never seen an O-Line that bad in my time.

The defence couldn't tackle for ****. Don't let go!

The o-line couldn't block for ****. Brady has zero time to make his passes to no-one for most of the game! And when there were players to make the catch, it was over thrown!

At half time we were one bad snap from being up 20-3! Second half was some of the worst football I have seen this team play!


Seeing the Pats play for the first time in person next week with my Dad. Who happens to be a Vikings fan.

Not as confident as I'd hoped to be


Brady has been fetal positioned down there before...in his late 20's.

I'm just going to beat the Dolphins on Madden 100-0 a few times until I feel better.

If Wendell is starting next week, Im going to break something valuable. Picking up right where he left off in Denver. Tom has no chance to step into his throws and with a QB like himself at his age its a recipe for disaster.

One can only wonder, is this even a better team than the one we had last year? This is the worst opening game i have ever seen.oh.... Tom you need to shave.

Karma for trading Mankins. You reap what you sow

How many stinkbombs is Belichick going to have before people start looking at him? It's been 10 years since he's had a good defense (with Parcells players). You give him all this talent and it's still the same old thing. Either he can't evaluate talent or he is overrated as a "defensive genius".

In all honesty this loss couldn't have come at a better time. Shows our weaknesses early on and is like a slap in the face to this team. The coaches need to revaluate their decisions on where our personnel is playing. Players will get a shock and overall I hope it adds some intensity.

:lol: So this kind of poster really is on every message board.

This is probably right up there with one of the worst played games in the Brady/BB era......Offensive line.....well....was OFFENSIVE....They could not have kept a mosquito off of Tom Brady today.....absolutely horrible play by EVERY member of that OLINE today......Epic Fail.

Brady was way off on anything thrown more than 10 yards. You would think he had major neck surgery.

The team isn't "bad", I mean were not the raiders.

Tannenhill is not a QB that you are going to hit in the mouth and hes going to go sit on the bench and cry about it, Our Dline LIT HIM UP, most times late and he didn't get frazzled, I don't think any of us expected that.

Miami's 2nd half performance against us was more dominant than Seattle's vs Green Bay. We did not have a single pass rusher win a one on one match up. We have very little talent at the skill positions. It really looks like the Miami DBs do not have to strain at all to cover our WRs - like varsity vs. JV. Watching both sides of the ball it's difficult to see where money has been spent on this team. It just seems like there's a dearth of talent at every level of both sides of the ball.

Paging Incognito and I'm not even joking let's get some nastiness on the line.

:sidelol: Oh pretty please, let this happen.

Welcome to average.
The run is over.
You can't turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.
You win the games in the trenches. Always have.
I don't how or why they've lost their direction over the years but they have.
You build a team from the inside out. What you saw today was a team that was a shell of itself.

There's more of this out there. So... SO much more. I found so many quotes I didn't even end up going to patriotsplanet!

Go find some, fellow Dolfans. Post them in this thread.

Drink the tears. Drink them up. :lol:
One of my closest friends is a patriots fan and refuses to talk to me. All week he was saying 34-10, 42-7. And now....well I just laugh. He told me it was a fluke of a win and that we got lucky. I just laugh because pats fans are truly delusional. Great post and here is to hoping we can keep this going and string together more and more wins.
I spent some time on there earlier this evening. Glorious it was.
Pats fans are as arrogant and sore losers as their qb....my one friend who likes the pats was being a baby after the game today, he didn't even wanna talk to me hahaha I loved it. II sent the pic of Tom wiping tears out of his eyes and got no response for like 3 hours.
"Personal foul, being in the general vicinity of the quarterback. 15 yards, automatic first down!"

Lots of embarrassment to go around after this one. The OL couldn't get out of its own way, let alone get in the way of anyone on Miami. The DL was ragdolled in the running game and couldn't get past a makeshift OL. Nobody could tackle worth a damn. Brady spent the first half throwing floaters and the second half darting misfires the few times he didn't end up on his back. Of course the refs made my sarcastic opening seem legitimate.

But the biggest heaping of embarrassment is reserved for me.

I am so pathetic. I let the enthusiasm of a new year overrule my judgement. Again. I know the NFL pulls crap like this and somehow I fall for it every single year. At least they didn't waste a couple months whispering sweet nothings into my ear before pulling the rug out. I suppose I should be grateful for that.

Congrats to our resident Miami fans. The better team won.
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Patsfans and patriotsplanet are always great sources of comedy, but none better than on days like this. A sampling to draw strength and hilarity from...




:lol: So this kind of poster really is on every message board.

:sidelol: Oh pretty please, let this happen.

There's more of this out there. So... SO much more. I found so many quotes I didn't even end up going to patriotsplanet!

Go find some, fellow Dolfans. Post them in this thread.

Drink the tears. Drink them up. :lol:

Hey Patsies ? you ever hear the ole saying ,ITS OUR TIME ? WELL ITS OUR TIME .
Could one of you give me reason to be more optimistic than I currently am? I've stepped back from the ledge, but I'm still seriously worried about our offensive and defensive lines.

I did my part. I jumped off the bridge over Marsh Creek. It's not as high as the Tobin, but it's the thought that counts.

There's no prepping for Miami in early September. Sout Florida is like a 120 degree armpit.

Mentally tough this team was not. Very obvious in play and body language, especially from offense.
Brady and the O-Line (and rest of the offense) shriveled up in their corner for the 2nd half. The heat in Miami definitely melted the ice in TB's veins.

Reason to be more optimistic than ready to take flight from the roof of a tall building?
Well....Anyway, the Pats didn't get beat up by chopped liver; Miami is legitimately pretty good. They've had talent for while, but their ferocious performance today clearly indicates that the coaches are getting a lot of buy-in from the players now. Their new OC, Lazor,

I'm getting SO sick of this sh1t. I'm getting really close to forgetting about football because the officiating is SO F**KING TERRIBLE!
Look at this garbage

Referees just called a holding penalty on Logan Mankins from the 2013 game

Brady's looking flat because the rest of the team is flat. He can only keep his demeanor positive and fiery for so long. When he's under that much pressure, missing that many throws, and when the defense is playing passively and looking soft (along with the rest of the offense), there's only so much energy he can muster.

The whole team stunk today. Pathetic performance, and it didn't look flukey IMO. There are disappointing losses... all losses are disappointing. I haven't seen a disheartening loss around here in awhile. This was a disheartening loss. I'm seriously worried about this team's prospects going forward. Can't make up for a soft front on both sides of the ball.

I'm hoping against hope that this was a flukey loss, but I'm seriously worried about this team. This could be a disaster season. Do you trade Brady after this season if he continues to stink? Is the dynasty ending? All very reactionary, premature statements, sure... but today was scary.

Your opponent is without all _3_ of it's starting LBs. And you only run 15 times?

We're last in the AFC East and even Rex will be licking his lips with Johnson and Ivory and the likes of Wilkerson getting at Brady.

Brady said he was not going to retire unless he starts to suck. Well, he sucked today. And people questioned drafting a qb

Such a massive letdown.

Is it too late to exchange Revis for a couple of big boys on the OL and DL? Maybe also trade away our co-ordinators for an 18 pack of MGD at the same time!

I wonder .... can the Pats press stealing charges against LaFell?

Hopefully this was just 1 of those brainfart games. If not, I shudder to think what AP might do next week .........
Tannenhill is not a QB that you are going to hit in the mouth and hes going to go sit on the bench and cry about it, Our Dline LIT HIM UP, most times late and he didn't get frazzled, I don't think any of us expected that.

That is my favorite quote out of all of them. And it's true. Tannehill got hit much harder than Brady did -- multiple helmet to helmet, driven into the ground, chippy hits that could have injured him. But he never even whined once. Got right back up, shook it off and went to huddle. Gotta love it!

That is my favorite quote out of all of them. And it's true. Tannehill got hit much harder than Brady did -- multiple helmet to helmet, driven into the ground, chippy hits that could have injured him. But he never even whined once. Got right back up, shook it off and went to huddle. Gotta love it!


Didn't one of the beat writers say that Tannehill said he thought his jaw came out of it's socket on one of the hits?
I love reading pats fans saying they didn't get help from the refs. Or that the refs were clearly helping Miami and the pats don't ever get help. Did they see the game in Gillette last year? Or that whole tuck rule thing? Or every other game they ever played. Smh.
Just wondering what everyones thoughts were on this.

  • Hightower had a solid hit on Tannehill. He was flagged for driving Tannehill into the ground.
  • Chandler Jones had a ticky tacky penalty called for hitting Tannehill high. His hand just grazed Tannehill neck area and Jones pulled him down IIRC. I didn't agree with this one at all but it does get called at times.
  • Chandler Jones beats an interior linemen off the snap and hits Tannehill straight on. Tannehill did a good job selling this to the refs. He was exaggerating an injury IMO. Then a very late flag came in. As soon as the flag came in, Tannehill was fine. I disagree with the penalty, but those are always 50/50 with the refs.

So our defense was flagged 3 times for hits on Tannehill but the Fins weren't even flagged once for all the hits on Brady.


:sidelol: Silly Pats fan complaining about the officiating in this game. :lol2:
Patsfans and patriotsplanet are always great sources of comedy, but none better than on days like this. A sampling to draw strength and hilarity from...




:lol: So this kind of poster really is on every message board.

:sidelol: Oh pretty please, let this happen.

There's more of this out there. So... SO much more. I found so many quotes I didn't even end up going to patriotsplanet!

Go find some, fellow Dolfans. Post them in this thread.

Drink the tears. Drink them up. :lol:
Thank you for this, I literally laughed out loud and was giddy reading of their angst.
Didn't one of the beat writers say that Tannehill said he thought his jaw came out of it's socket on one of the hits?

I didn't hear that one but not surprised. When you go back and watch those hits -- well, let's put it this way: People are concussed and put out of games often on lesser hits. Helmet to helmet always rings the bell when a person drives the top of their helmet into impact.

“The Dolphins played their tails off,” veteran Patriot Vince Wilfork said.

I respect that. Props to Wilfork for speaking truth
This team just played like the biggest group of ******* I've seen in quite some time.

Even worse, almost everything wrong with the 2013 team reared its head in this game.

Brady plays average and misses open receivers.
OL takes plays off.
Entire team takes halves off.
Stupid mental mistakes destroy drives and gift points.
D is incapable of making easy stops.

Is it on BB? I have no clue, but this team looks about as bad as I could have imagined coming into this season. Almost ZERO improvements on any unit. Thoroughly outplayed across the board, and that's after Miami spotted us a double-digit lead.


Brady's age is starting to show, lots of throws to no body

Maybe this team just wanted to get the annual 'lol we lost to the Phins/Jets' game out of the way early.

WTF Brady? Nice throw bud. :hclap:

Game over. We deserve to go 0-16 if we're just going to suck and look for comebacks again all year.
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