Cam Cameron > Joe Phailbin | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Cam Cameron > Joe Phailbin

Well Dave I'll give you credit for coming back and owning up. I don't like losing and understand disappointment but being outraged over a football game is pretty ridiculous.
lol you made yourself look like an idiot. live with it

Sorry, but just because you don't understand my morbid sense of humor it doesn't mean I'm am idiot. I can see how you'd think I came across as an idiot, though. It was really heartfelt. I thank for your input.
I've had it with this bafoon.

I didn't like him to begin with. I really hated him after the GB game. Now I want him dead.

Get Phailbin off MY TEAM!!!!!


Congratulations! I am nominating you for the most foolish topic title of all time!!!
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