Can They Quiet The Naysayers? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Can They Quiet The Naysayers?

This is all well and good but I hope you realize this doesn't translate to the Dolphins. Our attitudes in no way effect their performance because their actions are completely out of our control. It's a good thought but a bad analogy.

To the contrary, which I've said before, it just gives Ross more leeway to waste more of our football watching lives. Whistling dixie while the team flounders is the opposite of helpful.

An interesting view I hadn't considered. I now need to look for a good article on avoidance issues. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
An interesting view I hadn't considered. I now need to look for a good article on avoidance issues. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Thinking shiny happy thoughts is going to turn this franchise around is avoidance as far as I know.

Maybe some light reading on Stockholm or Battered Woman Syndrome?

Can they quiet the Naysayers?


We have the best Naysayer / Debbie Downer / Doom N Gloomers / in the business. They'll bitch even after a win. We can put up 28 points and they'll whine we didn't put up 30. We can score 30 points and they'll complain our defense didn't couldn't stop a high school team. We can get 4 field goals win the game and the'll want someone's head because we didn't score TD's in the redzone.

I'll put our naysayers against anyones with one hand tied behind their back!

lol... we do have world-class naysayers!

in all fairness, however, these naysayers have been conditioned by even higher (lower) world class failures at GM/HC/All_layers_of_organization_coaching_and_talent_aquisition for years and years and years!

Have pity on the working naysayer! Give excellence a chance in Miami!

Maybe a change gonna come, someday...

I found this gem when looking for the psychiatric aspects of pessimism (the highlighting is mine):

Being an Optimist: 8 Ways to Overcome Pessimism


The opposite of a leader isn’t a follower. The opposite of a leader is a pessimist.
Marcus Buckingham in The One Thing You Need to Know

Pessimism is disastrous.
It ruins hope and possibilities. If someone is pessimistic, he doesn’t hope for a better future neither do something to achieve it. The obstacles along the way seem enormous, and he doubts his ability to overcome them. At the end, he will just stay where he is, without making any progress. People can waste years, even their whole lives, because of pessimism.

Pessimism is something I face every now and then, and I’m sure some of you too. So let’s fight it. Let’s overcome it so that we qualify as leaders in life.

Here are 8 ways to overcome pessimism and be an optimist:

1. Find a cause you believe in
A cause from the depth of your heart has a burning flame that can overcome any pessimism.
A superficial cause won’t last long, but a cause you believe in will give you the strength to overcome any obstacles. So find yours. Find a cause that matters to you, a cause you believe in.

2. Focus on the possibilities, not the impossibilities
People become pessimistic when they focus their mind on the impossibilities. All they see is the enormity of the challenges ahead. That way, their mind is overwhelmed by the difficulties and they can no longer see themselves as the winners. So focus your mind instead on the possibilities. See how you are able to overcome the difficulties. See how you can go through all these and be victorious.

3. Read inspiring stories
To help you focus on the possibilities, you should read inspiring stories of the people who have made it before you. It will inspire you since you know that other people can do it despite the challenges they face. Just like you, they also face enormous difficulties, but they persist and achieve their dream. So you can too. Here are some figures you might want to read about for inspiration: the Wright brothers, Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, and Abraham Lincoln.

4. Be part of a team
It’s difficult to face everything alone. In fact, most people can never make it that way. You always need someone to lift you up when you fall. By having a team, their flame can ignite yours when you need it, and in turn, your flame can ignite theirs when they need it.

5. Connect to your cause
Sometimes we are too busy dealing with difficulties that we no longer remember why we do it in the first place.
So you should have time to connect to your cause. Have some time to think about your cause and why it’s important. Let your cause inspire you and light up your fire once again. Let it reminds you of all the difference you will make if you go through all these.

6. Connect to your spiritual power source
Our strength is limited, so you need other sources of power. While your cause and friends can give you some power, a great source of power is spiritual source. By praying or meditating, you connect to a supernatural force that can give you the strength you need. For many people, this is the strongest power source.

7. Get rid of negative words
Nothing takes your optimism away faster than negative words.
So get rid of them at all costs. Always see the positive side of things, and speak about hope and possibilities. I don’t know about you, but I believe that there is always positive side in everything we face. This doesn’t mean that you are denying the reality; you just look at it from a different angle.

8. Open your mind for unexpected ways
One reason people becomes pessimist is they see all the possible ways in their mind closed. Since they can no longer see any open door, they become pessimistic. But things don’t have to go the way you want it for you to succeed.
The solution can come in unpredicted ways that never occur to you before. So open your mind for such unexpectedness. Let new things happen and solve the problems. If you have this mindset, you will always have a reserve of optimism at hand.

zealot - a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or professional sports ideals.

synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, true believer, activist, militant and denier of Ross ownership dolphin history.

zealot - a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political, or professional sports ideals.

synonyms: fanatic, enthusiast, extremist, radical, true believer, activist, militant and denier of Ross ownership dolphin history.


Fair is fair. My post was better.
Fair is fair. My post was better.

"better" as in bigger???

Point is. Point made.

Definitions can be easily manipulated. Words are imprecise. That's why

they play the game!

I am not a Naysayer. In fact, I am more of an Optimistic Analyzer. If I were to be type-cast, it would be as a Homer.

But … I certainly hope that our performance--good or bad--in this 3rd preseason game would not quiet the Naysayers. Because … the preseason is simply not a true reflection of the regular season. Whatever we see, no matter how fantastic or how terrible, doesn't really correlate to what we can expect for the regular season.

There are certain things we want to take away from those performances, such as QB timing with WR/TE/RB, and can our defense tackle since the CBA essentially eliminated practicing tackling from the preseason and weekly practices. But the most important aspect of these games have nothing to do with our performance … it is can we stay healthy? From that perspective, we're having a great preseason so far (prayers, knock on wood, fingers crossed).

Naysayers are gonna Naysay. Hopefully if/when we start winning consistently they transition to bandwagon fans … because we need all the fans we can get, and we want our success to attract more interest. Converting those Naysayers who care enough to visit despite the lack of success seems like a natural place to start.
How I imagine some of you are going to react if the season turns to feces.

This game means nothing. We'll find out in a couple of weeks when the offense takes the field. Our defensive personnel isn't good enough to carry the team. Gase and Tannehill need to put up 24+ with regularity. Not out of the question, especially with some new weaponry and rules changes that further enable the offense.
How I imagine some of you are going to react if the season turns to feces.

It's a funny comic strip … no doubt. But ignoring what we know is simply not wise.

We know that Tannehill has one of the top 3 QB ratings when his pocket is clean. We know that he has been the most sacked QB in his first 4 years. We know that our OL added top notch LG Josh Sitton. We know that despite all the false-praise Mike Pouncey received, he graded out quite poorly, and his replacement Kilgore--who is himself a journeyman--graded out better than Pouncey. We know that Tunsil had a down year and seems more committed and effective so far. We know Ju'Wuan James is healthier. We know that young Jesse Davis is one year more experienced, and that primary backup Ted Larsen is finally healthy. So, it would be illogical to expect anything but a better OL production this year. And, we know that Tannehill was good when given a clean pocket and time to throw.

As for Landry, we know that he was statistically good … but not statistically great. It is likely that the combo of Amendola and Wilson will likely achieve more yardage and more TD's than Landry did this past year. He was a clutch player, so it remains to be seen whether we can replace that … but going negative isn't really supported statistically. On the other hand, DeVante Parker being injured is most definitely a bad sign.

Our TE position is dramatically improved. With Marquis Gray we have a guy who can double as a fullback. With Mike Gesicki we have a dominant mismatch TE in the passing game with elite TE speed, 6'6 250 pound size, long arms, 41" vertical and the best hands of any TE entering the draft this year. So yeah, we upgraded from Julius Thomas. Durham Smythe looks to be having typical rookie growing pains, but even now looks to be a good blocking TE.

We know once our offense learned Gase's system in 2016, Tannehill was playing at an elite level. From all indications, that is continuing.

We know that for the last 5 games of the season, only 2 RB's outperformed Kenyon Drake. And, we know the run blocking ahead of him improved (Sitton, Smythe, Kilgore, more experience for Davis). So, it would be illogical to assume it would get worse with improved blockers, improved QB, and a better passing game.

The comic is funny, and I get how it relates to people's impressions continuing despite changes to their environment. But I guess what I'm saying is that our environment has improved dramatically from last year.

We moved on from poor players Jay Cutler, Julius Thomas and over-hyped players like Mike Pouncey and Jarvis Landry. The fact is that Tannehill, Gesicki, Sitton, and Amendola/Wilson are simply a superior group of players to last year's. We should recognize that too, otherwise we're already doing what this cartoon describes … just in reverse.
Can they quiet the Naysayers?


We have the best Naysayer / Debbie Downer / Doom N Gloomers / in the business. They'll bitch even after a win. We can put up 28 points and they'll whine we didn't put up 30. We can score 30 points and they'll complain our defense didn't couldn't stop a high school team. We can get 4 field goals win the game and the'll want someone's head because we didn't score TD's in the redzone.

I'll put our naysayers against anyones with one hand tied behind their back!

IMO, there are two groups of "naysayers." There are the trolls and nothing will change that. There are those who have been scarred by the last 10-20 years and are programmed to expect a poor performance. Nothing will change the trolls. Success will change the scarred after a couple of years. I can't fault group 2 very much. The last time Miami had two good years in a row was the late 50's (exaggeration). Some expect 2-5 wins, but won't be convinced change is here until Miami goes 'deep' into the playoffs. No middle ground there. There's no "the last 10 games looked good.' Not one 'blow out' allowed. No loss to an inferior team (as if elite teams don't lose to inferior teams). Anyone expecting anything other than disaster is blind to 'the truth.'
The good news is, those who are pessimistic because that's always been what happened, have my respect. Not unrealistically down on the team. Just waiting for some consistent good news to feel it's safe to hope again. I've said a couple of times I'm expecting 8-8 so there's some optimism compared to 4-12 and some pessimism compared to 10-6. Don't know where I fit in.
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