CB situation | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

CB situation


I am a golden god
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Mcquarters aint coming to Miami, so whats the Corner plan now??

We run 4 deep at corner. Yeah, we lost Surtain but I still like our corners.

You guys are really going to like Travis Daniels.
Either stick with what he have now which might be most likely. Madison, Howard, Edwards, Daniels, and Roundtree. Or... Looks else where. Ty Law isn't really an option because of his asking price so I hate say it, but Bobby Taylor is the only guy left until there's more cuts.
How often do you think Saban will want to run nickel or dime packages. If he will very rarely do it then I think we are in fine shape.
painnotpleasure said:
Either stick with what he have now which might be most likely. Madison, Howard, Edwards, Daniels, and Roundtree. Or... Looks else where. Ty Law isn't really an option because of his asking price so I hate say it, but Bobby Taylor is the only guy left until there's more cuts.
Could Taylor play FS?? I dont think he has the speed for CB anymore.
you could DEFINATLY use an upgrade at FS. but it seems like you will jsut stick with Tillman. (a good backup at best).

your CBs are worse than last seasons. Howard isnt bad though. but im sure the team had planed on him being the 3rd CB, insted of starting.
ch19079 said:
you could DEFINATLY use an upgrade at FS. but it seems like you will jsut stick with Tillman. (a good backup at best).

your CBs are worse than last seasons. Howard isnt bad though. but im sure the team had planed on him being the 3rd CB, insted of starting.

I hope we go after Schulters once he's released.
According to Kirwan (CBS Sportsline) here is what is availble for S and CB in order of ability to help a team.

CB - Ty Law, R.W. McQuarters, Bobby Taylor, Terrell Buckley, Dewayne Washington

S - Brock Marion, Eric Brown, Shawn Wooden, Curtis Fuller
  • Kirwan goes on to state that since most DP sign in July further cuts or restructures will take place.
  • Most players on the list will sign for vet-min as money gets tight coupled with their desire to stay in the league.
  • He mentions NE does a great job fitting older players that can still play in their system while paying the vet-mins.
  • http://www.nfl.com/news/story/8546033
Does anyone else think we should pick up T Buck, I really liked him when he played for us. If you remember it was him a couple of years ago that picked off Manning in the 4th quarter and gave us a chance to win, but Griese was sacked and fumbled. For the money and experience I say sign T BUCK
DolphinDevil28 said:

We run 4 deep at corner. Yeah, we lost Surtain but I still like our corners.

You guys are really going to like Travis Daniels.

T. Daniels in college maybe, but now he's going against the best of the best, week in and weekout, he has some growing to do..and he was Saban's 2nd option off his team..his other corner was his first option.,
We need another veteran CB. The odds are slim that there won't be an injury or two and then depth becomes important.

T-Buck, at vet mimimum, would be an okay option. Or how long does Law wait until lowering his asking price? Ty may have to play for a much lower price this year just to prove he still has it. Unless he gets some team to give him that big fat contract.

There may yet be another CB or two released as teams sign draft picks or give long-term contracts to players, so we can wait through June till getting serious about bringing someone in.
Well if Alphonso Roundtree comes back healthy he might be able to compete for at least the 3rd spot. He was coming on strong last year until he got hurt.
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