CBS 4 Miami Reporting That Denver and Miami are Talking Trade | Page 24 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

CBS 4 Miami Reporting That Denver and Miami are Talking Trade

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Danny1339 said:
Actually its old news that Denver talked about it. It's made up news that Miami talked about it but forget all that.

Look If you want to call me names that ok.

Why don't you tell me why Miami should take E. Simms over say, Taitusi Lutui or MJG if the other targets are gone

Maybe I'm blind but I could have sworn you were the one doing the name calling.

Lord knows CK does not need anyone defending him, but man you need to relax a little so this disscussion can continue. It might be old news to you, but really it's not old at all. It's news, it's Dolphin related, and apparently by the ammount of hits and replies, it is an interesting subject.

Have a nice day.....
greatwade said:
You come across like you are WISHING for it to happen again. Might give you one shred of credibility. Get over it. He was a model team player last year, and lets see what he does in camp and on the field next year. One year at a time.

Every player is one arrest, joint, crazy wife, shredded knee away.

You are clearly biased against the guy. He somehow hurt YOU by leaving the team and the joke of a coach, Wanny, and you are still bitter.

Get over it, and yourself.

IF reorts are correct and Ricky failed a drug test. I'm saving this thread to see everyone back-peddle so fast their feet fall off!
MikeO said:
IF reorts are correct and Ricky failed a drug test. I'm saving this thread to see everyone back-peddle so fast their feet fall off!

What's really wierd is one station is reporting a trade between Miami and Denver for Ricky, and another station from Denver is reporting that Ricky may have failed a drug test....something just seems weird about this coincidence.
Mike, I generally agree with you, your posts are well thought out and I know that you are a football coach. But in this case I've got to say that I feel major hatred for Ricky coming through. Strictly from a football point of view we now have great depth at runningback which as we saw last year is key. Look, when he walked out on the team I was as pissed as anybody but the guy came back, did the right things and helped us win games. That's what it's all about in the end, isn't it? Winning games. Now having said that if dumping Ricky lands us a franchise Quarterback then in that scenario and only in that scenario do I pull the trigger. I know I'm not going to change your opinion I'm just giving mine.
BSQX4 said:
Mike, I generally agree with you, your posts are well thought out and I know that you are a football coach. But in this case I've got to say that I feel major hatred for Ricky coming through. Strictly from a football point of view we now have great depth at runningback which as we saw last year is key. Look, when he walked out on the team I was as pissed as anybody but the guy came back, did the right things and helped us win games. That's what it's all about in the end, isn't it? Winning games. Now having said that if dumping Ricky lands us a franchise Quarterback then in that scenario and only in that scenario do I pull the trigger. I know I'm not going to change your opinion I'm just giving mine.

I respect your opinion. I disagree.

At some point when is enough enough. No, it isn't all about winning games. It isn't about winning at all costs. Sure, everyone wants to win. But at what expense? If Scott Petterson could kick 50 yard field goals consistently, would you be OK if we got him out of jail and signed him to a contract? How about signing OJ Simpson as RB coach? At some point, you just have to say.....enough. We can win without certain people.

I don't hate Ricky. I hate what he has done to this twice! And I hate how he has made this franchise look bad. If a co-worker of yours got arrested for a crime (let's just say, stealing cars and running a prostituion ring) would you go around bragging about where you work??? Probably not, sure YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, but his crime labels your entire company and its employees, and customers bad. That's what Ricky did!
campeonaso said:
this is just rediculous:goof:

This is just ridiculous. :lol:

Hey, wait...I got something that will make you FORGET about Ricky...

All that wasted talent. Its a shame.
He is the posterboy of drugs messing your life up. Just stay off of um.
MikeO, we have wife beaters on this team. SHould be let them go?

Your hatred for Ricky is beyond reasonable and it clouds your judgment. He screwed the team, but more importantly he screwed himself. He deserved a second chance and he screwed up again. This is not a blemish on anyone buy him. Any team would take him back and any workplace would take back an EXTREMELY productive worker who was found guilty of a relatively innocous crime unrelated to the profession (Ricky can run really well on weed if you didn't notice)
2xBlown said:
MikeO, we have wife beaters on this team. SHould be let them go?

Your hatred for Ricky is beyond reasonable and it clouds your judgment. He screwed the team, but more importantly he screwed himself. He deserved a second chance and he screwed up again. This is not a blemish on anyone buy him. Any team would take him back and any workplace would take back an EXTREMELY productive worker who was found guilty of a relatively innocous crime unrelated to the profession (Ricky can run really well on weed if you didn't notice)

YES! I have posted numerous times to get rid of Randy McMichael! In my opinion, everyone is entitled to "one f-up". When you are consistently doing stuff over and over and the same result. Then yes, get rid of them.

This wasn't Ricky's 2nd chance, it was his 4th or 5th chance. Remember, in 2004 he had the NFL ready to cut his suspension in half. He agreed then backed out. He had his people meet with the NFL time and time again, only to back out.

And I dont hate Ricky Williams but Im not going into my opinoin again. Read it in this thread or another thread
If you all are wanting ESPN to report this in order to think it has credibility then wait no longer.

ESPN News now has it listing on their Breakin News, I fig they run something bout it soon. It is on their ticker at the bottom of the screen.

It says under Breaking News, Report : Ricky Williams violates NFL drug policy.

Sad to see, I really felt Saban was gonna trade him this year for some draft picks or maybe another vet to contribute to the team. I don't think this hurts us any for the season. We are definately able to hand this alot better then in 2004.
I know you say you don't hate Ricky, but you cannot seperate the man and his actions. Thats what makes you like or hate someone. You hate his actions, you hate him. It does not work in any other way.

My opinion is that his actions are not detestable (as far as the pot smoking goes) so you use him for what he's worth and have a backup plan in case he ****s up again. He did, we have Ronnie, so we move on. He definitely helped win a few games last season and thats better than losing them.

I understand your stance that some people its better to lose without than win with, but I strongly disagree that Ricky is one of those people.
2xBlown said:
I know you say you don't hate Ricky, but you cannot seperate the man and his actions. Thats what makes you like or hate someone. You hate his actions, you hate him. It does not work in any other way.

My opinion is that his actions are not detestable (as far as the pot smoking goes) so you use him for what he's worth and have a backup plan in case he ****s up again. He did, we have Ronnie, so we move on. He definitely helped win a few games last season and thats better than losing them.

I understand your stance that some people its better to lose without than win with, but I strongly disagree that Ricky is one of those people.

Ricky is one of those people. He wouldn't even pay his child support until he was forced to. His "actions" are detestable on and off the field. He broke the rules. He broke the law! I don't care what Ricky does in life, just don't do it as a member of the Dolphins! Cut his *** tomorrow, then he can go do whatever he wants and I won't talk about him ever again
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