Chambers not agressive enough | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chambers not agressive enough


Practice Squad
Jun 19, 2003
Reaction score
Miami Beach
Both Maddog and Howard David kept stating during the game that Chambers has to be more agressive going up for the ball. He's getting alot of criticism for that and the Big O has fielded a few calls on that subject on the post game and he agrees. Outside of the O-line play this seems the biggest complaint of the night for a lot of people
Originally posted by bdwgroove
Both Maddog and Howard David kept stating during the game that Chambers has to be more agressive going up for the ball. He's getting alot of criticism for that and the Big O has fielded a few calls on that subject on the post game and he agrees. Outside of the O-line play this seems the biggest complaint of the night for a lot of people

I agree, I also note that Jay has to be a little more aggressive too. He did that pumb and throw away, had he gone ahead and trusted the route Mcknight was breaking open spitting the two defenders, but Jay backed off and threw it away.
Chambers will be just fine when hit the season. Especially since he will be in the slot and we have specific plays for him.
Originally posted by bdwgroove
Both Maddog and Howard David kept stating during the game that Chambers has to be more agressive going up for the ball. He's getting alot of criticism for that and the Big O has fielded a few calls on that subject on the post game and he agrees. Outside of the O-line play this seems the biggest complaint of the night for a lot of people

I feel the need to defend Chambers this time. The long pass from Fiedler should of been caught if he had just extended a little more. However, Chambers has nothing to prove, had he been injured during that play for "extending" well, we all know how we would feel....this was just a pre-season game.

He had his guy beat, he shouldn't have had to go up for that one. Bad pass.
Re: Re: Chambers not agressive enough

Originally posted by bigbry

I feel the need to defend Chambers this time. The long pass from Fiedler should of been caught if he had just extended a little more. However, Chambers has nothing to prove, had he been injured during that play for "extending" well, we all know how we would feel....this was just a pre-season game.


It was a poor throw but I have to disagree with you here.
To say Chambers has nothing to prove and it's ok to hold back because he has been hit before.....

Sorry.... not the sign of an all out performer.
Jerry Rice, Marvin Harrison, Terrell Owens, etc. all go up for that ball aggressively pre season or not. That's why they are elite. That is what we expect from Chambers based on his potential. That is what the announcers are pointing out, that he is not taking the steps all the coaches think he should be to get to the next level.
Originally posted by luvmeister
He had his guy beat, he shouldn't have had to go up for that one. Bad pass.

That kind of pass is a part of the game and because he had his man beat, he had the advantage because he could ajust better and go up and catch the ball at a higher point, he let it come down to his shoulder area and that allowed Buccanon to get a hand on it. CC should have come down with that one, make no mistake about it. Remember how DT bailed Griese out by catching the pass way behind him. That's how QB's gain trust in WR's. The Recievers bail them out some times. I think Jay was afraid of over throwing again, so he allowed CC to make a play, which CC should have. The ball was catchable unlike the over throws.
I agree with the general sentiments here. Chambers should have gotten it. He just didn't get those arms up. He's gotten better since his rookie year about using his body and such (where he just didn't do it at all). But he's still got some ways to go.
Originally posted by Muck
But he's still got some ways to go.

He does have a ways to go but he has to back up what he's been promising.. I believe he stated he would get over 1100 receiving yards this year in an article back in April or so.. He does not look like he'll get even close to that with as passive as he is.. I dont think he has heart for the game.. Thats just my opinion but thats what it looks like..
It does look that way. He's not like a Randy McMichael.
I have faith in Chambers will take that next step along side Derrius Thompson.

I think a good nickname for Chambers is Quiet Storm.
I thought Chambers made a nice effort. He leapt at a weird back angle, the pass was off, and Ray Buchanon just made an outstanding play. I credit Buchanon with a terrific play a lot more than I would ever say Chambers should have had it. He could have had it, maybe, but Buchanon just made a hell of a defensive play. Chambers is making leaping great catches daily at camp, and he will this year. Credit Ray with a great play.
It was a 55-yard throw in the air. When you get to that distance, the WR shoulders more responsibility in bringing the ball in. Buchanon did make a very nice play. But Chambers could have made a better play on it as well. From everything I've been hearing on TV/reading, the prevailing thought is that Fiedler put it up for Chambers to jump for.
I can't wait when all the naysayers have to eat crow after Chris has at least 1,000 yds receiving this year.:fire:
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