Chris Benoit and his family found dead. | Page 21 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chris Benoit and his family found dead.

I dont think it'll be bigger than OJ when it's all said and done. I mean we're still talking about OJ on a pretty regular basis 10 years later.

I think he meant "worse" because of the child and third death. This isn't anywhere near as big as OJ. OJ consumed all news outlets for months.
Fair enough, bro

Yeah, If this would have been Hall, Waltman or even the Iron Sheik It wouldn't be so shocking. But Benoit was held in such a high regard, you know.

I don't know why, but your Iron Sheik comment actually made me laugh. That dude is way old and seemd kind of odd to be thrown in there. :lol:
I don't know why, but your Iron Sheik comment actually made me laugh. That dude is way old and seemd kind of odd to be thrown in there. :lol:
Just cuz he seems to be a crazy old man on interviews. He was just on Scot Ferrell calling the Macho Man a jew SOB. reports that D.A. Scott Ballard said Daniel Benoit, Chris and Nancy Benoit's seven year old son, had needle marks on his arm. They believe he had been given growth hormone because one or both of them believed he was undersized. also reports that Ballard said:

-Benoit hanged himself from the pulley of a piece of exercise equipment. Benoit used weights, the pulley, and a cable to choke himself to death.

-The decomposition of the bodies was staggered enough for them to determine the staggered times of death.

-Regarding the text message Benoit sent, he said: "And our assumption is that that was an effort to try to get somebody to come find the bodies after the suicide. That is our assumption."

It looks like Daniel DID have trakc marks on his arms. Very strange since he wasn't even close to a mature age and had plenty of time to get bigger. Perhaps a Dr. perscribed it? Looks like earlier reports on here were accurate.
TV Week reports that Vince McMahon plans to apologize for airing a tribute to Chris Benoit when they knew at the time of the show and even moreso for the West Coast replay and international broadcasts that there was a very good chance, if not strong indications, that Benoit may have murdered his wife and son. There were other possibilities, but Benoit being a murdered was among the most likely possibility that had not in any way been ruled out.

McMahon's statement will come at the start of ECW on Sci Fi tonight, which is live.
TV Week reports that Vince McMahon plans to apologize for airing a tribute to Chris Benoit when they knew at the time of the show and even moreso for the West Coast replay and international broadcasts that there was a very good chance, if not strong indications, that Benoit may have murdered his wife and son. There were other possibilities, but Benoit being a murdered was among the most likely possibility that had not in any way been ruled out.

McMahon's statement will come at the start of ECW on Sci Fi tonight, which is live.
Wow. That's pretty cool of him.
I think WWE should be held accountable to a certain extent. I mean just look at all the wrestler death's that have been atributed to steroid use in the last few years (Rude, Hennig, Hawk, Guerrero). I understand that we're still early on in this and there is much more info we don't quite know but this isn't the first tragedy to hit the WWE and I think they should bne taking more steps than they are in protecting their wrestlers.

I don't know if it's been posted in here or not, but I don't feel like going through 20 pages:

The WWE seems to be trying to get out in front of this already. Whether that's tasteless scandal-mongering by the WWE, an attempt to stop tasteless scandal-mongering by the media, or a transparent attempt to head off liability is up to you, but basically, they're trying to say it wasn't roid rage and that, essentially, Benoit was a stone cold psychopath. FWIW, given the facts we know, I happen to agree with the WWE here.

And yes, the WWE bears responsibility to some extent. Perhaps not specifically in this instance, but in general, pro wrestling has led to premature deaths and ruined lives at a MUCH higher rate than any other sport (admittedly, I'm using the term "sport" loosely). But then, you can point the finger at the fans just as easily. We WANT to see bloated freaks of nature; that's part of what makes pro wrestling exciting.
One of the most disgusting things I've ever read.

I can't even say "R.I.P." to this dude after killing his wife and child?

Absolutely disgusting, and there's no way of justification.
I don't know if it's been posted in here or not, but I don't feel like going through 20 pages:

The WWE seems to be trying to get out in front of this already. Whether that's tasteless scandal-mongering by the WWE, an attempt to stop tasteless scandal-mongering by the media, or a transparent attempt to head off liability is up to you, but basically, they're trying to say it wasn't roid rage and that, essentially, Benoit was a stone cold psychopath. FWIW, given the facts we know, I happen to agree with the WWE here.

And yes, the WWE bears responsibility to some extent. Perhaps not specifically in this instance, but in general, pro wrestling has led to premature deaths and ruined lives at a MUCH higher rate than any other sport (admittedly, I'm using the term "sport" loosely). But then, you can point the finger at the fans just as easily. We WANT to see bloated freaks of nature; that's part of what makes pro wrestling exciting.

Agreed up until the last part. I, like a ton of fans, do not care about the physical appearance of wrestlers so much. In fac,t it can be argued that the more entertaining wrestling is put on by the smaller workers who are able to move quicker and are more agile. The bigger guys often just kick and stomp and have no real talent outside of being big.

I think the blame lays squarely on Benoit. WWE shouldn't take any blame for this.

I also think it is silly of McMahon to apologize for anything tonight. When Raw went on the air last night, the news had not broken about the Double Homicide/suicide yet. All anyone really seemed to know was that they were dead. Granted, they may have known a little more or they may have thought right, but they didn't know for sure.

I simply see no reason for the WWE to shoulder any blame for what they aired last night. Personally, I think they are handling everything about as well as possible givne the circumstances.
Agreed up until the last part. I, like a ton of fans, do not care about the physical appearance of wrestlers so much. In fac,t it can be argued that the more entertaining wrestling is put on by the smaller workers who are able to move quicker and are more agile. The bigger guys often just kick and stomp and have no real talent outside of being big.

I think the blame lays squarely on Benoit. WWE shouldn't take any blame for this.

I also think it is silly of McMahon to apologize for anything tonight. When Raw went on the air last night, the news had not broken about the Double Homicide/suicide yet. All anyone really seemed to know was that they were dead. Granted, they may have known a little more or they may have thought right, but they didn't know for sure.

I simply see no reason for the WWE to shoulder any blame for what they aired last night. Personally, I think they are handling everything about as well as possible givne the circumstances.
100% agree with the whole post.

I think its pretty easy to predict you will soon be a Phoenix Suns fan, so you will be completely perfect, instead of almost perfect...
100% agree with the whole post.

I think its pretty easy to predict you will soon be a Phoenix Suns fan, so you will be completely perfect, instead of almost perfect...

Well, I can say with GREAT conviction that me being a Suns fan will never happen. I am a Lakers fan through and through regardless of how well or how poor they are doing. Besides...I can't support any team that employs Raja Bell. :goof:

I have ECW on Tivo tonight. I wonder if anyone comes out wearing an armband or how visibly shaken people will be.
Agreed up until the last part. I, like a ton of fans, do not care about the physical appearance of wrestlers so much. In fac,t it can be argued that the more entertaining wrestling is put on by the smaller workers who are able to move quicker and are more agile. The bigger guys often just kick and stomp and have no real talent outside of being big.

I think the blame lays squarely on Benoit. WWE shouldn't take any blame for this.

I also think it is silly of McMahon to apologize for anything tonight. When Raw went on the air last night, the news had not broken about the Double Homicide/suicide yet. All anyone really seemed to know was that they were dead. Granted, they may have known a little more or they may have thought right, but they didn't know for sure.

I simply see no reason for the WWE to shoulder any blame for what they aired last night. Personally, I think they are handling everything about as well as possible givne the circumstances.

Well from some of the reports I've read online it looks like they knew before the original airing on the east coast that this was murder suicide but went on with the tribute show anyway and they're getting alot of flack for re-airng for the west coast.

But apparantly McMahon is going to issue some of apology for that. But I gotta disagree with you again about them not getting some blame for this. From what I read the "Wellness Policy" was a joke.
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