Chris Grier Early Favorite for Executive of the Year 2021 | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Chris Grier Early Favorite for Executive of the Year 2021

Grier and FloCo are so dialed in its scary. I've never been as excited to be a fan of this organization.
who you talkin' rookie?

'cause if its me you obviously don't know ****.

So what's the INTENT of your post???

To crap on the org?

To prove your stupidity?
First, I'll respond to the portions of this post that are clearly ad hominem attacks:

1. Stupidity? Show me your Ph.D. in a hard science and we'll talk about stupidity. I have one, btw, in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning. In addition, I was involved in writing the computerized scouting system for two Division One major college football programs. I am part of an extended family which includes several high school head coaches. My wife's uncle was a head coach who won a JUCO national championship. My father in law was named Florida Class 6A high school coach of the year. I have spent more hours breaking down game tape that I care to remember. We eat, drink and breathe football in my household. What are your credentials?

2. Rookie? I have been following this team through thick and thin since 1970. How many other members of this board can make that same claim?

Now to respond to the parts of the post that are not ad hominem attacks:

4. Who you talking rookie? I don't remember targeting my post to any member of the board. The text of the post certainly doesn't mention any member of the board by their handle or name.

5. The intent of my post was obviously sarcasm. For those of you in the drive-by media who can't handle big words here's the definition from SARCASM - harsh or bitter derision or irony. The whole point of my post was to remind people of the things that matter: playoff victories and the Super Bowl. It has been so long since this team has exhibited the excellence for which it was known early in its existence that its fans jump upon any piece of MEANINGLESS news as validation that their love of the team is justified. In this case we're not even talking real news. We're talking someone making a projection that someone might win an award.

6. To crap on the org? I don't need to do that. They've been doing that to themselves quite successfully and often over the last 30 years.

Wake up people! When the only thing you have to celebrate about your franchise are Super Bowl histories from 50 years ago and a QB who hasn't played for 25 years your franchise is clearly dysfunctional. Demand excellence from this franchise. It's the only way you will get it.
First, I'll respond to the portions of this post that are clearly ad hominem attacks:

1. Stupidity? Show me your Ph.D. in a hard science and we'll talk about stupidity. I have one, btw, in Computer Science with a specialization in Machine Learning. In addition, I was involved in writing the computerized scouting system for two Division One major college football programs. I am part of an extended family which includes several high school head coaches. My wife's uncle was a head coach who won a JUCO national championship. My father in law was named Florida Class 6A high school coach of the year. I have spent more hours breaking down game tape that I care to remember. We eat, drink and breathe football in my household. What are your credentials?

2. Rookie? I have been following this team through thick and thin since 1970. How many other members of this board can make that same claim?

Now to respond to the parts of the post that are not ad hominem attacks:

4. Who you talking rookie? I don't remember targeting my post to any member of the board. The text of the post certainly doesn't mention any member of the board by their handle or name.

5. The intent of my post was obviously sarcasm. For those of you in the drive-by media who can't handle big words here's the definition from SARCASM - harsh or bitter derision or irony. The whole point of my post was to remind people of the things that matter: playoff victories and the Super Bowl. It has been so long since this team has exhibited the excellence for which it was known early in its existence that its fans jump upon any piece of MEANINGLESS news as validation that their love of the team is justified. In this case we're not even talking real news. We're talking someone making a projection that someone might win an award.

6. To crap on the org? I don't need to do that. They've been doing that to themselves quite successfully and often over the last 30 years.

Wake up people! When the only thing you have to celebrate about your franchise are Super Bowl histories from 50 years ago and a QB who hasn't played for 25 years your franchise is clearly dysfunctional. Demand excellence from this franchise. It's the only way you will get it.
A-mother ****ing-men sir
Anyone who believes that Grier isn’t killing it right now is not a MD fan. What he pulled out from the Tulsil trade was possibly the biggest haul since the Ricky deal. 100% troll.
Absolutely not a troll -- I've followed this team since 1970. Just a fan who is sick and tired of never making or winning in the playoffs. It's been 30 years since the Dolphins have been relevant. Talk to me about what Grier has done after the Dolphins have won a couple of playoff games. Until then none of the merry-go-round of incompetent general managers who have been here since Jimmy Johnson left will get one ounce of slack from me.
Absolutely not a troll -- I've followed this team since 1970. Just a fan who is sick and tired of never making or winning in the playoffs. It's been 30 years since the Dolphins have been relevant. Talk to me about what Grier has done after the Dolphins have won a couple of playoff games. Until then none of the merry-go-round of incompetent general managers who have been here since Jimmy Johnson left will get one ounce of slack from me.

We were relevant last year and people noticed. Building the team the right way for a change.

We were relevant last year and people noticed. Building the team the right way for a change.
We were relevant last year??? Please remind me who we beat in the playoffs... Oh, we didn't win in the playoffs. Ok, who did we play in the playoffs??? [Crickets] Yeah, right. We were relevant...
We were relevant last year??? Please remind me who we beat in the playoffs... Oh, we didn't win in the playoffs. Ok, who did we play in the playoffs??? [Crickets] Yeah, right. We were relevant...
Pout in your 30 year misery. Others move on and look forward to a new year.

We were relevant last year and people noticed. Building the team the right way for a change.
I’ve been around since 1966 and no one is buying this take. Sell your negativity somewhere else. What Grier did with the Tunsil trade is perhaps the greatest trade in NFL history. Flo got this team to 10 wins with a rookie QB, 3 rookies on the oline and no offensive weapons. If you can’t see it I can’t help.
I’ve been around since 1966 and no one is buying this take. Sell your negativity somewhere else. What Grier did with the Tunsil trade is perhaps the greatest trade in NFL history. Flo got this team to 10 wins with a rookie QB, 3 rookies on the oline and no offensive weapons. If you can’t see it I can’t help.
Not being negative at all. I love what the team is doing.

I've been a fan since the day Shula was hired and seen the highs and lows but not going to pout over the last 40 years.
Not being negative at all. I love what the team is doing.

I've been a fan since the day Shula was hired and seen the highs and lows but not going to pout over the last 40 years.
Grier has absolutely killed it and anyone who thinks otherwise isn’t paying attention. No one is perfect but his draft and FA last year was very good and this Tunsil thing is historic.

Grier and Flo are passionately kissing each other in my mind...


I just don't know what to think about that...
After posting a 2nd place finish in the 2020 Exec of the Year race

Mister Grier clearly leads the pack going into the ’21 campaign!
You started a thread with' We lost value with todays trade'.

Like, head i win, tail you loss.
Wake up people! When the only thing you have to celebrate about your franchise are Super Bowl histories from 50 years ago and a QB who hasn't played for 25 years your franchise is clearly dysfunctional. Demand excellence from this franchise. It's the only way you will get it.
I do feel recently the team is moving in the right direction and hope this leads to the Superbowl. I certainly agree with the statement you put here where the fanbase are either people who hold on to the glory days of the perfect season or idol worship Marino. We need to move on from this and look towards the org proving themselves once again.
You started a thread with' We lost value with todays trade'.

Like, head i win, tail you loss.
Last I checked things can change from one day to another.

Or one trade to another.

Or one draft pick to another.

It's one-day-at-a-time dude.

That's all.
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