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Chris Grier meets with the media

It bothers me because we just gave up the #11 pick from a year ago - a player that this SAME GM drafted - for a lottery ticket that may or may not turn into anything of the same quality as the player we just sent away. This is not the right way to build a successful team with a winning culture.

Either you have to admit that Grier whiffed on the pick, or that something about this team caused a talented player to force his way out. There really is no other way to look at it.

However, I do commend Grier for getting back a pick comparable to the one he used to select Minkah. Had it been Tannenbaum, he probably would have shipped Minkah off for a 3rd rounder.

I understand what you're saying, and I'm really not trying to pick a fight here. But some of this falls on Minkah. Like I said in another post, this didn't even need to get acrimonious...and it didn't seem to. If a player doesn't want to play somewhere despite a concerted effort to keep him there short of actually changing the entire team's plan to suit that specific player...then move on from the player.
Minkah had a serious problem with another player...probably over some chick....not a talent or fit issue...He just wanted out of Miami..
We got serious value out of a bad situation....
Completely different philosophy in the locker room under Gase. He tolerated the antics and Flores won't.

I don't think anyone saw this coming from Minkah. He was always a good team mate but he played for the most successful college program so never faced adversity. Now that he is playing for the worst team he can't handle it and wanted out. The evaluation on him fit Gase but not Flores. It happens when changing regimes.
I wonder what Minkah does if Pittsburgh doesn't turn it around. Because it looks like they may be ready to fire everybody.
Minkah had a serious problem with another player...probably over some chick....not a talent or fit issue...He just wanted out of Miami..
We got serious value out of a bad situation....
I will say this, living along the Jersey Shore and having a family member in Sports Journalism, lots of talk happens in these small towns. There are things being said. There's more to this then we fans know.
I just don't understand the Rosen deal then...Why grab Rosen if you are dead set on picking up a new QB? Perhaps acquiring too many QBs is better than holding none!

I don’t think they have given up on him. I think they want to give him a fair shot and if the offensive line hasn’t gelled and nobody knows what they are doing then he is only going to get killed. I expect him after the bye to start for the rest of the season. Personally I hope he works out, trade out of the #1 pick get a King’s ransom and if Rosen is the one we can compete as early as next year with all our money and draft picks.
I will say this, living along the Jersey Shore and having a family member in Sports Journalism, lots of talk happens in these small towns. There are things being said. There's more to this then we fans know.
Can you share?
He and X had it out at the Tampa scrimmage.
i think it's been reported that it was for a playing issue
Agreed but his "I wouldn't disrespect the game by tanking" statement then is proof positive he's disingenuous at best and a liar at worst. So, why believe or trust anything else he says from here on? I'd rather he'd had say "we have a plan" or "we will do the best we can with the team we have" vs. out and out lying:

"I wouldn't disrespect the game with that. Again, no, we're not (tanking). We're going to try to win every game. I think that's disrespectful to even to say that. ... It's disheartening to hear people talk about it, to even say that. For a guy who respects the game as much as the game has done for me, when people say that, it's extremely sad."
The thing is...the coaching staff doing everything possible to try to win games with the talent that they have and the FO making choices that limit that talent to a large degree in hopes of long term returns are not mutually exclusive. I fully believe that Flores wants to win every game. It remains to be seen if he can coach, regardless of his intent.
The very act of trading the #11 pick from a year ago is an admission of a mistake.

Ah. Now I see what’s bothering you about all of this.

This is a Grier sucks post.

1. Usually, you would be right. Walking away from what is in theory a blue chip talent IS a sign of mistakes.

2. But, in this case, we’re getting 100% of our investment back. That makes a huge difference compared to just letting go or getting a significantly lesser comp

3. Minkah himself said he wanted the role we were playing him in right up until he discovered instead of being an nfl talent on a college team, he was playing against nfl talents and all of a sudden, he wanted to tell the coaches how he should be used.

4. He was rumored to be a locker room issue last year over the same issues. Not a team captain this year seems to suggest that our “star leader” hasn’t been leading

Sometimes, some of these grown boys still need a little time to cook to become the leader of men they like to think they are. Especially when they were the bright light on the bright light team and the get a taste of adversity for first time.
Minkah had a serious problem with another player...probably over some chick....not a talent or fit issue...He just wanted out of Miami..
We got serious value out of a bad situation....

It had to be X, right? There's no way the team's siding with anyone else over him unless it's the one guy you have locked up on a big money contract.
I think it was X also...but time will tell...
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