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clemens a yankee...

Had the Royals offered that much money to Roger, he would be in Kansas City right now. This definitely isn't about a championship or where he thought had the best chance to win; it's about who paid more, and the Yankees paid a ridiculous amount of cash to a guy who can break down any time now at 46.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures. From Mike and Mike radio, they are talking about him being part time player again? For 28 million dollars? Jesus freaking christ.
Had the Royals offered that much money to Roger, he would be in Kansas City right now. This definitely isn't about a championship or where he thought had the best chance to win; it's about who paid more, and the Yankees paid a ridiculous amount of cash to a guy who can break down any time now at 46.

Desperate times calls for desperate measures. From Mike and Mike radio, they are talking about him being part time player again? For 28 million dollars? Jesus freaking christ.

Mike and Mike should maybe brush up on some things. He isn't a part time player like in Houston. Granted he won't start till June, but unlike in Houston he will be making road trips. He won't be flying home inbetween starts. He will be with the team full time!

And of course its desperate times and desperate measures. The Yanks have no healthy pitchers. Everyone is either out, injured, or like Igawa a bust. So what, your supposed to give up on the season the first week in May?????? No, you go out and try to improve!
Mike and Mike should maybe brush up on some things. He isn't a part time player like in Houston. Granted he won't start till June, but unlike in Houston he will be making road trips. He won't be flying home inbetween starts. He will be with the team full time!

And of course its desperate times and desperate measures. The Yanks have no healthy pitchers. Everyone is either out, injured, or like Igawa a bust. So what, your supposed to give up on the season the first week in May?????? No, you go out and try to improve!

It won't be enough. Yankees will miss the postseason, you heard it here first. I don't blame them for trying though. There's no better option out there then going after Clemens right now. They lead the majors in runs scored yet are they even back over .500 yet? That is horrible pitching.
I believe the Nationals entire payroll is less then 28 million. Could be wrong but if I'm not, that's why they suck.

Even then though to have 1 guy make more then an entire team. C'mon now.

Baseball will never be my favorite sport b/c of this (not the Clemens thing just the lack of money some teams have opposed to others)
It won't be enough. Yankees will miss the postseason, you heard it here first. I don't blame them for trying though. There's no better option out there then going after Clemens right now. They lead the majors in runs scored yet are they even back over .500 yet? That is horrible pitching.

Not so much horrible as injured.

Wang out for a month +
Mussiana out for 2 weeks
Pavano out for a month + and maybe the entire season
Hughes now out for 6 weeks

Tough to win when starting pitchers drop like fly's.

Bottom line is they took Boston's best shot and are only 5 games back in early May. That isn't a terrible spot to be in considering! Maybe they still miss the playoffs this year, but its only May 7th and this move had to be made!
I believe the Nationals entire payroll is less then 28 million. Could be wrong but if I'm not, that's why they suck.

Even then though to have 1 guy make more then an entire team. C'mon now.

Baseball will never be my favorite sport b/c of this (not the Clemens thing just the lack of money some teams have opposed to others)

1) No sympathy for the Nationals. They had Alphonso Soriano and could have traded him and got something in return of value. They knew they couldn't afford to keep him. They knew he was leaving. But they, A LAST PLACE TEAM, didn't trade him and got nothing in return. That isn't about money, that's about being STUPID, DUMB, and BAD BUSINESS!!!!!

2) The difference in money between teams........hey that's life. If an owner can't afford to compete, then sell the team!!!!!!!!! Nobody is born with the right to own a baseball team then get CORPORATE WELFARE to run it!!!!!! I'm sorry.

Salary Caps are un-American on every level and while I have no problem with other leagues having them (since it has been agreeded upon by both sides and has union involvement). I applaud baseball for not having one. 162 games. A 9 month active sport for the most part. These guys SHOULD get as much $$$ as they can and not have a salary cap placed on them.
I believe the Nationals entire payroll is less then 28 million. Could be wrong but if I'm not, that's why they suck.

Even then though to have 1 guy make more then an entire team. C'mon now.

Baseball will never be my favorite sport b/c of this (not the Clemens thing just the lack of money some teams have opposed to others)
You could have a roster of 28 million and still be competitive. See: Florida Marlins, last year their entire roster was 15 million and just missed the playoffs in the final week.
Not so much horrible as injured.

Wang out for a month +
Mussiana out for 2 weeks
Pavano out for a month + and maybe the entire season
Hughes now out for 6 weeks

Tough to win when starting pitchers drop like fly's.

Bottom line is they took Boston's best shot and are only 5 games back in early May. That isn't a terrible spot to be in considering! Maybe they still miss the playoffs this year, but its only May 7th and this move had to be made!

Still alot of baseball to be played for playoff predictions to be made.
1) No sympathy for the Nationals. They had Alphonso Soriano and could have traded him and got something in return of value. They knew they couldn't afford to keep him. They knew he was leaving. But they, A LAST PLACE TEAM, didn't trade him and got nothing in return. That isn't about money, that's about being STUPID, DUMB, and BAD BUSINESS!!!!!

2) The difference in money between teams........hey that's life. If an owner can't afford to compete, then sell the team!!!!!!!!! Nobody is born with the right to own a baseball team then get CORPORATE WELFARE to run it!!!!!! I'm sorry.

Salary Caps are un-American on every level and while I have no problem with other leagues having them (since it has been agreeded upon by both sides and has union involvement). I applaud baseball for not having one. 162 games. A 9 month active sport for the most part. These guys SHOULD get as much $$$ as they can and not have a salary cap placed on them.

I agree with you to an extent but no team is going to be able to compete financially with the Yankees. The amount they spend is obscene. Being in the largest city in the country shouldn't entitle a team to being the favorite to win every season. The farm system is a big part of baseball, well teams that aren't the NY yankees at least. That's the way it should be. There's nothing wrong with a few high priced free agency moves but when your whole team is built on that... Give me a break.

All that being said I am not for a salary cap in baseball, but don't expect people to not hate the Yankees when they can easily outbid every other team in baseball for the top talent. It does give them an unfair advantage.
I agree with you to an extent but no team is going to be able to compete financially with the Yankees. The amount they spend is obscene. Being in the largest city in the country shouldn't entitle a team to being the favorite to win every season. The farm system is a big part of baseball, well teams that aren't the NY yankees at least. That's the way it should be. There's nothing wrong with a few high priced free agency moves but when your whole team is built on that... Give me a break.

All that being said I am not for a salary cap in baseball, but don't expect people to not hate the Yankees when they can easily outbid every other team in baseball for the top talent. It does give them an unfair advantage.

On the other hand they haven't won a WS in a while and are struggling badly this season. So the lack of a salary cap doesn't bother me, nor does NY outbidding everyone.
Trust me, I'm the first to smile when I see the Yankees lose in the 1st round or miss the World Series. If you're to be spending over 200 million a year, you better be winning championships every season. You know what's 200 million a year? You can build a roster filled with All Stars with that kind of money, AND have solid backups that could be starters in other teams. :shakeno:

That's just pathetic. In just Andy and Roger, that's 44 million dollars. You can build a team with that type of cash. But that's what the Yankees do, they like to build a roster, not a team.
Man, listening to the Yankee fans on the radio you would think he is the second coming of Jesus!

One guy says he helps the whole staff and will help rest our great bullpen???

A. The bullpen is one of the worst in the league
B. Clemens and Mussina are still 5 or 6 inning pitchers, so you still over use the bullpen.
On the other hand they haven't won a WS in a while and are struggling badly this season. So the lack of a salary cap doesn't bother me, nor does NY outbidding everyone.

1) We don't outbid everyone. We were 3rd in the Dice-K bidding!!

2) It's been 6 years without a WS. Some teams go decades without even playing in one, let alone winning one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So this "they haven't won a world series in a while" is really a lame attack at the Yanks. Seriously, 6 or 7 years without winning one. Please!
Man, listening to the Yankee fans on the radio you would think he is the second coming of Jesus!

One guy says he helps the whole staff and will help rest our great bullpen???

A. The bullpen is one of the worst in the league
B. Clemens and Mussina are still 5 or 6 inning pitchers, so you still over use the bullpen.

Are you kidding me?

1. The Yankees bullpen is the worst in the league because it is way over-worked. Look at how many appearences guys have made, it's ridiculous. If the Yankees bullpen was on regular rest like most other teams in baseball, they would be considered a good bullpen. With guys as over-worked as they have been, it's unfair to say their the worst bullpen when a guys pitching a long inning after pitching 3 out of the last 4 days!

2. All the Yankees need out of their starters is 6 innings. They don't need a complete game shutout, they need someone who can hold a lead when they score 11 runs, which Clemens and Moose can do. You know how many times the Yankees starters have blown them out of a game early this season and they still came back to make things interesting? A lot more then you know. Look at how many runs Igawa has blown for the Yankees. Look at Friday and the game he pitched against Tampa Bay 2 weeks ago. You think Roger and Moose are blowing 5 run leads? Not a chance in the world. Look at how well the Yankees have played this week with their top 3 healthy and their bullpen getting rest. I hate to break the news to you bro, but the Yankees were going to be in the hunt without Roger and now with him, their one of the better rotations in baseball 1 thru 4. That allows the Yankees to set their bullpen the way they want and won't force them to put in guys like Bean who make things worse and give the bats no chances to get back in the game!
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